Precautions after Embryo Transfer

In Vitro Fertilization, IVF, or Embryo Transfer refers to a process in which egg cell fertilization with sperm does not take place inside the body of women. Instead, the fertilization process takes place in the lab. Once the egg cell is fertilized, the embryos are then transferred to the uterus where the rest of the pregnancy progresses naturally. IVF is one effective way to deal with certain infertility issues, but you may have to do your homework before you opt for this method. You may have to talk to your doctor about the benefits and risks of the procedure along with medications you need to take.

Precautions after Embryo Transfer

It is obvious to have so many questions when you decide to try IVF. You may be worried about its effectiveness and have so many concerns about things you can or cannot do after the embryos are transferred to your uterus.

1. Do Not Have Intercourse

After the transfer of embryos, you should avoid engaging in sexual intercourse. If you continue to have sex, you are at an increased risk of developing vaginal infections. Staying away from vaginal sex allows your ovaries to heal as well.

2. Avoid Heavy Lifting

It is important to stay away from any strenuous activities. Do not lift heavy weights – you need to be more careful during the first couple of weeks to confirm if you are pregnant. Your abdominal muscles may already be a bit stressed due to the IVF procedure and heavy lifting is only going to make matters worse. It is also better to avoid any tough household work for some time.

3. Avoid Hot Baths

It is a good idea to avoid taking baths at least for the first two weeks. This is a precautionary measure because a foreign substance can enter the vagina and cause infection. An infection at this stage can lead to miscarriage. Moreover, you should not go for douching after embryo transfer. Take showers if you really want to.

4. Avoid Strenuous Workouts

It is related to the same precaution of not lifting heavy weights. Heavy aerobics and exercises are not recommended after the IVF procedure, but you should go for light exercise such as walking to keep you healthy.

5. Take Progesterone

Once the ovulation takes place, it is important to ensure that you have adequate amount of progesterone in your body. Without enough progesterone, you will not be able to maintain your pregnancy. Your body produces progesterone naturally, but you may also have to take artificial progesterone in injection or suppository form to ensure adequate levels of progesterone in the body. You may have to take injections until the 12th week of your pregnancy, after which your body begins producing enough of progesterone on its own.

6. Quit Smoking

One of many important precautions after embryo transfer is to stop smoking. When you smoke, you inhale toxins that can affect your pregnancy. It is equally important to avoid being in smoky atmospheres because the secondhand smoke can also damage the lining of your uterus.

7. Avoid Alcohol and Other Drugs

Once you have conceived after IVF, it is important to avoid alcohol as much as possible. You should at least limit the intake if you cannot avoid it completely. The same is true for caffeine and other drugs.

What's more, you should take plenty of rest and have early nights. It is also important to maintain a positive attitude and avoid being stressed about your pregnancy. Maintaining a positive attitude really helps make things a lot easier after the transfer of embryos.

Can Your Embryos Fall Out By Walking?

No, that is not the case. You do not have to worry in this regard, but many women still feel better when tiptoeing around on a layer of foam. There is nothing wrong in doing so, especially during the first few days, but nothing bad will happen if you behave differently. In a natural pregnancy, the fallopian tubes release the egg and the sperm fertilizes it in the tube. The embryo move into the uterus after being fertilized and implant itself in the uterine wall to establish pregnancy.  The good thing is that the uterus is a closed space with rather flexible walls that expands depending on how much space a growing baby needs. Due to these closed walls, you do not need to worry about embryos falling out of the uterus.

Should You Worry about Spotting after Embryo Transfer?

Yes, you need to take several precautions after embryo transfer, but you should always be ready to experience certain issues. Spotting, for instance, is quite common but does not signify the end of your pregnancy. The spotting could happen due to so many things your doctors do during your IVF cycle. Injections, hormones, egg retrieval and stress can lead to spotting. Your doctor makes the transfer with the help of a speculum that could irritate the lining of the cervix and later cause spotting. Being on hormonal supplements may also be the reason why you are experiencing spotting.

Sometimes, you experience spotting when the embryo implants itself into the uterine lining, which means you have conceived. It is actually a good thing and confirms pregnancy. In this case, you may also experience mild cramping along with spotting. This is normal in most cases. So, do not take spotting serious unless it turns into bleeding or you have other symptoms as well.

What Is the Success Rate of Embryo Transfer?

Statistics show that in 2012, IVF success rate with fresh embryos for women under 35 was 47.1%. The rate comes down with age going up – it is 37.9% for women 35-37; 28.5% for women 38-40; and 16.3% for women 38-40. However, IVF success rate with frozen embryo does not change much with age. It is 42.2% for women under 35 but comes down to 39.8% for women between 35 and 37 years of age. For women between 38 years and 40 years of age, the rate is 33.9%.

Things have changed drastically in 2015, as the Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago noted 67% of success rate with fresh embryos for women under 35. Clinical pregnancy rate per transfer for frozen embryo is 73% for women under 35. It means things are definitely getting better and if you take precautions after embryo transfer, the chances are you will be able to bypass your fertility issues and be able to conceive. 

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