When to Start Driving After C-Section

Every pregnant woman has to face the possibility of having a caesarean delivery, which means delivering a baby from the mother’s uterus through surgery. In some cases, the need for C-section may only be apparent in the hours leading up to delivery. In others, it may be prescribed due to complications in the pregnancy or for mothers who do not want to undergo vaginal birth after having had a caesarean (VBAC). Regardless of how the choice was made, it can impact a mother’s daily activities and this article will discuss one of them – driving after C-section.

When Can You Drive After C-Section?

Some women may not feel able to drive in the weeks following the delivery. Doctors may also ask their patients to stop driving after C-section for a period of 6 weeks depending on the postnatal results. A healthy recovery could mean being able to get behind the wheel faster.

Women with a C-section may be apprehensive about pain to the body and this can hamper their instinctive responses while driving. Thus, they should avoid driving until these worries are alleviated and can gain full control of her vehicle, such as performing emergency stops and quick turns.

Besides, another thing to consider is the insurance company. Most insurance companies express no issues with driving after C-section; however, some companies may insist on a letter from the attending physician stating that you are fit to drive after the delivery. It is important to make sure that your cover is not affected by this.

What Other New Moms Say

My doctor told me to wait 6 weeks before driving, but I started driving a week early. I feel that a woman should start driving whenever she feels well enough to do so. However, driving can loosen the stitches from a caesarean and I think you should make a choice keeping this consequence in mind. I hope that helps :-)”

“I started driving three weeks after my Caesarean though I was told to wait 6 weeks. I was scared at first but I was getting restless simply sitting at home. I simply started when I felt ready and started with short trips.”

“My best friend was driving 10 days after her C-section. She contacted her insurance company and submitted a letter from her doctor stating that she was in good health and could drive. She started driving as soon as she got the green light from them :-D”

How to Recover Fast from C-Section

Here are some things you can do to accelerate your physical recovery and enable you to drive a car soon.

1. Pain Management

Pain is the main cause that stops you from driving after C-section. Vaginal bleeding may persist for 6 weeks after your delivery and then will slowly lighten in colour from red to yellow or white. The incision will be puffy initially and may appear brighter compared to the remaining skin.It may also be tender for more than 3 weeks.

While any associated pain will decrease after 3 days, pain medication may be required for the first 2 weeks. The scar will gradually flatten, become thinner and lighten in shade. A routine follow-up with your doctor can help ascertain the course of your recovery. Proper postnatal care can facilitate rapid recovery.

2. Incision Care

It is important to take adequate care of the incision made during a caesarean delivery.

  • If a bandage was applied over the incision, it is important to replace the dressing at least once a day. If the bandage gets wet or dirty, it should be replaced quickly. The dressing should be continually replaced till the doctor advises to keep the wound open.
  • The area of skin should be kept clean with water and a mild soap but scrubbing this area should be avoided.
  • You can have routine showers even if stiches, glue or staples were used to close the incision. Swimming, soaking in a bath or a hot tub should be avoided as it can open up the stitches and before doing this you should always get your doctor’s approval.
  • If Steri-Strips were used, they should fall off in about a week’s time. You can remove them after 10 days provided the doctor has not advised against this. Do not attempt to wash off the glue or Steri-Strips, instead shower regularly and use a towel to pat the scar dry.

3. Proper Activity

Walking around the house can help prevent the formation of blood clots, speed up recovery and make driving after C-section possible. Here are some tips on activities after C-section:

  • Slowly walk around the house and perform little housework, and progressively increase the quantity of work done.
  • For 6 to 8 weeks, you should avoid lifting heavy objects and your baby should be the heaviest thing you lift.
  • Do not perform activities that make you exert your muscles and breathe laboriously. Such activity can hamper physical recovery.
  • Driving after C-section should be avoided for a minimum of 2 weeks. Driving under medication should be avoided at all costs.

When to Call a Doctor

Any of these abnormalities warrants a call to your doctor:

  • Vaginal bleeding 4 weeks after your delivery
  • Large clots in vaginal bleeding
  • Heavy bleeding from the vagina for more than 4 days after delivery
  • Bleeding after a week or two from a scab at the site where the placenta is shed
  • Aching in your calf
  • Fever
  • Intolerable discomfort in your stomach
  • Malodourous and heavy vaginal discharge
  • One leg becoming redder and warmer than the other
  • Breaking of incision stitches
  • Depression
  • Tender area on one breast
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