Is Cervical Mucus Before Menstruation Normal?

Cervical mucus is a semi-fluid that is egg-white in color, secreted by the female reproductive system. The fluid plays a critical role in conception; it traps the sperms and conserves them for up to six days. Therefore, it is possible for a lady to conceive up to six days after sexual intercourse. Cervical mucus allows enough time for the egg to be fertilized and boosts the chances of conception considerably. Although the fluid is very beneficial, many women are worried about cervical mucus before menstruation. Throughout this article, this concern will be addressed.

Cervical Mucus Before Period

A few days prior to ovulation, estrogen stimulates cervical glands to secrete cervical mucus. As the period draws near, the color, texture and thickness of the cervical mucus will change.The maximum amount of normal cervical mucus is produced about five days prior to ovulation. Here are 2 conditions of cervical mucus before period related to fertility.

The fertile mucus is istranslucent, colorless and clear cervical mucus, which creates a perfect environment for the sperms to swim in and survive for a longer period. It is also elastic, as such, it can be starched between two figure tips.

Following ovulation, the cervix will stop producing the mucus for a couple of days, before producing the infertile cervical mucus.

The infertile mucus is thick, sticky, opaque and white or yellowish in color. The acidity of infertile cervical mucus is slightly higher, which causes the death of the remaining sperms. This type of cervical mucus remains still and has a fixed shape, hence cannot be stretched between two fingertips. If you would like to increase your chances of conceiving, you should watch out for fertile cervical mucus by checking the mucus daily one week prior to the expected period date.

Cervical Mucus Throughout Your Cycle

Aside from the cervical mucus before period, the cervical will change throughout your cycyle. The consistent changes in the appearance, texture and elasticity of cervical mucus throughout the menstrual cycle is mainly influenced by reproductive hormones, especially the ones that regulate ovulation. A few days before ovulation, estrogen hormone stimulates the cervix to produce more thick and sticky mucus. After ovulation, the cervix becomes dry for a while, hence preventing the penetration of sperms through the cervix. Mentioned below are the changes in cervical mucus throughout the cycle, based on a 28-day menstrual cycle.

  • Day 1 to 5 – menstrual bleeding will take place.
  • Day 6 to 9 – this is 5 to 8 days prior to ovulation, during which the cervix produces minimal or no mucus.
  • Day 10 to 12 – this is 2 to 4 days before ovulation, during which the cervix produces thick and sticky mucus. The mucus whitens and becomes less thick as the days go by.
  • Day 13 to 15 — this is 1 to 2 days prior to ovulation. During this time, more cervical mucus, which is elastic, thin, clear and slippery, is produced.
  • Day 16 to 21 – this is 2 or more days after ovulation. The infertile mucus, which is thick and sticky, is produced.
  • Day 22 to 28 – dry mucus.

Steps to Check Your Cervical Mucus

Prior to carrying out these steps, you should wash your hands thoroughly and dry them well. You can then carry out the following steps to check the changes in your cervical mucus:

  1. You should assume a comfortable position by standing up, sitting on a toilet or squatting.
  2. Using either the middle or index figure, reach inside the vagina to get a sample of cervical mucus. Be careful not to scratch the vaginal walls with your nails.
  3. You should then observe the mucus sample you obtain with your eyes and check for its elasticity by rolling it between two of your fingers.
  4. With the cervical mucus sample in between two fingers, press the fingers together and then move them apart slowly.

If after this procedure you observe that the cervical mucus is more like a raw white egg, wet and stretches for about an inch, ovulation is about to happen because this is fertile mucus. This is the perfect time to have sexual intercourse if you are trying to conceive. If you happen to be recording your Basal Body Temperature in a chart, you may as well record your cervical mucus findings using such abbreviations as C (creamy), S (sticky), EW (egg-white) and W (wet). You may also conduct this test by using the cervical mucus you find on used toilet paper or your underwear. However, you can get a better sample by reaching into the vagina.

More Things You Should Know About Cervical Mucus

Here are various things that you should consider while examining cervical mucus:

  1. You should not get the cervical mucus sample when you are sexually aroused, during or after sexual intercourse. If you are unable to get a good sample, it is advisable to wait until after bowel movements to obtain a sample.
  2. A good number of ladies, particularly the ones with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) produce fertile cervical mucus several times during their cycles. If you are such a lady, it will be difficult for you to track your ovulation using the mucus.
  3. Certain drugs, such as Clomid and antihistamines, can dry up the cervix and lead to the production of infertile mucus prior to ovulation.
  4. If you have never noticed consistent, egg-white cervical mucus before ovulation, you should talk to your doctor because hostile cervical mucus can lead to infertility in ladies.
  5. Some ladies tend to produce wet mucus that is more or less egg-white moments before menstruation. In this case, you should not confuse this cervical ovulation with pending ovulation.
  6. You may confuse semen for fertile cervical mucus a day or two after sexual intercourse. However, you can learn how to differentiate the two with experience.
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