I Feel Like I'm Going Crazy

For human beings, there is a limit to how much they can cope with. When life throws too much at you and you use up all your resources, you end up getting in stress and it even feels as if you're falling apart. These are all signs of a burnout, but the truth is that if you really want it to change, it will. It just cannot happen overnight. You need to stay persistent and do everything you can to make things better.

Why Do I Feel Like I'm Going Crazy?

There can be many different reasons why you're feeling as if you've lost everything. Here are some of the most common reasons.

1. Anxiety

When you constantly fear about something bad will happen, this triggers stress response in your body that causes a number of changes in the body. It even changes how your brain functions. For instance, it activates a region in brain responsible for making you feel afraid. The fear center of the brain will activate and heighten the perception of danger. You will even lose your ability to rationalize. This change can make you think as if things are slipping out of your hand, which in turn will make you feel more anxious.

2. Stress

Just like anxiety, elevated stress is also a reason why you may say, "I feel like I'm going crazy". Persistent elevated stress will eventually make you feel anxious all the time and make changes to how your brain functions. If you're thinking negatively due to persistently elevated stress, it will take a while to improve your condition. You may even feel you have a mental or health problem. This turns you into a constant worrier, which will compound the issue.

You may be getting stressed out because of not getting enough sleep, working too much, eating improperly, drinking too much alcohol, or not seeing enough people socially. Issues in your personal relationships may also cause stress. While you may feel as if you are going crazy, you can fix the underlying causes of stress to improve your condition.

3. Panic Disorder

You may say, "I feel like I'm going crazy" when you suffer from panic disorder. When you have a panic attack, your brain will start to function erratically. You will have trouble thinking straight. This will often make you think as if you're losing it all and going crazy too.

4. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

If you are suffering from OCD, there will be times when it feels as if you're going crazy. This usually happens when at your heart, you realize that your compulsions and obsessions are irrational but you cannot do anything about them. This puts you in a state of constant battle that can wear you out very quickly.

5. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

If you're suffering from PTSD, you may have symptoms that make you feel like you're going crazy. You may have paranoid or have to deal with vivid flashbacks. Some people even suffer from visual and auditory hallucinations. All this can make you say, "I feel like I'm going crazy".

How to Get Stress, Fear, and Anxiety Under Control?

As there are different underlying causes of why you're feeling anxiety, afraid and stressed, you will have to select a treatment option accordingly. Here are some of the ways to keep your emotions under control:

1. Jogging and Exercise

Regular exercise will help keep you healthy both mentally and physically. It releases brain chemical, decreases the levels of stress hormones, improves hormonal balance, and helps you sleep better at night. Research shows that exercise proves more beneficial as compared to anti-anxiety medications.

2. Positivity Journal

Maintain a journal and write everything positive that happens in your life. Look for the positivity in your life – it's difficult considering that a chance in neurotransmitter levels caused by anxiety will make you think more negative. Starting a positivity journal will definitely help. You should write only the positive things that occurred to you through the day. Be sure to make at least 10-15 entries a day. Read them again before you go to bed and help yourself understand that you're still good to enjoy life.

3. Distraction

Distracting your mind by engaging in a constructive activity is one effective way of controlling anxiety. While you'll be tempted to spend time alone, you have to shake off these thoughts to get out of stress. Meet your friends and make new plans. Downloading and listening to podcasts may also help.

4. Lovemaking

If you're in a relationship or have a partner, talk to them and have a lovemaking session. It's good for your physical and mental health. You are likely to feel less anxious when you enjoy your lovemaking sessions. It also helps reduce tension between you and your partner and strengthens your relationship.

5. Magnesium

Eat a balanced diet and make special efforts to eat food rich in magnesium. Magnesium is an important mineral and helps your body feel relaxed. You can take magnesium supplements to treat your anxiety. If you're already low in magnesium, your stress and anxiety will make it worse. So, consider taking magnesium supplements to deal with your anxiety.

6. Faking It

Cognitive dissonance refers to your mind's ability to change the way you feel or think, especially when you have two conflicting beliefs or ideas. Your mind has the power to change the way you perceive the outcome of something that conflicts with how you feel. All you have to do is behave as if you have no anxiety at all. Faking it will make your brain believe what you're doing is right.

Early Warning Signs of Mental Health Problems

You may say, "I feel like I'm going crazy", but you will always notice some specific signs of a nervous breakdown or another mental health problem.

5 Physical Symptoms

  • Painful muscles
  • Irregular heart beat
  • Sweating
  • Light-headedness or dizziness
  • Shaking or trembling

5 Mental Symptoms

  • Phobias and panic
  • Anxiety about normal things
  • Loss of libido
  • Inability to deal with stuff that never bothered you before
  • Impotency

5 Typical Emotional Problems

  • Felling guilty for everything
  • Crying easily and not being able to stop for hours
  • Feeling alone because you are too embarrassed to face others
  • Feeling paranoid
  • Feeling joyless and living in isolation

When to Seek Medical Help

In most cases, you will recover when your anxiety goes away. Regular exercise will also help in most cases. However, you will be better off seeking medical help if you're becoming completely hyperactive. You should consult with your doctor if you speak fast, sleep very little, shop more, and your thoughts are racing.

Similarly, it is important to seek medical assistance if you have a history of mental health problems and you feel it's all moving towards a mental breakdown. Seek immediately medical assistance if you're feeling suicidal.

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