How to Make Body Strong Physically and Mentally

Everybody should strive for a strong and healthy body. A strong body means you can have more energy to do whatever you like. Physical activity alone is not enough to keep your body healthy and strong, and there are a few more factors that, in combination with exercise, help you achieve a strong body.

How to Make Body Strong

1. Drink Enough Water

It is recommended for adults to consume 11-15 cups of liquid every day, including water, juice, tea, milk, etc. Even though fluids such as coffee or soda can also help you fulfill your liquid intake, you should drink less of them and more of pure water as they contain caffeine. 

2. Read Ingredient Labels Carefully

It is so easy to get fooled by all those inscriptions on the label saying that a product is completely natural or low in calories. Start reading those tiny nutritional details located at the back of the product. Also, make sure you read everything carefully, because you can easily mistake that 3 grams of fat as the amount of fat that the whole item has, while in fact, 100 grams of the product have that much fat.

3. Eat a Balanced Diet

If you are wondering how to make body strong, consuming a balanced diet that includes dairy products, grains, fruits, vegetables, and fats will help.

  • Meat is the main source of protein which is also found in eggs, beans, and nuts. Avoid frying, but rather go for cooking without oil. 
  • As for dairy, it is best to consume products that are low in fat and avoid cream, cream cheese, and butter. 
  • When we talk about grains, we talk about products made from wheat, oats, rice, cornmeal, quinoa, etc. There's a wide range of these products to choose from, such as pasta, bread, and cereal which are made from whole grain.
  • Fruits and vegetables are low in calories, but rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which helps you a lot to keep your body strong. Try to avoid drinking juice as it usually contains a lot of sugar.
  • Our bodies can only keep functioning properly if we provide them with some fat. Liquid oils, such as olive oil, sunflower oil, and cottonseed oil, are the best to consume as they contain more unsaturated fats.

4. Walk

How to make body strong and healthy? Well, by walking. Researchers have proven that every person trying to be strong should walk ten thousand steps a day. To count all those footsteps, you just have to equip yourself with a pedometer.

5. Develop a Routine

If you are not used to exercising, slowly start introducing it to your routine. It is a good idea to choose and write down the exact time and days when you are going to work out. Also keep changing the type of exercises you do to avoid getting bored. 

Your workout routine should consist of various activities that have a positive effect on your whole body, such as stretching (regular stretches, yoga), aerobics (running, walking, riding a bicycle), balance exercises (tai chi, yoga), strengthening exercises (lifting weights, yoga), along with core exercises that help your spine-supporting muscles get stronger (pilates).

6. Pay Attention to Mental Health

How to make body strong? A strong body should not only have good physical health, but also have a healthy mind. By being mindful, paying closer attention to others, paying closer attention to the world and seeing it with new eyes, you can prohibit yourself from being anxious and frustrated, and feel amazing in the process.

7. Meditate

Meditation is of great assistance when it comes to relieving pain, boosting the immune system, subduing inflammation, fighting depression, improving memory and more. Although meditating is a bit hard for those who have never tried it before, once you pick up how to do it, it becomes fairly easy.

The trick is to learn to concentrate by sitting still and focusing on one thing for as long as you can. This thing can be whatever you want it to be, whether that is your breathing or an object. If you find yourself losing focus, regain it momentarily.

8. Think Positively

  • Replace negativity with positivity every time you feel down. Think about everything that makes you happy.
  • Appreciate everything you have, no matter how small it is, because some people don't have it as good.
  • Don't stress over your mistakes, but rather learn from them.
  • Be forgiving.
  • Be selfless and give without expecting anything in return.
  • Breathe and live every day of your life like it is your last. Relax, have fun, try new things, and challenge yourself, but be yourself!

9. Get Enough Sleep

Sleeping plays an important role in repairing our blood vessels, balancing hormones, supporting growth and boosting our immune system. Therefore, if you want your body to stay strong and to keep functioning well, you should get enough sleep for 7-8 hours every day.

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