Baby Movements During Pregnancy

Feeling your baby twist, kick, hiccup, punch, and wriggle is definitely one of pregnancy's biggest thrills. Baby movements can even make you forget about all the discomforts like puffy feet, heartburn, and an aching back. Feeling your baby move also confirms you have a brand-new life developing within your body. However, it is also common for pregnant women to feel concerned when their baby starts moving. They want to know how often their baby should kick – or what to do if they do not feel any movement for some time and how to handle when your baby starts kicking too much. Let's find out more about baby movements during pregnancy.

When Will You Feel Your Baby's Movements?

In most cases, you are going to feel your baby movements between 18 and 20 weeks of your pregnancy. The movements may be more subtle in the beginning and may not be that noticeable, especially if this is your first pregnancy. Being able to identify those tiny sensations in your tummy is nothing less than a landmark for most pregnant women. It becomes easier though if you have had a pregnancy before. Be sure to see your doctor in case you do not feel any baby movements by 24 weeks.

When You Are Most Likely to Feel Movement

You are less likely to feel the movements during the day because the motion of your body often makes it easier for your baby to sleep. You may also have so many other things to take care of during the day, so it is rather difficult to feel those tiny movements. Baby movements during pregnancy are somewhat more noticeable when you prepare for bedtime. You need to be relaxed and attuned to your body to be able to catch those tiny movements.

Some women say they feel baby movements soon after they have a snack. This happens because your baby can have a rush of energy due to a spike in your blood sugar level after a snack. Moreover, it is possible to feel your baby move when you are a bit nervous. This is mainly because of the adrenaline effect that makes your baby feel energetic.

What Do Baby Movements Feel Like?

While baby movements are not that noticeable early in your pregnancy, you can definitely pick them up by the start of your second trimester. Here is more about what baby movements during pregnancy may feel like.

  • Month 4 of Pregnancy: You may feel your baby move if you are very thin and this is your second pregnancy. Do not expect too much if this is your first pregnancy because it is quite difficult for the first-timers to differentiate between baby movements and the flits and twitches in the body.
  • Month 5 of Pregnancy: Most women feel baby movements by this time. Once you begin noticing your baby movements, you will also notice them change quickly. Your baby is going to become more acrobatic with each passing day, and that is mainly because your baby's muscles become strong over time and your baby develops fledgling motor skills.
  • Month 6 of Pregnancy: Expect your baby to pick up the pace by this time with leg movements becoming more choreographed. You may also notice a clear pattern in the movement of those little feet.
  • Month 7 of Pregnancy: Your baby becomes quite strong by the start of 7th month of pregnancy, and as there is still enough room for your baby to move, expect him/her to be a bit more active. You may also get some punches by then that can be downright jolting. This is also the time when you will experience much more than kicks and punches – you may even be able to feel the hiccups at this time.
  • Month 8 of Pregnancy: Your baby gains weight by 8th month of pregnancy, which means he/she will have less space to show their acrobatic moves. You will continue to feel turning and wriggling along with occasional jabs of elbows and knees. At this time, you can actually interact with your baby by giving him/her a gentle press every time he/she kicks or punches. Your baby may respond to your move.
  • Month 9 of Pregnancy: Your baby is almost at full length and weight in month 9 of pregnancy. Do not expect those quick-firing kicks, but be ready to deal with bigger boots and larger lurches. It is also possible to notice your baby's food lodging into your ribs at this stage in your pregnancy. That can certain hurt but changing your position may make things better.

When to Worry

Baby movements during pregnancy also tell you about certain issues your baby may be facing. There are certain situations when you need to see your doctor. For instance:

You do Not Feel Your Baby Kick

You should not panic because sometimes you miss those tiny movements and think your baby has not moved for quite some time. To be able to count your baby's movements, get on your bed and lie on your left side. Get a pillow to support your bump. Spend a couple of hours in this position and keep counting your baby's movements. Expect at least 10 separate movements.

You can also make your baby move by taking some steps. For starters, have a snack and put your feet up and this will make your baby move. Similarly, having a cold drink may change the temperature of your body quickly, which is likely to make your baby move. Making some noise is another way to get some response from your baby. If you still have any concerns, talk to your healthcare provider.

When to Seek Medical Help

You should contact your healthcare provider without delay if you do not feel at least 10 separate movements in a couple of hours. It is also a cause of concern if your baby does not show any response to noise. You should talk to your doctor immediately if you notice a sudden decrease in your baby's movements. Your baby may not be that active because there isn't enough oxygen in your blood stream or your baby is not getting enough nutrients. This can cause serious complications, so you should see your doctor for further assistance.

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