Can I Eat Salami While Pregnant?

Many women experience food cravings during pregnancy. They may want to eat lots of chocolate, fruits, or even strange foods. Then what about salami? Can it be eaten during pregnancy? After all, processed foods are not the healthiest of foods.

Can I Eat Salami While Pregnant?

Unfortunately, you must avoid eating this mouth-watering delicacy during pregnancy. Salami is a fermented, cured sausage made from raw meat such as pork, beef, poultry, lamb, and venison, minced fat, corn starch, wheat, salt, herbs, spices, wine, and vinegar. It is usually kept at room temperature. Here are the reasons why you need to avoid it.

  • Salami contains nitrates which are preservatives that could be harmful to your baby.
  • Salami contains a harmful bacterium known as Listeria. Listeria causes Listeriosis which can cause gastrointestinal symptoms within 12 to 30 days of eating salami. It can also cause defects in your baby, miscarriage, still birth, and other pregnancy problems.
  • Salami can also be a cause of toxoplasma infection which can make your baby become visually impaired, develop learning disability, or even die.
  • Salami has a very high sodium or salt content, which is harmful for both you and your baby.
  • This delicious delicacy offers zero nutrition, but contains lots of fat, which can lead to diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. Poorly cooked salami can lead to food poisoning as well.

More Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

Can I eat salami while pregnant? No. So do the following foods.

Foods to Avoid



Certain fish, like king mackerel, swordfish, tilefish, bluefish, salmon, striped bass, trout, and walleye; smoked fish; raw shellfish

They may contain high levels of mercury and/or harmful bacteria.

Choose fresh water fish. Eat up to 2 servings (12 ounces) per week of low-mercury, cooked fish.

Undercooked/raw eggs

They may contain bacteria like salmonella which can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

Cook eggs well until yolk becomes firm or make an omelet. 

Undercooked meat/poultry

They contain Listeria or toxoplasma gondii parasite.

Wash meat/poultry well before cooking. Cook well, using a food thermometer. Refrigerated meat must be heated up to 73°C.

Unpasteurized milk and dairy products

They can cause severe food poisoning.

Choose fresh boiled milk. Choose dairy products (ice cream, cottage cheese, etc.) that contain pasteurized milk. Another option is to choose non-dairy milk (soy milk, rice milk, oat milk or almond milk).

Unpasteurized cheese (Brie, camembert, feta, queso fresco, etc.)

They may contain harmful bacteria like Listeria, causing premature birth, miscarriage, or birth defects.

Choose hard cheeses (Cheddar/Swiss cheese) or cheese made from pasteurized milk.

Unwashed fruits/vegetables

They may contain harmful bacteria and pesticides.

Wash your fruits/vegetables properly. Peel them and keep in clean containers. Avoid eating fruits/veggies that have been long refrigerated. Cook veggies properly and avoid eating uncooked vegetables.

Raw sprouts

They may contain harmful bacteria.

Wash and cook vegetable sprouts properly.

Some nuts – walnuts, peanuts, chestnuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia, pecans, and pistachios

They can cause allergic reactions or skin rashes.

Consult your doctor on what nuts you can eat.

Salads from a restaurant

They may contain harmful bacteria.

Make your own salads. Wash and cook fruits/vegetables properly when making salads.

Unpasteurized fruit juices

They may contain harmful bacteria.

Choose pasteurized, packaged juices that are kept refrigerated. Choose whole fruits and vegetables that are cooked rather than taking them in juices.

Caffeinated beverages, food or medicines

Caffeine acts as a stimulant and diuretic. It is linked to low birth weights, stillbirth, fetal death or spontaneous abortion.

Limit caffeine intake to 200 ml (2 cups) a day.

Herbal teas, tonics or supplements like senna, saw palmetto, and wormwood

They may do more harm than good to you and your baby.

Ask your doctor for a good health supplement or multivitamin.

Canned foods

Cans contain Bisphenol A (BPA), a substance that can affect fetal endocrine system. They may also contain harmful bacteria when stored for long periods.

Choose fresh foods like fruits and vegetables.

Nitrate-rich foods (bacon, sausage, diet-soda, artificial sweeteners)

They are high in preservatives and low nutritional value, and can lead to abnormalities and poor fetal development.

Avoid foods high in nitrate. Prepare your own foods at home.

Sugary foods – ice cream, chocolates, etc.

They can increase your blood sugar levels and cause maternal and fetal problems.

Limit your sugar intake during pregnancy.

Street foods

They may cause stomach upset, food poisoning or other problems.

Make your own snacks at home and prepare/cook them properly.

Fatty foods

They can increase your blood cholesterol levels and your risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Limit your fat intake but make sure to eat foods containing the omega-3 fatty acids.

Artificial sweeteners (saccharin)

They are not filtered by the placenta so the unborn child also receives them.

Choose natural sugars, but limit intake.

Excess vitamins

Overdose of vitamins can disturb normal fetal development and cause preterm labor and congenital disorders.

Consult your doctor about intake of vitamin supplements.

Simple carbs (breads, muffins, pizza, etc.)

They can cause constipation.

Choose foods made from whole grain carbs, high-fiber flour, or brown bread.


It can cause uterine contractions that can lead to premature labor.

Avoid licorice in all forms.


They may contain harmful bacteria.

Eat only fresh cooked foods.

Can I eat salami while pregnant? No, you can't. And also avoid the foods in the table for the health of you and your baby.

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