How Much Longer Will I Go into Labor If 2 CM Dilated?

Cervix dilation refers to the opening of the womb to allow the baby to come out. Your cervix is firm, like the tip of your nose, but it softens up when you're close to labor. It stays close to protect your baby who grows inside your cervix walls. The cervix moves from the back of your vaginal walls to the front of your vaginal opening when your body prepares for labor. It becomes soft and also thins out, which is called cervical effacement. Many women want to know how long they have to wait for labor to start after the cervix is dilated. You will hear many say, "I'm 2 cm dilated, how much longer until the labor starts?" Keep reading to find out the answer.

2 CM Dilated: How Much Longer Will I Go Into Labor?

Your cervix dilates before delivery and this dilation is measured in centimeters. Your cervix may spread anywhere from 0 cm to 10 cm before the labor starts. Experts calculate dilation by considering how many fingers widths can fit into the cervical opening at different times during pregnancy. If you can put one of your finger into the cervix, it's 1 cm dilated. When two fingers fit, it means your cervix is 2 cm dilated. As it can dilate further before labor, many mom-to-be really want to know, "2 cm dilated, how much longer for labor?" Or "4 cm dilated, how much longer for labor?"

The truth is that dilation doesn't always tell you how long you will have to wait before you go into labor. You may be dilated a couple of centimeters and stay in the same condition for a few weeks before you go into labor. On the other hand, you can still go into labor even if your cervix is completely closed. Therefore, you'd better not trust the results of your vaginal exam completely.

People's Experience About Dilation and Labor

Many women ask, "I am 2 cm dilated, how much longer to delivery?" The answer is that every woman is different and you will hear everyone share different experiences. Here're some of the experiences women have gone through when they were 2 cm dilated.

"I was 36 weeks pregnant and 2 cm dilated. Still, I was being induced a few days after my due date."

"I had waited for another couple of weeks for labor when I was 2 cm dilated. I really believe the end is difficult with so many weird experiences you have to go through during your pregnancy, but it's important to hang in there. I believe when you're 2 cm dilated, the reward is just around the corner."

"I was 2 cm dilated but the doctor stripped my membranes. It took me 36 hours to finally go into labor."

"It was my second pregnancy and I was 4 cm dilated. My water broke two weeks after the dilation. My doctor said my labor went fast because I dilated slowly. I really believe you're very close when you're 2 cm dilated."

"It was my first pregnancy and I remained 2 cm dilated for three weeks before I finally went into labor. It was 12 days after my due date. I'm pregnant again and 2-2 1/2 cm dilated for a couple of weeks now. My due date is in three days."

So, What Are the Sure and Positive Signs of Labor?

Many women ask, "I am 2 cm dilated, how much longer for labor?" The truth is that they should be asking more about some typical signs of labor to prepare them for the big day. Here are some of the surest signs that your labor is imminent.

1. Water Breaks

The process of leaking amniotic fluid from the sac is called the breaking of water. For some women, it's a little trickle. For others, it's a gush. It's one of the early symptoms of labor in about 25% of women, but in some cases, the process occurs during labor. When it happens, you're more likely to go into labor within the next 24 hours.

2. Blood Show

Just a couple of days before your contractions start, you will notice blood-streaked mucus discharge. This is basically due to the mucus plug that comes off the cervix when your body is ready for labor. The blood you notice here isn't the same as the brownish, bloody discharge you might have experienced after a vaginal exam. Not all women experience this bloody show, and some even experience contractions before the release of any blood.

3. Regular and Strong Contractions

Regular uterine contractions are one of the most common signs of labor. These contractions come and go at 20-30 minutes intervals – they sometimes feel like menstrual cramps. The contractions will become stronger with time and last longer too. The contractions often become so frequent that if there remains only three minutes interval between them, it means you're in labor!

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