Calories per Gram of Fat

Fats lead to weight gain but they are essential in the body. Our bodies require fats for normal growth and development, absorption of essential vitamins, and cushioning of some organs. Fats are a source of energy and are useful in maintaining cell membranes. In addition, fats provide taste, consistency, and stability to food. The major types of fats include saturated, unsaturated, and Trans fats. This article provides information on the number of calories per gram of fat and daily calorie needs.

Are Calories Good or Bad?

The body requires calories for energy. These calories should be burnt through activity, while unused calories lead to weight gain. The human body burns calories through metabolism to remain healthy and balanced. Metabolism distributes calories throughout the body and may turn them into proteins or amino acids. In addition, the calories are absorbed into the bloodstream and transformed into cells or stored as energy. The number of calories you take or eat determines the level of energy your body requires to remain healthy and alive. Excessive intake of calories will lead to weight problems and poor health.

How Many Calories in per Gram of Fat?

There are 9 calories per gram of fat while one gram of carbohydrates and proteins contains 4 calories each. The body requires fats, hence they must be part of a healthy diet. The Institute of Medicine recommends that adults should derive 20-35% of their daily calories from fat. You can calculate your daily fat needs by considering the number of calories per gram of fat. That is, divide 20-35% percent of your daily calorie requirements by 9. If you require about 2,000 calories each day, you should derive 400-700 of these calories from fat. This means that you should eat about 44-78 grams of fat each day.

Include healthy fats in your diet such as nuts, canola oil, olive oils, and avocados. Avoid hydrogenated oils, saturated or animal fats, Trans fats, and solid fats such as shortening and butter. Processed fats have altered chemical structures that cause the heart to use much more energy to pump blood to all body parts.

What Is the Difference Between Calories and Fat?

The human body requires fats, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, vitamins, and water to remain healthy. Sources of carbohydrates include fruits, grains, peas, vegetables, rice, pasta, and beans. Proteins are found in meat, dairy products, poultry, eggs, and beans. The essential minerals include potassium, calcium, and iron while essential vitamins include vitamins A, D, E and K.

A calorie is a measurement, just like a teaspoon or an inch. Calories refer to the amount of energy released when the human body digests and absorbs food. Diets or food with many calories will provide high amount of energy. If you eat more calories than your body requires, it stores the excess calories as body fat. Some fat-free food have high amount of calories as well.

How Many Calories Do You Need for a Day?

After learning the number of calories per gram of fat, protein, and carbohydrates, it is important to know your daily calorie needs. In 2010, Dietary Guideline for American estimated that women need 1600-2400 calories daily while men require 2000-3000 calories for a healthy weight. The Harvard Medical School estimates the daily calorie requirements for adult as 13-18 calories per pound of weight. This means that heavier people require high amounts of calories to maintain their weight. This is usually based on individuals' activity levels. The US Department of Health and Human Services estimates that safe and effective weight loss diets for men and women have 1200-1600 calories per day.


Calorie Requirements During the Day




0 – 4 months

500 kcal

450 kcal

4 – 12 months

700 kcal

700 kcal

1 – 4 years

1100 kcal

1000 kcal

4 – 7 years

1500 kcal

1400 kcal

7 – 10 years

1900 kcal

1700 kcal

10 – 13 years

2300 kcal

2000 kcal

13 – 15 years

2700 kcal

2200 kcal

15 – 19 years

2500 kcal

2000 kcal

19 – 25 years

2500 kcal

1900 kcal

25 – 51 years

2400 kcal

1900 kcal

51 – 65 years

2200 kcal

1800 kcal

Over 65 years

2000 kcal

1600 kcal

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