Does Fruit Make You Fat?

If you’re trying to lose weight by doing exercise daily, you’re probably feeling good about it right now but has it been weeks and you have barely lost any weight? Odds are that your food portions may have been increased without you knowing it. Some argue that eating fruits will undermine your dieting plane. Is it true or just a myth? Let’s discuss and find out now!

Does Fruit Make You Fat?

First, let's get the straight answer. If you consume too much fruit, it may make you fat. Weight gain follows a very simple equation. If you are consuming more calories than you burn in a day, you will gain weight. That is to say, the more calories you take, the heavier you will be regardless of the source of calories. Let's focus on fruits to find out why they give you extra pounds.

As you enter a diet plan, you are eager to include only healthy foods and fruits look like a good option here. But what you need to know is that fruits are rich in a form of sugar known as fructose. This sugar normally breaks down in liver to provide energy to the body. However if the liver already has enough stored glycogen to provide energy, it resists breaking down the fructose and instead convert it to fat which goes straight to your waist.

Moreover, ingesting too much fructose also signals the body to release insulin. The resulting high blood insulin levels in turn slow down the process of fat breakdown- no wonder that extra
mile you have been running lately seems to do no good.

So, next time you wonder "Does fruit make you fat?" please remember that fruits contain fructose (a sugar) and a high amount of carbohydrates which make them far from the free foods you think they are. If your goal is to lose weight, do mind the amount of fruit you eat.

How Much Fruit Should You Eat?

The good thing about fruits is that they contain a lot of water (zero calorie drink) and calories that are easier to burn. For example you have to work harder in order to burn the 300 calories you took as a buttery muffin than the same 300 calories you consumed from a large platter of fruits.

Still considering their sugar and carb content, it is advised to take not more than two helpings of fruits when you are trying to lose weight. By helpings we mean a medium sized piece of fruit such as an apple or banana, or two pieces of small fruit like apricots or a small handful of berries.

Dried fruit contains denser calories than fresh fruit, due to the elimination of the water content, and no doubt it is easier to step over the portion size while eating it. For these reasons it is suitable to keep dried fruits at bay for a while if you are watching your weight.

Know Which Fruits to Eat and Their Calorie Contents

Does fruit make you fat? It depends on which fruit you eat and how much you eat. Here are some tips for you:

  1. Banana: If taken in balance, bananas are good for you because they contain potassium, vital vitamins and dietary fiber. Bear in mind that one medium-sized banana contains 105 calories and 27 grams of carbohydrates.
  2. Avocado: The health benefits of avocados are abundant, but these fruits are high in monounsaturated fats. Although these are "good fats" that help lessen cholesterol, they are fats nonetheless. A medium-sized avocado contains 27.6 grams of fat and 276 calories.
  3. Dates: Dates are high in dietary fiber and iron, but eating a lot of them will lead to weight gain. There are 66 calories in a single date.
  4. Mango: Mangoes are rich in nutrients like vitamin C, fiber and vital minerals, but they also contain sugars and carbohydrates. There are about 135 calories, 31 grams of sugar and 35 grams of carbohydrates in one mango.
  5. Other Fruits

You get a positive answer to "Does fruit make you fat?" There are more tips on high and low sugar fruits for you to help you enjoy your fruits and lose weight.

  • High-sugar fruits like watermelon, pineapples, grapes, nectarines and papaya have ample wonderful qualities, but they are also very high in fructose. Just mind the amount you eat to keep you on the safe side.
  • Fruits that are certainly lower in sugar and less sweet include grapefruit, pears, apples, strawberries, lemons, cherries, raspberries, limes, blueberries, etc. Always keep these low-sugar fruits a "side dish" to your mealtimes, not the main focus. Use them as sugary treats after meals to pinch your sweet tooth in the bud, or make them the focus of cyclical fat loss-friendly desserts.
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