Getting Pregnant After Miscarriage

If you lose your pregnancy before 20 weeks of your pregnancy, it is termed as a miscarriage. While miscarriages are more common than most people think (about 10%-20% of pregnancies result in miscarriage), they can still cause anxiety, sadness, and confusion, especially when you want to conceive again. It is never easy to decide when you should become pregnant again. You may not want to wait but some experts believe you should wait a bit before getting pregnant after miscarriage. So, how long should you wait? Does it really matter to wait for several weeks before you get pregnant again?

When Can I Get Pregnant After Miscarriage?

Interestingly, some women can recover from miscarriage in just a couple of days while others may take a few weeks to even months. You can become pregnant when you first ovulate right after the miscarriage. But, it may take a toll on some women emotionally and leave them with a wide range of emotions, such as sadness, anger, and guilt. Experts believe you should give your body some time before you try again. Here are some guidelines for you to consider if you have experienced:

1. One Miscarriage

While the World Health Organization has mentioned that it is best to wait six months before trying again, there is no scientific evidence to support this concept. In fact, some studies have found that getting pregnant within the first six months of having a miscarriage may reduce the chances of having complications as compared to those who wait longer to conceive.

If you have a natural miscarriage, wait till the cramping and bleeding are gone. In serious cases like ectopic pregnancy, you may have to wait longer.

2. Two or More Miscarriages

Talk to your healthcare provider if you have had two or more miscarriages because it is important to determine the underlying issues before trying to conceive again.

3. A Molar Pregnancy

It is characterized by a benign growth/tumor in the uterus. The placenta turns into an abnormal mass of cysts in case of a molar pregnancy. You may consider waiting for at least six months before trying again after having a molar pregnancy.

What Is the Rate of Pregnancy After Miscarriage?

There is no difference in the chances of getting pregnant before and after miscarriage. Nearly all the womenget pregnant when they try again for second pregnancy. The success rate comes down to 75% for women who have two or more miscarriages. However, illnesses, health, disease processes, and other factors can affect the chances of getting pregnant after miscarriage.

Do's and Don'ts When Trying to Get Pregnant After Miscarriage

Now you have some knowledge about trying to conceive once again after your miscarriage, but you can keep some points in mind to conceive and deliver successfully.

1. Talk with Your Physician

It is always a good idea to talk to your healthcare provider after you have a miscarriage and want to try again. Their advice is extremely helpful and ensures you do not need any treatment. Sometimes, you may require treatment for chromosomal issues or you may have polycystic ovarian syndrome, which requires medical attention. Your healthcare provider will enlighten you on these issues and help you have a healthy pregnancy.

2. Take Plenty of Rest

Getting pregnant after miscarriagemay seem to be your top priority, but you will be better off giving your body some time to recover. Take some rest until your menstrual cycle becomes normal once again. Also, use this time to think positively and take care of your emotional and physical needs.

3. Take Folic Acid

Experts believe that lower levels of folic acid in the body may contribute to miscarriages. It is mainly because the fetus needs folic acid during the first few weeks when most women do not even know they are pregnant. You may consider taking a folic acid supplement before you try again to raise your folic acid levels.

4. Eliminate Stress

The less stressed you are, the better. If you are under serious stress, it will reduce your fertility levels and make it difficult to conceive and complete your pregnant in a healthy way. Practice yoga, meditation, or other techniques to keep stress under control.

5. Stop Smoking

You should quit smoking right now if you are getting pregnant after miscarriage because smoking can increase your risk of miscarriage. Your baby may also have birth defects if you continue to smoke throughout your pregnancy. Your partner should also quit smoking because secondhand smoke can cause genetic damage and lead to chromosomal problems that may cause a miscarriage. Smoking may lead to changes in the lining of the uterus that makes implantation difficult. So, be sure to stop smoking before you decide to become pregnant.

6. Avoid Hot Tubs

Experts believe there are higher chances of you have neural tube defects if you keep your body temperature elevated during early pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to avoid hot tubs because even if your pregnancy does not end in a miscarriage, you may still end up giving birth to a baby with health problems. Experts state that you should keep your core body temperature lower than 101F during pregnancy, and since 10-20 minutes in a hot tub can raise your body temperature to this limit, it is better to avoid it.

7. Do Not Drink Alcohol

While your pregnancy may not end in a miscarriage for having a few episodes of binge drinking, regular drinking will definitely increase your risk of having complications. Studies show that having five or more drinks a week during pregnancy may result in stillbirth. It may also lead to a condition called fetal alcohol syndrome.

When Should I See a Specialist?

You may want to see a specialist if you are over 35 years of age, have had a couple of miscarriages, or have fertility problems. You should also talk to your doctor if you have any illness such as diabetes. 

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