How to Heal Blisters Fast

Blisters begin as fluid-filled sacs resembling fleshy bubbles on the skin, and quickly develop into painful blisters that can appear on any part of the body, but particularly on the hands, feet, and occasionally even on the face. The boil like feature contains a fluid-like substance that is often mistaken as water, and is caused by a variety of reasons, including physical activity, stress, sweating, and breaking in a new pair of shoes.

How to Heal Blisters Fast

With proper and careful treatment, most blisters can be healed successfully. However, if the blister is large or painful you may need to drain it before treatment. In order to heal a blister you’ll want to protect the blistered area from any more damage and consider trying some natural remedies to speed up the healing process.

1. Leave It Alone

Most blisters do not need to be drained, and will naturally heal on their own. If the skin covering the blister is leftunbroken, it will form a natural shield preventing infection.Within days,the body reabsorbs the fluid inside the blister (known as serum), and the blister will heal on its own. This would be the best outcome if the blister is small and not causing a great deal of pain.

2. Let Your Blister Breathe

If you want to know how to heal blisters fast, especially the smaller ones, you have to let them breathe. The exposure to the air speeds up the healing process. More importantly, you’ll need to take care that the blister does not get dirty, so uncovering them at night before bedtime would be a good routine if the blister is located on your foot. This allows the blister to air out overnight while you are sleeping without undue risk of possible infection.

3. Soak the Affected Area in Warm Water

A simple method for treating a blister is to soak the affected area in warm water. Fill a clean basin or bowl with enough warm water to accommodate the blistered area like your hand or foot and let it soak for fifteen minutes.The warm water acts as a skin softeneratop the blister and fosters the draining process on its own.

4. Cushion the Affected Area with Moleskin

Another simple solution for  blisters that are in high pressure areas, such as the bottom or heel of your foot, can be accommodated with moleskin. This soft cotton fabric is designed with an adhesive backing that allows you to use it like a band-aid. To relieve the pressure on the blister, simply cut out a donut hole larger than the blister and wear it like a band-aid. This will relieve some of the discomfort, while protecting the blister from further damage.

5. Use OTC Medications

For blisters that you’ve drained or have burst on their own, an antibiotic ointment will be needed to reduce the risk of infection. Before applying the ointment, make sure the blister has finished draining for the maximum protection possible. Other blisters, such as fever-blisters that occur on your lips or near your mouth, will need a specially formulated antibiotic cream to help with the healing process. Alternatives include mixing a little salt, toothpaste and water to apply directly on the blister.

6. Apply Aloe Vera

Using an Aloe Vera  plant on a blister is another natural way to treat and soothe blisters. To use an Aloe Vera plant, cut the tip off and let the natural liquid of the plant seep to the surface. Then apply the plant juice directly on the blister. Continue the process until the blister heals. Aloe Vera creams can also be purchased commercially from a pharmacy. Variations of Aloe Vera treatment for blood blisters include adding vitamin E oil in equal amounts with Aloe Vera and applied directly to the blister. While blisters on lips are best treated with 2 drops of grapefruit seed extra and a teaspoon of Aloe Vera applied directly to the blister.

7. Try Apple Cider Vinegar

Another way of how to heal blisters fast is the use of apple cider vinegar. This vinegar has strong antibacterial and antifungal properties that facilitate faster healing. Simply mix a half cup of apple cider vinegar with 3 teaspoons of castor oil and apply it to the blister several times a day.

8. Soak It in Green Tea

For blisters that have swollen, Green Tea has anti-inflammatory properties to help bring down the swelling. Just boil 3 tea bags, and toss in a teaspoon of baking soda (anti-septic). When cool, soak the afflicted area in the tea and baking soda for fifteen minutes. If you have difficulty soaking the area, just apply the mixture directly to the blister with a cotton ball.

9. Pop Vitamin E

To help skin cell repair quickly, pop open some vitamin E oil gel-caps and apply it directly to the blister. Vitamin E oil prevents scarring and has excellent cell regenerating properties. If you prefer, it can also be purchased as an over the counter cream from the pharmacy.

10. Certain Oils

For how to heal blisters fast, you can go for several oils that would do great magic. Some of the oils are:

  • Castor oil: Simply apply it before bedtime and repeat until the blister dries up and heals.
  • Tea tree oil: It has all the benefits of an antibacterial and also works as an astringent. Just soak a cotton ball and apply, then cover with a piece of gauze and adhesive tape.
  • Vaseline or any other petroleum gel: Just apply this at bedtime and repeat until the blister is gone to help speed the healing of blisters.


Remember that any injury to your skin comes with risks of infection. If the blister becomes infected make sure you seek medical attention immediately. Signs that an infection has occurred include:

  • You feel increased pain or swelling around the blister
  • The blister becomes red
  • The skin becomes warm to the touch around the blister
  • Any streaking extending outward from the blister
  • The blister develops a yellowish or greenish puss
  • You develop a fever
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