7 Reasons Why One of Your Eyes Is Smaller Than the Other

It is not uncommon to meet an individual whose one eye is bigger than the other. This occurrence can be caused by many different things, the most common of which will be discussed in this article, along with suggestions to help improve asymmetric eyes.

One Eye Is Bigger Than Other, Why?

There are numerous instances which can cause one's eyes to be misshapen, leading you to have one eye bigger than the other. Such instances include:

1. Natural Asymmetry

It is quite common for one's eyes to be somewhat different in size and shape, causing them to appear asymmetrical. In many cases, one eye will be narrower than the other, while the other looks more rounded. In such condition, there is no cause for concern, as it is entirely normal. If you notice that your eyes appear asymmetrical when you are dehydrated or tired, it may be caused by these things, meaning getting plenty of rest and drinking plenty of fluids may prove beneficial.

What to do:If you wish to have more symmetrical looking eyes, then there are a few simple techniques one can employ using makeup.

  • Try using a pale/golden color-based shadow around your eyes, then using highlighter to lightly smudge toward the corner of the eye.
  • Use eyeliner on the eye which is smaller, to make it appear thicker and fuller.
  • There are also numerous mascaras available on the market which work to lengthen one's lashes, doing this on one's smaller eye will help it look bigger, especially when used with an eyelash curler.

2. Droopy Eyelid

A droopy eyelid, or ptosis, can happen naturally in individuals, or be caused by other instances such as migraines, nerve issues, an eye infection, an allergic reaction, or certain conditions (such as the autoimmune condition known medically as myasthenia gravis). A droopy eyelid may also be caused by aging, and it can also be present at birth. Whatever the cause, a droopy eyelid can cause you to have one eye bigger than other.

What to do: One should only feel the need to take action in regards to their drooping eyelid if it is causing impairment in vision, getting worse progressively, or is coinciding with other symptoms. In such cases, medical help should be sought out from a health care professional.

3. Anisocoria

One's pupils may show a slight variation in size from birth, ranging from around 0.5 to 1 mm difference in pupil size, the same variation may also occur in individuals who have symmetric pupils, which is known as anisocoria, which may be caused by a disorder to the eyes, nerves, brain, or blood vessels.

What to do: One should not worry if one pupil becomes slightly bigger than another without other symptoms. In many cases, the difference in pupil size will only be temporary. That being said, one should seek emergency medical help if other symptoms are present, such as vision changes, headache, fever, nausea, vomiting, or if it happens after an injury to one's head.

4. Amblyopia

This condition happens when an individual is in early childhood, caused by atypical development of one's vision at that period. Amblyopia causes one or both eyes to move inward or outward without consciousness, making it appear as though they are not working in synchronicity with each other, leading to impaired vision and one eye bigger than other.

What to do: As this condition can cause serious problems if progressing, such as severe loss of vision, one should take their child to visit an ophthalmologist if they notice the children's eyes to be "lazy" or wandering.

5. Exophthalmos

When an individual's eyes bulge (which can occur in one or both eye), it is known as exophthalmos. This is often caused by certain medical conditions, such as a hyperactive thyroid, or a tumor growing behind one's eye/eyes. As this condition is slow to progress, it can be hard to notice, one may only see the change when looking at old photographs.

What to do: If one was to have one eye bigger than other because the eye appeared to be bulging, then one must consult a medical professional as soon as possible to check for serious underlying conditions that may be causing such an instance.

6. Strabismus

Strabismus, or crossed eyes, is quite common in babies, and can also occur in adults. The conditions makes one is unable to simultaneously align one's eyes; each eye may turn outward, inward, upward, or downward independently. This condition can be consistent or intermittent, and can cause other symptoms including double vision and decreased/impaired vision.

What to do: There are numerous things one can try to ease the symptoms of strabismus. One may wish to wear an eye-patch over one of their eyes, use eye drops, carry out visual exercises, or try wearing glasses. In some cases, one may require surgery to properly correct the condition.

7. Grave's Disease

An overactive thyroid can cause one to develop grave's disease, which can cause swelling of the eyes, as well as soreness, watering, a gritty feeling, and redness. This condition can make it seem as though you have one eye bigger than other, due to the swelling.

What to do: One should seek medical assistance to treat an overactive thyroid.Bulging eyes may be helped with eye drops, the use of eye ointments and eye pads at nighttime. 

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