When Does Implantation Bleeding Occur?

When does implantation bleeding occur, and what exactly is it? Implantation is the process of a fertilized egg (blastocyte) attaching itself to the uterine lining. Implantation bleeding will normally occur during this process as it might cause movement and irritation in the uterine wall. This will make you notice some blood on your panties and you might feel slight cramps and soreness as well. This normally happens within the first 4 weeks of pregnancy, and for this reason expectant women might mistake the blood for their monthly period. Though not all women experience implantation bleeding or spotting, it is a sign of pregnancy.

When Does Implantation Bleeding Occur?

The question is a bit tricky as it can be easily confused with your period. The confusion comes about because the two occur around the same time - that is, 6 -12 days after fertilization and ovulation.

6-12 weeks after fertilization, the embryo is growing rapidly and has to move from the oviduct to the uterus, which is lined up with the endometrium. The endometrium contains all the necessary nutrients for the growth of the embryo. At this point, the embryo implants itself into the endometrium making it dependent on the mother’s body. During attachment, the embryo might cause disruption of the blood vessels causing slight bleeding, which is seen as brown or pink discharge. This causes no problem to the mother as the endometrium recovers.

Do I Have Implantation Bleeding or Period?

Aside from the question: when does implantation bleeding occur, another frequently asked question is: do I have implantation bleeding or period?

Implantation bleeding is different from your period in several ways, and it can be a sign that you are pregnant. It is then important to know the difference between the two. Seen a week prior to your period, implantation bleeding is brown or pink in color, and the cramps during implantation bleeding are mild.

Usually, the implantation bleeding does not contain clots normally seen in period. And it will appear for a day or two or even skip one.However, if the bleeding is heavy and deep red, consult your doctor.

There are some essential factors help you figure out the differences between implantation bleeding and period.

Essential Factors

Implantation Bleeding


The Flow

Remains light.

Starts with light flow then turns heavier.

The Color

Usually are discharge looks light pink or brown, occasionally looks red.

Bright red blood.

The Frequency

Irregular, spotting can last for 1 to 2 days.

Monthly, the period can last 4 to 7 days.

Cramping Feelings

Light and faint cramping.

More severe and intense cramping.


When Can You Take Pregnancy Test After Implantation Bleeding?

After figuring out the question: when does implantation bleeding occur, you will want to know when is the best time to take a pregnancy test. When you start noticing what might look like implantation bleeding, it is important to watch out for other symptoms of pregnancy like fatigue and nausea. As mentioned, implantation bleeding will occur 6-12 days after fertilization, so keep this in mind as it will determine whether it is implantation bleeding or not. Once the blastocyte leaves the oviduct, and it is attached to the endometrium,hGC (human chorionic gonadotrophin)—the pregnancy hormone is produced.

One thing to remember before taking pregnancy test is that it takes time for the hormone to be produced in the womb. Therefore, only until the placenta starts producing the hormone, the test can be tested.You can get positive results if you use an early pregnancy test 3-4 days later when implantation occurs. However, most women get accurate results after missing their menstrual period.

Bleeding in Early Pregnancy, Should I Worry?

During the first days of pregnancy, most women experience bleeding and there are low chances of doing harm to the baby. According to statistics, one in every five expectant women bleed during the first trimester, and it is mostly during the time they have their period. The bleeding might last 1 or 2 days.

Professionals are yet to establish the main cause of this bleeding, but it is suspected to be due to:

  • ŸBreakthrough bleeding as a result of the pregnancy hormones taking over the usual menstrual cycle hormones, but the cycle goes on for some time. This kind of bleeding might occur severally and it is generally more common compared to implantation bleeding.
  • Cervical ectropion or erosion. The bleeding may be due to the softening of your cervix and raw areas formed in cervical. A cervical or virginal infection can also cause you to bleed as well as a polyp (harmless growth). All the above can cause bleeding when your cervix is irritated like during sex.
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