Symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome

Asperger's syndrome is essentially a developmental disorder, which is characterized by delays in the development of primary skills, including the ability to communicate and socialize. Parents usually fail to notice that their child has this condition until their young one begins to have difficulties in school. Adults may have issues in their personal lives as well. Some adults seek assistance to deal with their anxiety and depression but end up diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome. Several therapy programs are now available to help people manage their condition better. To control things better, it is important to learn about the symptoms of Asperger's syndrome and seek timely medical assistance.


Symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome

Statistics show that Asperger's symptoms are 4-8 times more common in men than in women. Most people notice that their child has this condition between the ages of 2 and 6. This is usually the time when language and communicative skills begin to emerge. This is where Asperger's syndrome is different from autism because autistic disorder usually becomes apparent before your child turns 3.

With therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy and calming activities like music therapy and yoga, it is possible to manage Asperger's syndrome more effectively. However, it is still important to know the symptoms of Asperger's syndrome and help your loved one overcome the issues associated with this condition. Here are some of the most common symptoms:

1. Failure to Make Friends with People

People suffering from Asperger's syndrome usually have difficulty connecting and socializing with people. Since they cannot connect with their peers, they find it extremely difficult to develop friendships. For these people, it is quite hard to make eye contact with others or having one on one conversation with people. They also find it difficult to participate in group activities. As they cannot make and maintain eye contact in a conversation, it makes other people think that they are not engaged or interested in a conversation. They may also have difficulty understanding sarcasm and gestures, which make them look socially awkward. It is worth mentioning that many people with Asperger's syndrome can speak freely with people they know well, but they just do not feel comfortable with strangers around.

2. Inability to Understand People's Feelings

People suffering from Asperger's are usually unable to empathize. They find it extremely difficult to understand what others are feeling, and it often makes them appear as insensitive. The truth is that they just have no clue about different behaviors of people in different situations. Some people with Asperger's develop a better understanding of accepted social behaviors. However, they often find it difficult to understand humor or other gestures. It is due to these issues that they find social interactions extremely difficult.

3. Repeating Certain Behaviors

One of many symptoms of Asperger's syndrome is that the sufferers sometimes develop a peculiar manner of speaking.Some may speak in a monotone voice, while others may speak overly loud. It is important to know that these individuals have good language skills, but they just use it differently. They use different patterns and follow a specific rhythm while speaking. Their pitch may be very high too. Some individuals with Asperger's repeat certain behaviors and find it difficult to control their emotions, which is why they may cry or laugh easily. You may find them a bit clumsy or awkward mainly because of motor skill delays.

4. Obsession with Things

Narrowed interest is one of the most common symptoms of Asperger's syndrome and is usually more prominent in children. You will find these children develop a strong and even obsessive interest in certain areas, such as weather, music, planes, math, or maps. These children will have a lot of information about their topic of interest, and that is why they often become exceptionally skilled and talented in their area of interest.

5. Following a Strict Routine

Another symptom of Asperger's syndrome is that these individuals just cannot alter their routine. Once they have developed a routine or ritual, they just do not have the control to change it. Their focus is on ensuring that their daily routines and external environment stay constant because they just cannot cope with sudden changes.

Difference Between Asperger's and Autism Symptoms

Quite often, people confuse Asperger's symptoms with other behavioral disorders, such as autism or ADHD. When compared with autism, it is actually quite difficult to differentiate between the two disorders.

In fact, Asperger's syndrome was initially classified as an autism spectrum disorder. The real difference is that you notice the symptoms of autism much earlier than the symptoms of Asperger's syndrome. Your child may exhibit symptoms of autism when they are as young as 2 years of age. Some common symptom may include the need for repeated rituals, tantrums, repetition of motor activities, body rocking, head banging, spinning, tracing, scratching, flicking, teeth grinding, yelling, and grunting.

While the symptoms of Asperger's syndrome may be quite similar to the symptoms of autism, children with Asperger's usually function at a much higher level as compared to autistic children. In fact, children with Asperger's usually have near-normal language development and normal intelligence. Autistic children, however, show lower IQ and experience serious difficulty with verbal communications. Children with both disorders usually find it difficult to express their true feelings and have a hard time understanding gestures of others. Therefore, it is important to seek medical assistance to make a correct diagnosis.

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