Tea Tree Oil for Skin Tags

It is common to find skin tags developing in areas where your skin rubs against itself. They are basically a form of tumor, but most of them are completely harmless. Most of the times, these skin tags aren't a medical threat, but they may well be a cosmetic inconvenience. It means your doctor may not want to remove it and your insurance wouldnot want to cover it for you either. This doesn’t mean you have to live with those unsightly skin tags because you can use tea tree oil for skin tags and improve your condition.

Why Does Tea Tree Oil Work for Skin Tags?

Extracted from the leaves of tea trees, tea tree oil is a colorless essential oil used in several cosmetic and dermatology products. The oil has several skin related benefits and works amazing well to improve a range of conditions. It also works effectively in treating skin tags mainly due to its antibacterial properties – it also has antiseptic and antiviral properties. You just need to know how to use tea tree oil for skin tags to make things better.

How to Use Tea Tree Oil to Treat Skin Tags

There are a number of ways to use this oil to treat certain types of skin related conditions. Here are the best remedies for skin tags that use tea tree oil as a main ingredient.

Method 1

What You Need:

  • Tea tree oil
  • A piece of gauze or cotton ball
  • Adhesive bandage  (optional)

What Are the Steps?

  • Before you apply the oil, you need clean the affected area first and pat dry. Make sure you don't rub it profusely.
  • Now, take a cotton ball and soak it in the oil. Use it to coat the affected area completely. Leave it on.
  • Repeat the same process for at least thrice a day.
  • You can also use medical tape or another type of an adhesive bandage to accelerate the process. Just wash and dry the affected area and apply oil using a cotton ball. Instead of leaving it open, you can cover it with an adhesive bandage. You can leave the cotton ball on and keep it in place using medical tape for quick effects. This way, the tag will fall off in a few days’ time but it may take a few weeks for the growth to be removed.

Method 2

Things You Need:

  • 3 drops of tea tree oil
  • 4 drops of raw apple cider vinegar
  • 5 drops of fresh lemon juice
  • First aid tape and a cotton ball

What Are the Steps?

Tea tree oil for skin tags is a great remedy that improves your condition without causing any pain or side effects. Simply mix lemon juice, cider vinegar, and tea oil in a small bowl. Take a cotton ball and soak it well in the mixture. Place it directly on your skin tag and cover using a first aid tape. Repeat twice a day for ten days to see effects.

Precaution: Dilute If You See Side Effects

You usually don’t see any side effects of using the oil, but some people may experience allergic reactions when using undiluted tea tree oil. You may want to dilute it if you notice irritation, pain, or an allergic reaction after using tea tree oil. Simply mix it with jojoba oil or olive oil to dilute it.

Another great idea is to use the watered down solution. Simply add some water to dilute the gel and use it on your skin to avoid experiencing skin irritation.

How Long Will It Take to Get Results?

Like other home remedies, it is important to have some patience. Most of the times, tea tree oil for skin tags works quite well, but it takes up to 2 weeks to see some positive effects. In rare cases, you may have to wait up to a month to see your skin tag falling off.

Other Ways to Remove Skin Tags

Using tea tree oil for skin tags is definitely an effective way, but there are some other equally effective ways that produce similar results.

Oregano Oil

Regular use of oregano oil will help get rid of skin tags because it contains p-cymene, avacrol, and thymol. These three phenolic terpenoids components clear bacterial infections. The oil also has antispasmodic, antimelanomic, antiseptic, and antioxidative properties, so it works quickly to eliminate your skin tags.

How to use: Simply make a mixture of two drops of oregano oil and four drops of coconut oil. Now, apply this mixture directly on your skin tag thrice a day. This will dry out your skin tag and make it go away in a short time. Be sure to use another oil to dilute the oregano oil or else you may end up dealing with skin irritation and redness. Never use it near your eyes.

Dandelion Juice

You can use dandelion juice for a variety of skin issues. It is equally effective for your skin tags. Avoid using it if you're allergic to marigolds, daises, chrysanthemums, ragweed or other similar plants because if you're allergic to these, the chances are you are allergic to dandelions as well.

How to use: Take a dandelion with the stem and extract its juice by squeezing it. A milky liquid will come out of it that you need to apply directly on your skin tag. Cover the affected area on your skin with a band-aid. Repeat it four times a day and be sure to dry your skin properly between applications. You will soon notice your skin tag becoming dry and falling off in a few days. 

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