Magnesium Sulphate Paste: Recipe and Uses

Magnesium sulfate, also known as Epsom salt, is a common household item that has numerous usages. Some people use it for therapeutic purposes, especially when used in hydrotherapy, bath soaks, and other formulas. One form of therapeutic product commonly used is magnesium sulphate paste, which you can make at home for personal use. This paste can be used like a skin ointment to treat common conditions. Learn more about the benefits of magnesium sulphate and how to make your own skin formula.

What Is It?

Magnesium sulphate is also known as Epsom salt, a common household item, which can be mixed with a small amount of water to make a paste. It can be bought over-the counter, containing magnesium sulphate, glycerol and phenol. These ingredients are packaged as ointment used to treat common skin conditions such as boils or carbuncles—skin infections that characterized by inflammation, pain and pus formation. And the paste works by drying out the infected skin, thus preventing further inflammation.

How to Make Magnesium Sulphate Paste

With function of curing and improving skin conditions, you can make a paste on your own and apply it on the skin. Here is a step-by-step instruction for you to follow:

  1. To make about one tablespoon of paste, use one tablespoon of Epsom salt. Add half-a-tablespoon of water to the salt and mix well, until it becomes pasty.
  2. If it does not seem pasty enough, heat the mixture while stirring and remove from heat when the Epsom crystals dissolve.
  3. Allow your paste to cool. If it becomes too thick when cooled, add a small amount of water (about ½ tablespoon only) until it reaches the right consistency.
  4. Apply on the affected area of the skin when cool.

What Can Magnesium Sulphate Be Used For?

1. To Cure Boils

A boil is a common skin infection that often starts when bacteria are introduced into an oil gland or hair follicle. Your skin initially turns red and a painful lump develops. After a few days, the lump becomes whitish as pus forms under your skin. Boils usually appear on the neck, face, shoulders, armpits and buttocks. A group of boils that become one area of serious infection is known as a carbuncle.

Boils usually get well on their own after several days, but they can cause so much pain and discomfort. To hasten the healing of boils, apply magnesium sulphate paste, which is a natural antiseptic or antimicrobial agent. It acts by killing bacteria and absorbing moisture around the wound, resulting in drying and curing the boil.

2. To Treat Acne

Acne is another common skin problem that develops when your skin pores are clogged by dead skin cellsandexcess oil. They appear as red bumps, usually in the face, neck and shoulders. These can also become infected if bacteria in the surrounding skin areas invade the affected skin. To help dry out acne, apply a paste made from Epsom salt and water.

  • You can use a clean cloth to apply and allow the poultice to set and do its work for 5-15 minutes.
  • Rinse off the paste with cold water. You can do this twice a day for best results.
  • To prevent excess drying of the skin, apply your moisturizer after rinsing off the paste.

3. More Uses of Magnesium Sulphate

  • Exfoliate your skin to remove dead cells. While taking a shower or bath, rub some magnesium sulphate paste over wet skin to soften and exfoliate. Rinse thoroughly.
  • Cleanse your face. Gently massage your face with the paste mixed with your cleansing cream. Rinse with cold water.
  • Remove blackheads. Add three drops of iodine and magnesium sulphate into ½ cup of boiling water. Using a cotton ball, apply mixture to your blackheads.
  • Get rid of foot odor. Mix ½ cup Epsom salt with warm water. Soak your feet in this mixture for 10 minutes to soothe aching feet, soften your rough skin, and get rid of bad odor.
  • Remove hairspray. Add one cup of Epsom salt to one gallon of water and one cup of lemon juice. Cover and wait for 24 hours. Pour this mixture over dry hair. Leave it on for about 20 minutes before applying your shampoo as normal.
  • Add volume to your hair. Combine Epsom salt with deep conditioner at a rate of 1:1, and then warm the mixture. Apply the war mixture on your hair and leave it on for about 20 minutes. Rinse off.

4. Important Tips

Although Epsom salt can make your baths relaxing, it stimulates the circulatory system and is not recommended if you have high blood pressure or varicose veins.

Possible Side Effects to Know

Some side effects are mild and self-limiting, so there is no need for medical attention. Your doctor can advise you on how to prevent or reduce these side effects. However, if your symptoms are persistent or worsening, call your doctor.

Ask your doctor about the possible side effects of using magnesium sulphate paste:

  • Sleepiness, dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Confusion
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Muscle weakness
  • Low blood pressure
  • Skin infection or irritation
  • Diarrhea
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