Top 9 Ways for How to Make a Newborn Poop

For new parents, it is gratifying to see your baby smile or take a nap. It lets you know that your little one is comfortable and happy. But what about pooping? Regular pooping shows that your baby’s systems are working well, digesting food and disposing of waste. Of course, you don’t enjoy handling poop, but if your baby is not doing it, you can't rest easy. How to make a newborn poop?

Does Absence of Poop Indicate Constipation in Your Baby?

Not necessarily. Breast milk contains very nutritious ingredients required for baby’s growth. For a growing baby, most of this food is digested and absorbed into the body. This leaves almost nothing to pass through the rest of the digestive system. This may mean that when very young, your baby’s poop may only come after several days, even once a week. This is normal and should not worry you. Some infants’ systems are also slower, which means they poop even less often.

Don’t worry that your newborn is not emptying his/her bowel in a systematic manner. In fact, there is no right schedule. Poop texture may also change from day to day. In case you are worried that your baby could be constipated, look for the following signs:

  • Hard belly
  • Crying, irritable and uncomfortable just before poop comes
  • Poor appetite
  • Hard, dry and pellet-like poo that comes after some struggle
  • Three or fewer bowel movements in a week
  • Smelly poo and wind

Liquid poo may also signify constipation. The liquid makes its way past the hard matter in the intestines. If you notice this, don’t conclude it as diarrhea.

When Should I Call the Doctor?

Consult your doctor immediately in the following scenarios:

  • Baby is not eating and has lost weight.
  • There is blood in stools.
  • Basic treatments including diet adjustment don’t work.

Do not give your baby any laxatives or suppositories before consulting a pediatrician.

How to Make a Newborn Poop

1. Help the Baby Do Some Exercises

Exercise helps improve your baby’s bowel movements. If your baby is already crawling, encourage him/her to move around a little more. If your baby is not a crawler yet, help him/her exercise by pumping the legs.

Lay your baby on the back and gently move his/her legs forward and backward in a circular motion, like pedaling a bike.

2. Massage the Baby's Belly

Another way to make a newborn poop is belly massage. Place three fingers below your baby’s navel on the left side; apply some gentle but firm pressure below this area using your fingertips. You will feel a mass or firmness below. Maintain the gentle, constant pressure for three minutes.

3. Consult the Pediatrician About Switching Formula Brands

If your baby is feeding on formula, consider changing the brand. You can also try adding some dark corn syrup to the formula and see if it helps. Begin by adding ¼ of a teaspoon to every 4 ounces of the formula. If there is no improvement, increase the amount gradually but do not go beyond 1 teaspoon per 4 ounces. Ask the permission from pediatrician first.

4. Supplement with Some Prune Juice

If your baby is more than 4 weeks old, you can add some prune juices to the formula or breast milk. While juice is normally not necessary, giving him/her a little to help clear constipation will not hurt. You can also give pear or apple juice in place of prune.

One ounce per day for every month of life, up to 4 months, will normally do the trick. Once your baby is at least 8 months old, you may give him/her up to 6 ounces of juice daily to help treat constipation.

5. Cut Down on Potentially Constipating Foodstuffs

If you are still wondering how to make a newborn poop and the baby is already eating solid foods, take note of what he/she eats and cut down on potential constipating foods such as rice. Give your baby some apricots, prunes or pears. These will help to loosen the stools and aid bowel movements. Try giving a belly massage first, followed by high-fiber food.

6. Apply Some Aloe Vera

In case your baby’s poop is too hard and dry so that it is covered with some blood or you notice fissures (slight tears) in the skin around the anal opening, apply a little aloe vera lotion to aid in healing. Make sure that you clean the area and keep it as dry as possible. You should also inform your baby’s pediatrician about the fissures.

7. Give More Water

For baby on formula, ensure to give extra water between feeds. Avoid adding excess water to the formula and always mix the recommended quantity of formula powder to make a bottle. Too much formula powder can lead to dehydration and constipation. Once your baby is 2 months old, start giving him/her 2-4 ounces of water two times per day to supplement usual fluid intake.

8. Give Your Baby a Warm Bath

How to make a newborn poop? This method is in many instances ignored. However, a warm bath will relax your baby and aid in bowel movement. You can get similar results by placing a warm face towel on the tummy for a few minutes.

9. Ask About Other Treatment Options

There are other treatment options. However, avoid going for anything you have not consulted your baby’s doctor about. The pediatrician may suggest glycerin suppositories in case the baby has severe constipation. The suppository works by stimulating the baby's rectum to pass stool. Note that suppositories should only be used occasionally. Regular use can lead to dependency.

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