Watery Discharge During Pregnancy

Buying practical "granny panties" is one of many things you will have to do during pregnancy. These panties will help accommodate your growing belly better and you won't feel bad when you have to throw them away after you have dealt with all the unexpected situations during pregnancy, such as watery discharge, potted discharge, etc. However, you will probably still be concerned about these problems. So do you know what watery discharge during pregnancy isand whether it is normal or not? Keep reading to find the answers.

What Is the Water Discharge During Pregnancy?

Watery discharge during pregnancy can be due to many different reasons. You will have to know the underlying cause to determine if what's coming out of your vagina is normal or not.

1. Leukorrhea

Normal or Not: Normal

Leucorrhea, the surge in the levels of estrogen, may increase the blood flow towards your vagina, which may cause vaginal discharge during the early stages of pregnancy. The discharge is usually thin and white in color.

2. Urine

Normal or Not: Normal

Leaking urine is quite normal during pregnancy, especially when you sneeze, cough or have a good belly laugh. The smell and color will also confirm the discharge is urine.

3. Mucus Plug

Normal or Not: Normal

Your cervix will become thin and dilate during pregnancy, which may lead to the expulsion of the mucus plug. The plug fills the cervical canal and is made of mucus. It prevents any passage of bacteria to your baby. The plug comes off in the later stages of pregnancy, usually when you're ready to give birth.

4. Amniotic Fluid

Normal or Not: Normal

Your discharge may be the amniotic fluid that comprises of dead skin cells, cervical and vaginal secretions, and vaginal bacteria. If you notice sudden gush of fluids after the end of your third trimester, this could be the amniotic fluid discharge.

5. Preterm Labor

Normal or Not: Not Normal

If you're witnessing a brownish- or red-colored watery discharge before you complete 37 weeks, it could be a sign of preterm labor. Go see your doctor immediately for proper diagnosis.

6. Yeast Infection

Normal or Not: Not Normal

If you experience symptoms such as vaginal itchiness, swollen vulva, burning sensation and greening-yellow discharge, this may indicate a yeast infection. You have to consult your doctor because it is not easy to control a yeast infection during pregnancy and it could be quite uncomfortable, too.

7. Bacterial Vaginosis

Normal or Not: Not Normal

You may develop bacterial vaginosis due to an imbalance in the vaginal bacteria. The most common symptoms are yellowish or grayish-white watery discharge with a strong "fishy" smell. It is important to treat it on time or else it may lead to preterm delivery, miscarriage, or post pregnancy uterine infection.

8. Sexually Transmitted Disease

Normal or Not: Not Normal

If you're experiencing watery discharge that changes color from white to gray, yellow or green, this could be due to a vaginal infection or sexually transmitted disease.

How to Deal With the Watery Discharge During Pregnancy?

Unfortunately, you won't find a treatment to stop normal watery discharge during pregnancy. It means you will have to prepare yourself mentally to deal with all the discomfort. You will have to buy sanitary pads and panty liners to maintain freshness and hygiene. Be sure to avoid tampons during pregnancy because they may cause irritation. Doing some Kegel exercises may help strengthen your bladder and muscles to prevent urinal discharge.

However, you may have to take some specific steps to deal with abnormal watery discharge caused by specific issues. For instance:

  • ŸAmniotic fluid or preterm labor: Don't wait for things to improve on their own and call your doctor immediately.
  • ŸYeast infection: You should consult your doctor and ask for an OTC or prescription suppositories or vaginal cream. These creams are beneficial in case you're dealing with a serious infection. You may also want to increase the intake of probiotics.
  • ŸBacterial vaginosis: It’s not normal to develop a bacterial infection during pregnancy, so you should see your doctor immediately and use prescription antibiotic medications to clear any symptoms without risking the well-being of the fetus.
  • ŸSexually transmitted disease: Things can go wrong quickly if your watery discharge is due to a sexually transmitted disease. Seek immediate medical attention to resolve the issue.

When Should You See a Doctor for Watery Discharge During Pregnancy?

You may have already gathered the idea that watery discharge is normal in certain situations and needs immediate medical attention in other cases. And in following situations, you should call a doctor for identifying underlying problems.

  • ŸYou should contact your doctor if you're experiencing excessive watery discharge and noticing severe discomfort. It is not easy for most expectant moms to distinguish between amniotic fluid and mucus. Therefore, you should not take any chance, especially when you experience excessive watery discharge after 28 weeks of pregnancy.
  • ŸChange in the odor or the color of your discharge is another reason to call your doctor.
  • ŸYou should also contact your doctor immediately if you notice tingling, itching or burning sensation in your genital region, because these are common signs of a fungal infection.

Always bear in mind that your body will undergo several changes during pregnancy, and these changes are actually necessary for the health of your baby. Just be sure to monitor your condition and contact your doctor if you notice anything out of the ordinary. There's nothing wrong in clearing your confusion.

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