Why Can't I Remember Things?

Human memory is complicated, but it can be quite quirky and unreliable too. Sometimes, you think you remember everything accurately but things can take a nosedive anytime. Why does it happen? Science is still trying to find an answer by exploring more about our brains and memory. You may have a good memory, but that may not be the case with everyone you know. In fact, some people have a hard time remembering things. For some people, it is difficult to remember things they have done yesterday, but others find it more difficult to remember event from their childhood. What is happening?

Why Can't I Remember Things?

While there can be a mental disorder making it difficult for you to remember things, there can be a wide array of other things affecting your memory. 

1. You Are Eating Wrong

If you have a hard time remembering things, your diet might be the one to blame. Your diet can keep your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar elevated all the time, which will eventually lead to blocked blood vessels in and around your brain. This can always affect your memory in a bad way. Eliminate excess fat from your diet and you will notice some improvement in your memory.

2. You Smoke and Drink

Smoking and drinking can cause serious health complications. Smoking can damage your blood vessels and affect your memory. Similarly, heavy drinking will have serious consequences. Moderate drinking is acceptable though – men should have no more than two drinks and women should limit it to one drink a day.

3. You Are Getting Older

Your memory will take the toll as you grow old. You may be able to talk on the phone while watching the news when you were young, but you are less likely to do the same in your old age. It happens mainly because you start losing brain cells with age. Your brain cells also need certain chemicals to work properly but the levels of those chemicals will also come down with age. That is probably the reason why your memory is sharper in your 20s than at 55 or 75.

4. You Pay Little Attention to Things

Why can't I remember things? You ask. It's probably that you do not pay enough attention to things happening around you. In other words, you are just becoming absentminded, but things are likely to be more serious if you have lived in an area for 10 years but now you forget your way back home.

5. You Do Not Get Enough Sleep

Chronic sleep deprivation makes it difficult for you to process info and consolidate new memories. There will be a 32% of reduction in daytime alertness for every 1.5 hours of missed sleep each night. Some people feel tired in the day for not getting enough sleep and resort to energy drinks, which makes matters even worse. It may offer temporary relief but long-term effects can be quite serious.

6. You Have Nutritional Deficiencies

Chronic physical and mental health problems may well be the result of nutritional deficiencies. Factors like low stomach acid, poor soil quality, malabsorption, and low probiotic count can cause nutritional deficiencies in people who are eating a relatively healthy diet. A deficiency of vitamin B12 can directly affect your memory. In elderly people, the ability to absorb this vitamin from food decreases, which is why it is important to take supplements to prevent this nutritional deficiency. Similarly, magnesium deficiency can also cause concentration problems, memory loss, and insomnia.

7. You Are Under Stress

Being under stress for long can cause serious problems including damage to your memory. In a recent study conducted on mice showed that mice developed impaired temporal order recognition memory after being exposed to repeated stress. So, manage stress to avoid asking, "Why can't I remember things?"

8. You Have Chronic Candida Infection

Candida is actually a type of yeast found in your genital region and intestines. The yeast is actually beneficial for your health unless it grows out of control – it happens due to excessive antibiotic use, poor diet, mercury toxicity, birth control pills, and excessive alcohol consumption. It can enter your bloodstream and cause a number of different symptoms including forgetfulness. Other symptoms include flatulence, abdominal discomfort, chronic yeast infections, learning impairment, brain fog, chronic fatigue syndrome, and frequent colds and flu.

9. You Have an Autoimmune Disease

People with an autoimmune disease may also end up hurting their learning skills and memory. Some of the most common autoimmune diseases that can lead to problems with memory and cognition are Grave's disease, multiple sclerosis, Sjogren's syndrome, lupus, and Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

10. You Are Gluten Intolerant

Found in barley, wheat, and rye, gluten is a protein that many people cannot digest. Indigestion will lead to flatulence, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. It also affects your memory in a negative way – it may turn into a morphine-like substance that acts as an opiate to affection cognition, memory, behavior, and sensory processing.

Is There Anything You Can Do?

Why can't I remember things? You already have possible answers to this question, but you may be thinking if you can do something to correct this problem. Here are the steps to take to keep your memory sharp.

  • Reduce environmental and food toxins: These toxins can cause chronic neurological disturbances and affect your memory in a bad way. Be careful when using cosmetics and cleaning products because they may contain chemicals like formaldehyde and acetaldehyde that affect your memory.
  • Improve your diet: Include foods rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids to boost your memory. Some of the best options include apples, coffee, blackberries, organic chocolate, turmeric, wild-caught fish, butter, extra virgin oil, and coconut oil. Limit your intake of processed foods and eat more of whole foods.
  • Live an active life: You should be as active as possible and exercise regularly to give your brain the power to form new memories and connect emotions to navigation, memories, and spatial relations.
  • Take supplements whenever necessary: You should opt for supplements when your diet does not provide you with all-important nutrients. You may want to opt for supplement that contains a variety of ingredients designed to improve your memory. Some of these ingredients are Ginkgo biloba (a medicinal herb), huperzine, and vinpocetine.

Know When to Be Concerned

While you can certainly take steps to improve your memory, but sometimes forgetfulness becomes severe and persistent. If it affects your everyday life and makes it hard for you to remember recent events, things people tell you, find your way back home, it is time to seek medical attention. 

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