Why You Should Stop Drinking Mountain Dew

Mountain dew is one of the most popular soft drinks in America. It is rapidly gaining popularity with an abundance of new flavors and varieties. But as the popularity of Mountain Dew rises, so does the concern about its detrimental effects on people’s health. Below are some of the more hazardous Mountain Dew ingredients that have caused this concern.

Hazardous Ingredients in Mountain Dew

1. Calcium Disodium EDTA

Calcium disodium EDTA is sometimes used in foods as a preservative to prevent discoloration. Some studies have suggested that the oral consumption of calcium disodium EDTA can lead to complications with cell reproduction and development because the substance is toxic to cells and genes. EDTA is a persistent organic pollutant, which means that it does not naturally degrade and can gather in living tissue.

2. Brominated Vegetable Oil

Although "vegetable oil" is present in Mountain Dew ingredient, brominated vegetable oil is quite another thing. The word "brominated" means that the oil contains a chemical known as bromine which is anything but healthy. This substance is used as an emulsifier in America, although it is not approved in Europe and is banned in India. The chemical bromine is also used in disinfectants, pesticides, for swimming pool maintenance, or as a gasoline additive.

3. Sodium Benzoate

Sodium benzoate is a preservative found in numerous soft drinks, although Coca Cola is slowly removing it from their Diet Coke product due to the health concerns surrounding the consumption of this substance. Sodium benzoate is thought to cause cell malfunction as well as hyperactivity. A recent study has also shown that sodium benzoate can produce carcinogens when mixed with vitamin C. This means that perhaps the only healthy Mountain Dew ingredients, orange juice, is actually attributing to the cause of carcinogens.

4. Yellow 5

The food coloring, yellow 5, is a man-made chemical with numerous derogative effects on people’s health. Many companies try to avoid the inclusion of yellow 5 in their products due to its negative effect. Yellow 5 has been linked to anxiety, migraines, blurry vision, depression, weakness, sleep disturbance, thyroid tumors, hyperactivity and feelings of suffocation. Yellow 5 is particularly dangerous for those with asthma or aspirin allergies. Due to these health implications, yellow 5 has been banned in the UK and is tightly regulated by the FDA in America.

Other Health Risks of Mountain Dew

1. Dental Health

Mountain Dew ingredients contain citric acid which actively decays your teeth and can cause them to go yellowish in colour. Citric acid can also weaken your teeth’s enamel, which can lead to the formation of cavity and cause bacteria. The consumption of Mountain Dew can leave you with tooth sensitivity and a painful sensation when chewing or drinking.

2. Infertility

Mountain Dew has high caffeine content, even when compared to Coca Cola and other soft drinks. Although the specific reason is unknown, caffeine is thought to negatively affect a person’s fertility. Numerous studies suggest that women who consumed three or more cups of coffee a day have a lowered chance of conceiving a child when compared to those who hadn’t consumed coffee. One theory as to why this may be is due to the fact that caffeine can cause a person to stay up later and sleep less.

3. Diabetes and Obesity

One of the Mountain Dew ingredients, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), is a sugar substitute that is thought to be far worse for your health than sugar. HFCS has been through an enzymatic process, which is done to increase the fructose level of the corn syrup. The increase in fructose goes hand-in-hand with an increase in risk. The long term consumption of HFCS can be a direct cause of type 2 diabetes. HFCS also converts to fat much easier than other sugars, which could be one of the reasons why there has been a dramatic increase in obesity. 

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