Second Month of Pregnancy

Many women are unaware of the fact that they are pregnant until the 2nd month of pregnancy, which begins at the 6th week. During this time, diet and nutrition is of the most importance, ensuring to consume a nutritiously dense diet will help with the baby’s development and health, as well as your own. At this time, the morning sickness may ensue, which can easily lead to losing appetite, but it is important to persevere and keep feeding your body and your baby.

Second Month of Pregnancy: Week by Week

Week 6

Baby’s growth: A major change in the embryo at this time is that it changes from being straight and pear-shaped to being curled in the fetal position. During this time, the brain begins to develop and the heart has become prominent. The embryo is around 6mm in length.

Mom-to-be changes: By now it is likely that you will have gained a few pounds. Morning sickness may also lead you to lose weight at this time. You will likely notice that your old clothes are becoming tight, and your breasts and waist may become fuller.

Tips for week 6: Maintain your prenatal care, ensure to eat healthy and nutritiously, stop all the toxins (like cigarettes and alcohol) if you haven’t already.

Week 7

Baby’s growth: The embryo remains in a curved position as the brain begins to develop rapidly, causing the head to grow. This then leads to the development of the face, ears, eyes, and nose, which begins during the second month of pregnancy, at week 7. At this time, the buds of the arms and legs continue to form, and the umbilical cord becomes visible.

Mom-to-be changes: Although a definitive bump may not yet have formed, you can most certainly feel changes in your body at this time. This can include morning sickness or tender/tingling breasts.

Tips for week 7: Try to eat often, and nutritiously. An empty stomach can attribute to feelings of nausea, so remember to eat will be extremely beneficial.

Week 8

Baby’s growth: During week 8, rapid growth of the back of the brain occurs, causing the head to become far larger than it was. This will also accompany with rapid development of upper body limbs, followed closely by the lower limbs a few days after. Swellings begin to show on the sides of the head which indicate the start of the growth of ears. Sex organs also begin to develop.

Mom-to-be changes: At week 8, during thesecond month of pregnancy, your blood volume will begin to increase and your heart is pumping 50% more blood than normal to compensate for your unborn child. You may notice mood swings, and sensitivity to certain smells which can cause queasiness.

Tips for week 8: Exercise, and invest in a supportive bra. Good breast support can be extremely beneficial throughout pregnancy.

Week 9

Baby’s growth: As you enter week 9 your baby will transition from the embryonic stage to the foetal period. At this point they’ll be about one inch long and the size of a large bean or olive. Your baby's organs, nerves and muscles are all starting to function now and although you won’t be able to feel it, their tiny heart is now beating strong enough to be picked up by ultrasound devices like a Doppler, although this isn’t always possible depending on the position of your baby in the uterus.

Mom-to-be changes: By week 9, you might be finding your waistbands are getting a bit uncomfortable, even if you don't have a proper 'bump' on board. You may feel dizzy or urinate more often because of your increased blood volume, which can also cause your veins to bulge a bit or even lead to nosebleeds. As uncomfortable and unpleasant as these are, that extra blood is keeping your baby healthy and safe.

Tips for week 9: You may begin to consider eco-friendly household cleaners and take a unique look at Baby's development inside the womb this week.

Medical Tests in the Second Month of Pregnancy

During month two of pregnancy, you will likely undergo your first medical visit in regards to your pregnancy, meaning that you will likely be administered various routine checks to ensure the health and prosperity of your unborn child. This will likely include a pap smear, which checks for abnormalities relating to the cervix, swabs to test for any infections, as well as tests on urine and blood. Urine tests are used to check for the presence of protein which can indicate kidney problems, and sugar, which can indicate diabetes. Blood tests check for numerous things, including:

  • Levels of hemoglobin and iron
  • Diseases (such as hepatitis B, or HIV)
  • Immunities
  • Genetic diseases
  • Blood type (ABO blood grouping)

You can also, if you wish, undergo a nuchal translucency measurement test, which is usually done from 10-14 weeks into the pregnancy, and is administered to check from chromosomal abnormalities.

How to Deal with Mood Swings During First Trimester

Naturally, pregnancy is a time of joy for most mothers-to-be. That being said, there are symptoms which coincide with pregnancy that may not instill much feelings of joy. Knowing how to deal with whatever thrown at you during the second month of pregnancy will help you get through it.

The following list includes ways to manage your stress level:

  • Get plenty of sleep
  • Take a break during the day to relax
  • Get regular physical activity
  • Eat well
  • Spend time with your partner
  • Take a nap
  • Go for a walk
  • See a movie with a friend
  • Don’t be so hard on yourself
  • Try pregnancy yoga class or meditation
  • Get a massage

Mood swings are normal at this time, but it is also possible for some women to become depressed. This may be evident with feelings of being out of control, extreme sadness, unexplained crying, disturbances to sleep, as well as a total loss of libido. If you have any of the symptoms then please consult with your doctor for help and support.

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