Pressure in Lower Abdomen

The abdomen contains the vast majority of the organs in the body. Pressure in the lower abdomen could mean a problem with any number of those organs. The abdomen contains the digestive tract, which includes the stomach, small intestine, large intestine, cecum and appendix; there are also accessory organs, such as the pancreas, gallbladder and liver. The spleen is also there, as well as the urinary systems, including the kidneys and ureters. Any of these could be in distress if you are feeling pressure in the lower abdomen.

What Causes Pressure in Lower Abdomen?

The lower abdomen also contains the colon, bladder, female reproductive organs, and the small intestine. Pressure in the lower abdomen could be a problem with any of these issues. Here are some of the more common issues.

1. Indigestion

Where this hurts depends on the person. Some people feel the discomfort of indigestion right behind their breastbone, which is why it is sometimes confused with a heart attack. The pain might also be at the top of the belly. Indigestion usually happens after eating certain foods that don’t agree with you, such as those that are fatty or spicy. Other signs include pressure in the lower abdomen, acidic taste in the mouth, and a great deal of burping.

2. Gas

Pressure in your lower abdomen is quite often caused by trapped gas. You can even feel bloated with all the gas in your intestines. You might have cramps as well, and those might become rather severe. Fortunately, this is remedied as soon as you pass the gas.

3. Constipation

This very common problem can lead to serious pressure in the lower abdomen, as well as cramps, much like gas pains. Severe constipation can even make you feel rather sick. Fortunately, this is something that can be remedied through passing the stool, which might be helped along with over the counter mediations to loosen or soften it.

4. Irritable bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Many people suffer from IBS, and among the many symptoms can be pressure in the lower abdomen, as well as bloating, pain, diarrhea or constipation. Symptoms tend to come and go, and the cause isn’t known – sometimes it makes no difference what you eat or drink. Treatment is often helpful, so speak to your doctor about what to do about IBS.

5. Infections of the Urinary Tract

Kidney or bladder infections can commonly lead to pressure in lower abdomen, but they more often lead to serious pain. Though the ureters are in the flanks, the kidneys are toward the back and the bladder is at the bottom, pain in one of these can lead to pain and pressure throughout the entire lower abdomen.

6. Pregnancy

Those who are pregnant will feel increasing pressure in the lower abdomen throughout the pregnancy, thanks to the growing weight of the baby and the amniotic fluid. However, intense pressure in the lower abdomen can be a sign of premature labor, so mothers should always be aware of changes in their body.

7. Ascites

When there is excess fluid between the abdomen and the organs, pain and pressure in the lower abdomen can occur. This is commonly a problem with those who have infections, such as pancreatitis or tuberculosis, those who are on kidney dialysis, or those who have blood clots in the liver. It is also caused by cirrhosis or hepatitis.

8. Uterine Fibroids

These common tumors might have no symptoms at all; however, those that grow large might lead to pressure in the lower abdomen. Occasionally, pain is also present, especially during periods or intercourse. Other symptoms might include cramping, frequent urination, bleeding between periods and pressure or pain.

Home Care for Pressure in Lower Abdomen

When you are feeling pressure in the lower abdomen, there are some home remedies you can try that might alleviate discomfort. Green tea and chamomile tea can soothe the stomach, while eating more fiber can help keep your bowels moving. For gas pain, try simethicone, an over the counter medication; for constipation, try laxatives, or an enema or colon cleanse. You can also get rid of gas through proper exercises, including yoga.

Finally, remember not to overeat, always take a walk after you eat, and drink a great deal of water throughout the day to keep hydrated and flush toxins from the system.

When to Worry About Pressure in Lower Abdomen?

Most people suffer from pain and pressure in the lower abdomen from time to time, and the cause is usually quite benign. However, there are certain issues that should make you take it more seriously, and get to the doctor to be checked out. These include:

  • How severe is it? If you can’t sleep because of the pain and pressure, or if you find it tough to get your mind off the pain during the day, it’s serious.
  • How long does it last? Pain or pressure that doesn’t go away, that is continuous, lasts for longer than ten or fifteen minutes, is considered more serious than pain that comes and goes.
  • Is your abdomen tender? If you press on the area, the pain gets worse; if you move around, the pain becomes even worse.
  • Do you have no appetite? Losing your appetite is a sign that your body wants to keep food out of it – that is also a sign that you might have something going on that is more serious. Most people who are truly sick don’t want to eat anything.
  • Is there blood in the toilet? Bowel movements that lead to pain and bleeding at the stool are serious issues that should be taken to a doctor.
  • Are you vomiting? When your digestive tract shuts down, vomiting ensures you don’t put anything else into your body. Nausea can also keep you from wanting to eat.
  • What color are your bowel movements? Black or tarry bowel movements are a sign of blood in the stool. Changes like this are often a sign of a bleeding ulcer. This is a serious problem that should send you to the emergency room, even if there is no pain or pressure in lower abdomen.
  • Are you dizzy? If you are feeling severe abdominal pain and pressure as well as becoming dizzy, this could be a sign of plummeting blood pressure, thanks to internal bleeding. Call an ambulance if this occurs!
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