Essential Oils for Varicose Veins

Varicose veins can occur anywhere on the body and cause great discomfort, although the term often refers to the condition affecting the legs. The condition causes veins to become bloated, leading to the valves of the veins to not function correctly and blood to accumulate, as proper circulation is unachievable. This leads to the individual’s legs becoming inflamed and swollen and the veins to turn purple, due to the lack of nutrients and oxygen being pumped to the legs, and the insufficient removal of waste from the legs, a result of poor circulation. If you decide to use essential oils for varicose veins treatment, it is important to know which ones are effective, to help ease your recovery.

Choose Right Essential Oils

Essential oils are cable of promoting the circulation of blood, which can be extremely helpful in treating varicose veins. It is important to know which essential oils will work, so as to ensure that you can help to recover from or prevent varicose veins. Beneficial essential oils for varicose veins include:

  • Basil
  • Cypress
  • Fennel
  • Geranium
  • Helichrysum
  • Juniper Berry
  • Lemon
  • Lime
  • Orange
  • Rosemary

As mentioned, varicose veins causes the affected area to become swollen and inflamed. Some essential oils help to reduce inflammation. These oils include:

  • Chamomile
  • Eucalyptus
  • Lavender
  • Marjoram
  • Peppermint

Ways of Using Essential Oils for Varicose Veins

1. Alternating Hot and Cold Foot Bath


  • Two large bowls/tubs, both big enough to fit both feet within
  • 3 drops of lavender
  • 3 drops of geranium


  1. Fill one bowl with cold water (and ice, if you so wish), and one bowl with hot water.
  2. Add the lavender to the cold water and add the geranium to the hot water.
  3. Submerge both of your feet into the cold water and leave them there for five minutes. Then place them in the hot water bowl for five minutes.

The cold water works to constrict your blood vessels, whilst the hot water dilates them. This alternation between hot and cold helps to promote good circulation of blood.

2. Simple Massage Mix for Varicose Veins


  • 4 teaspoons carrier oil (coconut, sweet almond, grapeseed, etc.)
  • 10 drops of geranium
  • 10 drops of neroli
  • 5 drops of cypress


  1. Grab a glass bottle of around 1 oz. (30ml) in size and mix the carrier oil along with the essential oils for varicose veins within the bottle.
  2. Use around 1 teaspoon of the mixture and place it onto your legs to massage with.
  3. Place your hand around your ankle and gently but firmly glide your hand up your leg, ensuring to not rub the varicose vein directly.
  4. Repeat this massage twice daily, and elevate your legs once the massage is complete.

3. Yarrow Based Massage Mix


  • 1 Tablespoon carrier oil
  • 4 drops of yarrow


  1. Mix the carrier oil with the yarrow.
  2. With your hand, massage up your leg with the oil mixture from the ankles, ensuring to not pass directly over the varicose veins.
  3. Repeat this process two or more times on a daily basis.
  4. After the massage is complete, elevate your legs.

Yarrow works to promote healthy veins by helping to stimulate blood circulation.

4. Essential Oils for Varicose Veins Prevention (Massage Oil Mix)


  • 10 drops of geranium
  • 10 drops of cypress
  • 5 drops of peppermint
  • 5 drops of lemon
  • 2 tablespoons of carrier oil


  1. Use a non-reactive bowl or tub to combine all of the ingredients.
  2. Massage the oil from your ankles and up your legs towards your heart, ensuring to not go directly over the varicose veins.
  3. Elevate your legs after the massage, and repeat twice daily.

This mixture is helpful for those wishing to prevent the occurrence of varicose veins, and it is also helpful to lessen the condition in those who have already developed it.

5. Day and Night-time Massage Oil Mixes

Daytime varicose oil mix

  • 15 drops of cypress
  • 10 drops of geranium
  • 5 drops of hyssop
  • 2 tablespoons of carrier oil

Night-time varicose oil

  • 30 drops of parsley
  • 2 tablespoons of carrier oil


  1. Combine the ingredients for the day and night-time oils separately.
  2. Massage the day oil onto your legs during the day, and the night oil during the night.
  3. Massage gently from the ankle up, ensuring not to pass directly over the varicose veins.
  4. Elevate legs once you have finished massaging.

6. Leg Massage Oil


  • 2 ounce avocado oil
  • 20 drops lemongrass
  • 6 drops rosemary
  • 6 drops frankincense
  • 6 drops chamomile
  • 2 ounce jojoba oil
  • 1 teaspoon vitamin E oil (GMO free)
  • 10 drops cypress
  • 10 drops Helichrysum


  1. Mix all the ingredients together in a spray or dropper bottle, and shake thoroughly.
  2. Massage the oil onto your legs two-three times daily.
  3. Ensure that the oil mixture is kept away from heat.

7. Essential Oils for Varicose Veins Mix

Helichrysum oil is extremely beneficial in helping varicose veins to do its anticoagulant, antispasmodic, and antiseptic capabilities. This can be applied directly onto the varicose vein (one or two drops) or used in the mixture below:


  • 1 drop Helichrysum oil
  • 4 drops basil oil
  • 1 drop cypress oil
  • 1 drop wintergreen oil


  1. Mix all ingredients together.
  2. Apply mixture directly to varicose veins, and massage gently (towards the heart).
  3. Apply daily.

8. Gentle Massage Oil Blend


  • 15 drops Geranium oil
  • 10 drops basil oil
  • 15 drops cypress oil
  • 40ml of carrier oil


  1. Mix all ingredients together and gently massage onto the varicose veins.
  2. Ensure to massage gently, and in the direction of the heart.

9. Bath Oil Blend


  • 5 drops cypress oil
  • 5 drops geranium oil


  1. Mix the oils together; you may also add other essential oils for varicose veins, such as lavender, rosemary, or juniper.
  2. Take 5 drops of the oil mixture and infuse it into a bathe tub of warm water.
  3. Get in the bath and gently massage your legs.
  4. Ensure that you do not use more than 5 drops of the mixture at one time.
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