3rd Month of Pregnancy

Attention, mama-to-be, you have successfully completed the first three months of your pregnancy journey! At this point, the risk of miscarriage and pregnancy-related issues falls significantly. You may see a small bump that shows your growing fetus. This is because the growth of the fetus increases at this point, with more milestones passed on a weekly basis.

Movement may be felt at this time, as the embryo changes to fetal status. The tail disappears, the bones begin to harden and the eyes are big and open. The ears have formed. It is wise to continue to follow the doctor's advice carefully as this amazing journey continues.

How Is Your Baby Developing in the 3rd Month of Pregnancy?

Now that you have entered the third month of pregnancy, the embryo can officially be called a fetus. The bones begin to become more solid in this, the final month of the first trimester.

Week 10

By this week, the embryo is about 10 grams in weight and 3-4 cm in length. Floating in the amniotic fluid, the embryo's neurological system is undergoing an enormous growth with the cells multiplying in a speed of hundreds of thousands every minute. Its many organs are also developing fast.

Week 11

This is an exciting week for your embryo. It officially graduates to fetus status, has the two cerebral hemispheres become more distinct and has nerve cells developing that will become the neurons of the brain.

Meanwhile, the basis for the central nervous system, digestive system, cardiovascular, pulmonary and even the urinary systems are in place. Those systems and the organs within them will continue to become more complex as the weeks go on.

Week 12

This week is all about the start of touch and mobility. The arms and legs are forming, and the fingers and toes start to be defined. Meanwhile, sensory and motor nervous systems are starting to develop. Touch is the first sense to come into being. This requires certain cells in the spinal cord, skin and the brain. These cells detect contact and pain.

Week 13

This week, more progress is made on the arms and fingers. The face is also beginning to form, with the eyes, nose, mouth and ears becoming clearly defined.

What You Can Expect During the 3rd Month of Pregnancy

Week 10

Theoretically, early pregnancy symptoms like nausea and vomiting may start to disappear. Still it varies for different mums-to-be. By now, you may have to go to the bathroom more often, which is normal.

What is abnormal is to have burning or tingling sensations when urinating as it may indicate cystitis, which is a urinary infection that often appears in pregnant women. With cystitis, the urine is cloudy and you may have fever. Don't worry though, your doctor can prescribe antibiotics to deal with the condition and it's safe for the baby. However, to reduce the risks, get regular urine test.

Week 11

Nausea, for those who were dealing with it, may start to ease up some this week. Meanwhile, vaginal discharge can increase and blood circulation throughout the body will continue to increase. You may experience bleeding gums due to hormonal changes. Be sure to avoid sugary foods and be careful when brushing your teeth. Keep eating fruit and foods high in fiber to avoid constipation.

Week 12

This week your abdomen is growing, and your energy should be coming back too. You probably have a noticeable baby bump now, and if not, you should have one soon. Let the joy of the pregnancy carry you through this week, as next week brings some great news about energy levels and the ability to share your joyous news with the world.

Week 13

Your nipples are darker and veins may be visible as blue lines beneath the skin. Your doctor may be able to detect the heartbeat of the fetus, which is truly an amazing sound to hear. Your uterus is now the size of a grapefruit. Now is a good time to tell co-workers and friends about the pregnancy, as the risk of miscarriage has reduced significantly.

3rd Month of Pregnancy Care

1. Pay Attention to Your Diet

During these four weeks, it is a good idea to focus on your diet. Make sure to eat fruits, vegetables and fiber, adding 300 to 500 calories to your diet each day. This will lead to some weight gain of roughly one to two pounds.

  • Avoid sugary foods and make sure to eat foods high in fiber during this period. Also, make sure your diet also includes lots of protein.
  • Supplement with iron and folic acid, which should usually be done before pregnancy. But if you didn't do it, now is the time to begin.

2. Cope With Dizziness and Fatigue

It is still common to feel faint when you stand up during these four weeks of the pregnancy. That is because blood circulation continues to adjust. To take better care of yourself, get enough sleep and be sure to have some short breaks during work. And have some napping during the day will help you to feel much better.

3. Keep a Good Personal Hygiene

  • Pay close attention to your teeth brushing and oral hygiene habits, since your hormones can make your gums bleed. Otherwise, it is a good idea to stick to normal routines.
  • Also you may start to experience some vaginal bleeding, when this happens, try to keep your vagina dry and clean to avoid infections.

4. Quit Bad Habits

During 3rd month of pregnancy, it's really important that you say goodbye to those bad habits which may affect your baby's health.

  • Avoid strong and stressful activities such as lifting heavy objects which may cause great pressure to the womb and harm your unborn baby.
  • Avoid foods that are either spicy or oily as unhealthy foods could worsen symptoms such as indigestion, gas and nausea.
  • Avoid high heels and go for comfortable shoes. High heels can make you feel even more tired.
  • Avoid smoking and second-hand smoke, coffee, alcohol and drugs as they would influence the baby's development.

5. Monitor Your Emotions

  • First of all, don't stress. As your body and hormones are changing, it is normal to feel unattractive due to your growing belly and isolated from your peers that are not having a similar experience. Understand that these feelings are common and do not let them make you worry further.
  • Next, remember to pay attention to feelings of depression and mood swings. While mood swings are common due to hormone changes, if you feel depressed for an extended period of time, talk to your OB/GYN about it. Some women experience depression during pregnancy that requires some intervention.
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