Ginseng and Pregnancy

Known as a traditional Chinese herb, ginseng is used to treat a number of health conditions. It also helps improve your sexual health and makes conception easier. Many pregnant women use ginseng, hoping that it will do good to their growing fetuses. So, what exactly is the connection between ginseng and pregnancy? Is ginseng safe to use during your pregnancy? 

Is It Safe to Take Ginseng in Pregnancy?

No, it is not safe to take ginseng when you are pregnant, although ginseng and pregnancy are often combined together. You should avoid taking ginseng as an herbal supplement when you are pregnant, especially during the first three months of your pregnancy. Actually, it is better to consult your doctor first before including any herbal supplement in your diet. Ginseng during pregnancy can cause certain side effects. For instance:

  • It causes vaginal bleeding that in turn can lead to miscarriage.
  • It contains a compound called ginsenoside Rb1 that can cause abnormalities in the development of the baby. It can affect the growth of the heart, limbs, and eyes of the fetus.

Other Herbs to Avoid During Pregnancy

Ginseng and pregnancy do not go well together, and you should also avoid many other herbs when you are pregnant as these natural products can be extremely toxic in nature. Here is a list of these herbs that you should avoid during pregnancy.

  • Saw Palmetto: You should avoid taking this herb during pregnancy because its use can trigger hormonal activity.
  • Goldenseal: Do not take goldenseal during pregnancy because it can cross the placenta and damage the brain of the fetus.
  • Dong Quai: You should avoid taking Dong Quai when you are pregnant because it promotes uterine contractions that in turn may cause a miscarriage.
  • Ephedra: You may experience uterine contractions after using this herb and this may cause premature labor. Be sure to avoid any product that contains ephedra as an ingredient.
  • Yohimbe: The herb can be very toxic and can be poisonous in pregnant women. So be sure to stay away from this herb when you are pregnant.
  • Black Cohosh: You should also avoid taking black cohosh during pregnancy because it is known to trigger uterine contractions, which in turn may cause premature labor.
  • Blue Cohosh: Do not use this herb during pregnancy because it has abortifacient properties and may cause embryotoxic and teratogenic effects.

Many other herbs should also be avoided when you are pregnant. Some of the most common examples include evening primrose, aloe, kava kava, senna, and feverfew.

Safe Herbs During Pregnancy

While ginseng and pregnancy do not make a good combination, you can certainly find some herbs that you can safely use during pregnancy.

1. Nettle

Nettle leaves are packed with minerals and vitamins. They also contain calcium, protein, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, and vitamins C, D, and B-complex. They also have anti-inflammatory effects on your body and help improve adrenal function. You may consider taking this herb during pregnancy, especially if you need to deal with allergies during pregnancy. 

2. Oatstraw

This nourishing herb has a number of benefits mainly because it contains calcium, carbs, magnesium, and vitamin E and vitamins B-complex. It acts as a nerve tonic, and relieves stress and anxiety. Regular consumption may help improve your immune system, reduce pain, and lower cholesterol level. 

3. Alfalfa

This nutrient-rich herb is extremely beneficial, especially during the final weeks of your pregnancy. It contains phosphorous, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and important vitamins such as vitamin B6. It also works amazingly well to relieve joint stiffness and pain. What's more, it helps lower cholesterol level and increase your energy levels. 

4. Ginger

You may want to use ginger during pregnancy for its anti-nausea properties. It works great to prevent morning sickness and is effective against other forms of nausea. It has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces pain. What's more, it is packed with calcium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, and vitamins E, C, and B-complex. It can also boost your liver function and provide you with energy.

5. Red Raspberry Leaf

This herb is beneficial in pregnancy mainly because it is loaded with all essential minerals. Regular consumption of this herb tones your uterus for a risk-free birth. It also promotes blood circulation. You are less likely to deal with pregnancy related complications if you take this herb during pregnancy.

6. Cranberry

Packed with vitamin C and essential minerals, cranberry is extremely beneficial in preventing urinary tract infections during pregnancy. It is a great addition to your pregnancy diet mainly due to its hydrating properties. Just keep in mind that you should eat or drink cranberry in moderation because over consumption may lead to an upset stomach.

7. Chamomile

This herb can help prevent pregnancy related complications, as well as reduce your stress and anxiety. What's more, it also has a mild sedative effect on your nervous system and promotes better sleep. Have a cup of chamomile tea a day to improve your sleep quality and reduce stress.

8. Peppermint Leaf

The powerful fragrance and presence of certain nutrients make peppermint leaves one of the most popular herbs among pregnant women. The smell of peppermint leaves helps relieve morning sickness. You can also put some peppermint leaves in your mouth soon after you wake up in the morning to prevent morning sickness during the first trimester of your pregnancy.

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