How Much Should a One Month Old Weigh?

How much weight newborn babies gain with time tells a lot about their overall health. If your baby is not gaining weight normally, it may indicate a problem. However, every baby is different and some may have a natural growth pattern that is a little slower than what is considered normal. You should talk to your baby's doctor if you are concerned about anything. He or she may also help you learn how to use growth charts to ensure your baby's gaining weight in a healthy way. 

How Much Should a One Month Old Weigh?

There should be an increase of 2-3 oz. per day in the weight of an average newborn. It means that your one-month old baby should weight approximately 10 pounds. To get a better idea of what your baby weight should be, you need to consider your baby's birth weight.

It is important to know that your baby has excess body fluid at the time of birth, which he or she will lose during the first few days. In fact, most babies lose 10% of their birth weight, but they usually gain it back in about 5 days. They are usually at their normal birth weight again around 10 days after birth.

Another important point to consider when answering, "How much should a one month old weigh?" is whether you have a baby girl or a baby boy. Boys usually weigh more at the end of the first month as compared to girls. Boys are also going to be slightly longer than girls. The weight difference is usually no more than a pound, whereas the size difference is by about 1/2 inch only.

Causes of Baby's Weight Less Than Normal

If you think your baby is not growing steadily, there may be an explanation. It usually happens when babies do not eat well or when they cannot use or absorb nutrients properly. There could be other problems too.

1. Feeding Problems

Your baby may not be gaining weight properly if there are certain feeding problems. Here are a few considerations:

  • Your baby gets tired and falls asleep before getting enough milk. This happens when your baby has a weak sucking reflex. This is more common with breastfeeding but can also happen to bottle-fed babies.
  • Your baby has a cleft lip or palate. It can also cause feeding problems and make it difficult for your baby to get enough milk. You can use special nipples and bottles to tackle the problem.
  • Your baby is tongue-tied. It is another reason why your baby fails to get enough nourishment. The problem usually affects breastfed babies, but bottle-fed babies may experience the same issue.
  • You are not preparing the formula properly. Some new moms fail to prepare the formula milk correctly, which in turn makes it difficult for babies to gain weight.
  • Your baby may also suffer when you fail to develop a breastfeeding routine. If this happens, your baby is less likely to get enough to eat.
  • Sometimes, your breasts just do not produce enough milk to provide your baby with full nourishment. A third of your breast milk is foremilk which is always available for your baby. The hindmilk is the rest of your breast milk that is stimulated by a hormone called oxytocin. Hindmilk contains more calories and is therefore important for your baby's health. You may not be able to provide more of hindmilk to your baby when you are in pain or are stressed. 

2. Other Common Causes

How much should a one month old weigh? The answer depends on many factors, but if your baby is not gaining weight, there could be other issues. For instance:

  • Your baby is ill. Your baby is going to need more nutrients and calories when he or she is ill. An illness may also change your baby's appetite, which can also have a direct impact on their body weight.
  • Your baby may have a gastrointestinal problem. It is possible for babies to develop reflux, diarrhea, milk intolerance, celiac disease, or other gastrointestinal problems which keep them from absorbing nutrients and gaining weight.
  • Your baby does not get enough attention. It can happen when you have postpartum depression or have other young children asking for your attention.
  • Your baby may have some rare health conditions. Failure to gain weight could be the result of a lung problem, like cystic fibrosis; a chromosome problem, like Down syndrome; a nervous system problem, like cerebral palsy; or heart disease. Some babies fail to gain weight because of an endocrine or metabolic disorder. Talk to your doctor for further evaluation.

What to Do If Your Baby's Weight Is Less Than Normal?

1. See a Doctor

Instead of asking "How much should a one month old weigh?", you should take your baby to the doctor if you believe he or she is underweight. The doctor will consider other factors as well to determine if there is an underlying medical condition. Your doctor will ask you some questions to make a correct diagnosis. Depending on the findings, he or she may refer your baby to a dietician, a pediatric gastroenterologist, or a feeding specialist.

2. Learn Feeding Tips for Normal Weight Gain

  • Know that your baby is eating enough if you get 6-8 wet diapers a day.
  • Breastfed babies usually need to eat more often as compared to formula-fed babies, which is mainly because your baby can digest breast milk a lot faster.
  • Do not give anything but breast milk to your baby until they are 4 months old. Do not give infant food or juice to a baby younger than 4 months.
  • Ask your health visitor or midwife to conduct a feeding assessment. This helps confirm that your baby's attachment and positioning are perfect.
  • Breastfeed your baby frequently – at least 10 times a day. Do not stop feeding if your baby still wants to eat. Skin-to-skin contact is usually a great way to keep your baby from sleeping at your breast. Switching breasts frequently may also help.
  • Babies who cannot feed properly from the breast should be given expressed breast milk. Ask your breastfeeding counselor or midwife to teach you everything about expressing. 
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