7+ Ways to Naturally Induce Miscarriage

The term miscarriage is given to the loss of fetus within one’s womb during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. Sometimes, doctors use another term in place of miscarriage-spontaneous abortion. Miscarriages can occur in almost 20% of all pregnancies with an astounding 80% of those miscarriages happening before 12 weeks of pregnancy. But if you have unexpected pregnancy, then you must want to know how to cause a miscarriage safely. Here are over 8 methods for you.

The Best Way to Cause a Miscarriage

There are several ways to miscarry and some of them are spread all over the internet. But a lot of them are nothing but wrong methods which can be dangerous to you. Here are over 8 ways on how to cause a miscarriage safely, especially for self-induced abortions.

1. Vitamin C

Believe it or not, this is actually one of the most popular ways to miscarry. Vitamin C helps promote women's estrogen levels, a hormone which is responsible for inducing your menstruation. As your estrogen levels increase, uterine contractions start and period begins.

So if you want to induce your period, all that you have to do is to increase your intake of vitamin C. The most obvious natural choices are citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, limes and grapefruits, but a lot of non-citrus fruits are equally excellent sources of vitamin C, including pineapple, papaya, strawberries, cantaloupe, kiwifruit and raspberries. An increased intake of vitamin C induces your menstrual cycle, which aids in a safe and natural miscarriage. But be sure you do not take more than 6,000mg of it per day.

2. Blue and Black Cohosh

They are herbs and it’s their terrible taste which induces a miscarriage. They prepare your cervix by getting rid of whatever is inside the uterus and then go ahead to stimulate contractions with the excessive oxytocin that your body produces. You have to be careful about the correct dosage; However, if taken in large quantities, these herbs might cause medical complications for you.

3. Cinnamon

The third answer to "how to cause a miscarriage" is cinnamon. Cinnamon is a naturally occurring abortifacient (a substance that causes miscarriage). When taken in the correct dosage, it causes uterine stimulation. It’s not advisable to cook the cinnamon and then ingest it via food because through cooking, it loses its components which help speed up the completion of your miscarriage. Cinnamon supplements are the best because they are stronger than their naturally occurring counterparts, making them perfect for a successful miscarriage.

4. Parsley

It's the vitamin C in the herb which helps to miscarry. All you have to do is to add the parsley to boiling water, add some green tea leaves to it and then drink it a couple of times daily.  

5. Dong Quai

This herb stimulates the uterus by improving the strength of the contractions. You can add it in teas or take it via supplements. Professional herbalists have been known to use this herb to prevent menstrual pain and assist with reproductive issues.


6. Homeopathy

The homeopathic methods of Sepia and Sabina have been known to induce miscarriages by getting rid of tissues left behind during an incomplete miscarriage. However, they do cause a lot of pain, so make sure you don’t schedule any activities during the period you’re taking these medicines.

7. Other Methods of Causing a Miscarriage

Other methods on how to cause a miscarriage(but not recommended) include:

  • Receiving punches, kicks or other blows to the abdominal area
  • Belly-flopping onto a hard surface
  • Consumption of muttonmarrow, driedhennapowder or carrot seed soup
  • Yoga or acupuncture
  • Lifting heavy weights
  • Hyperthermia, meaning immersing oneself in a very hot bath for long periods of time, while drinking gin
  • Hypothermia, meaning immersing oneself in a very cold or even icy bath for long periods of time

Can Coffee Cause a Miscarriage?

Caffeine is a stimulant, which means that it increases your heart rate and blood pressure. Both of these activities are not recommended during pregnancy. And while your body might be immune to high levels of caffeine, your baby’s metabolism can’t fully metabolize it, which may lead to changes in the baby’s movement patterns or sleep patterns.

There is compelling cases both for and against the claim that coffee may cause a miscarriage. Most experts do agree that there isn't enough evidence to make a definite conclusion. But to be on the safer side, it’s best to keep your caffeine intake under 200mg each day, which has been deemed a safe limit by Gynecologists, the March of Dimes and the American College of Obstetricians.

What to Expect After a Miscarriage

Knowing how to cause a miscarriage is far from enough, you have to know what to expect after a miscarriage. To be 100% sure that you’ve had a complete miscarriage, do see your practitioner immediately after a self-induced miscarriage, to make sure all the tissues from pregnancy has been expelled out of your body.

Bleeding is your first sign of a miscarriage which means that the entire fetal tissue is being removed out of your uterus. But in some cases, especially during the second half of the first trimester, parts of the tissue may remain inside the uterus after a miscarriage which needs to be removed by a doctor. What's more, heavy bleeding is not a good sign. If it is accompanied by aches, fever, a lot of pain or a foul vaginal discharge odor, then you'd better make a trip to the emergency room. Make sure you’re not the one behind the wheels to avoid accidents.

For those who have successfullycaused a complete miscarriage, do avoid activities like swimming and sex, and apply any vaginal medications until you’ve stopped bleeding.

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