9 Causes of Spotting After Your Period

A healthy menstrual cycle usually lasts between 28 and 32 days. During this time, you will experience bleeding up to 3-5 days. It is not a set rule though because every woman's cycle will be different in some ways. You should consider it normal so long as the length and pattern of your cycle is steady. Most spotting is normal. However, you should consult your doctor if you notice hevily bleeding because it usually indicates an underlying health problem. 

What Are the Possible Causes of Spotting After Period?

So many factors can affect how you feel during and after your menstrual cycle. Similarly, there can be different causes of noticing any light spotting after your period is over. Here's more about it:

1. Remaining Uterine Tissue After Period

If you notice spotting a couple of weeks after your period, this could mean your menstrual blood couldn't be expelled completely during your period. In simple words, it's your body's way to get rid of the remaining uterine tissue.

2. Fluctuating Menstrual Cycles

This is common among teenage girls because their bodies will take some time to adjust to the hormonal changes. It may take some time for teenage girls to finally get rid of untimely spotting and move to a consistent menstrual cycle. Irregular spotting is usually normal in this case.

3. Rough Sexual Intercourse

If you've had sex with your partner soon after the completion of your menstrual cycle, you may notice slight bleeding or spotting, which is usually the outcome of deep penetration. Your partner's penis may hit the cervix and cause physical injuries that may result in bleeding.

4. Oral Contraceptives

If you've been taking oral contraceptives for quite some time and have stopped suddenly, you may end up dealing with light spotting a week after your period. This usually happens due to the hormones present in oral contraceptives. Spotting usually stops when your body adjusts itself to the elevated levels of hormones.

5. Polyps

These are cellular growths (non-malignant) in your uterus. They may burst due to any reason and cause light bleeding.

6. Uterine Fibroids

It is usually a mild condition that may cause spotting after period or at any other time. You will have to get rid of these fibroids if they grow larger.

7. Infections

You don't usually notice spotting due to infections but they can increase the risk of abnormal bleeding.  Both yeast and bacterial infections can lead to blood discharge – you are more likely to notice a foul-smelling pink or brown discharge.

8. Ovulation

In some cases, spotting indicate ovulation, a process in which an egg comes out of a cyst within the ovary. The increase in estrogen levels causes the cyst to burst and release the egg, which may lead to mild abdominal cramping and light spotting.

9. Pregnancy

Pregnancy is another possibility. You will experience light bleeding when the fertilized egg implants itself in the uterus. It is called breakthrough bleeding.

How to Deal with Spotting After Period

If you've noticed light bleeding after period, you can take a number of steps to correct the underlying problem. You can choose from a variety of treatment options, including hormonal therapy that involves taking birth control pills to correct hormonal imbalance. This will also help remove ovarian cysts and shrink uterine growths. Your doctor may consider removing large ovarian cysts, fibroids, or polyps through a surgical procedure.

Here are some other things you can do to prevent bleeding after period.

  • Take birth control pills as doctor says: Taking birth control pills will help regulate hormonal levels, but you need to follow your doctor's instructions. Never stop or restart without your doctor's advice, or else you will notice bleeding between periods. Also, be sure to take your pill at the same time every day.
  • Control your intake of aspirin: You should stop or at least limit the intake of aspirin because it is a blood thinner and may cause bleeding between menstrual periods.
  • Do regular pap smears: Going for pap smears will help diagnose a problem in its early stages. It also helps diagnose cervical cancer early.
  • Mind your weight: You should take steps to keep your weight in check, which will help reduce your risk of uterine cancer, which is quite common in post-menopausal women.
  • Change birth control methods: Consider changing your birth control method to prevent bleeding or spotting after period. You may notice spotting when using intrauterine devices. Try another method to correct your problem.
  • Keep your stress under control: Emotional stress can have a negative impact on your menstrual cycle causing irregular spotting. Try relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, visualization, deep breathing, and aerobics to calm your nerves.
  • Keep your menstrual cycle in record: Keep track of the dates of your menstrual periods. Also, notice any spotting before or after your period – be sure to mention how heavy it was. Discuss it with your doctor to help identify the underlying cause.

When to Seek Medical Advice

If you're younger than 11 or post-menopausal and bleeding, you should go see your doctor immediately. It is also a good idea to contact your doctor when you notice heavy vaginal bleeding between periods. Most women will experience spotting at some stage in their lives, which is normal, so long as it's not heavy bleeding and stops in a few days. If you experience heavy bleeding that continues for more than a week, you should contact your doctor. Also, seek immediate medical assistance if you experience sharp pain in the pelvis with bleeding.

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