How to Make a Protein Shake

It is true that smoothies really help provide you with protein and other nutrients essential for muscle building. However, it is also a fact that sipping on the same smoothies week after week can make things quite boring. You really do not have to be that way, especially when you can learn how to make a protein shake that is delicious and full of healthy nutrients.

Great Recipes to Make Your Own Protein Shake

From mocha to mango to key lime, unique flavors can make your protein shake quite unique and delicious. Here are some recipes that you can use to teach your old blender some new tricks:

1. Banana Bread Protein Shake


  • 2 tbsp. of almond butter
  • ¾ cup of almond milk
  • A medium banana (cut into small slices)
  • ¼ cup of raw cashews
  • A tbsp. of ground flax seed
  • 2 tbsp. of whole oats
  • 1 dried date
  • A sprinkle of cinnamon


Combine all the ingredients in a blender and process until smooth. Sprinkle cinnamon in the end and serve!

2. Bee-Raspberry Protein Shake


  • ⅓ cup of Greek yogurt
  • ¾ cup of coconut water
  • A tbsp. of agave
  • ½ raw beet
  • A tbsp. of hemp hearts


Combine all the ingredients in a blender and process thoroughly. Sprinkle some hemp hearts before serving.

3. Vegan Berry and Chia Protein Shake


  • ¾ cup of almond milk
  • Half cup of mixed berries (frozen)
  • ⅓ cup of silken tofu
  • A tablespoon of agave
  • A tablespoon of chia seeds


To learn how to make a protein shake, simply mix all the ingredients in a blender and process well. Sprinkle some chia seeds before serving.

4. Mocha Protein Shake Recipe


  • Half cup of milk (nonfat)
  • A tbsp. of Jell-O Butterscotch Pudding (sugar-free)
  • A cup of ice
  • 2 scoops of chocolate
  • Half cup of concentrated cold brew coffee
  • Chocolate shavings/ instant coffee powder (optional)


Take a blender and add the milk and pudding powder to it. Process until it becomes thick. Now, add protein powder, coffee, and ice, and blend again. Top with coffee powder and chocolate shavings before serving!

5. Tropical Protein Shake


  • ⅓ cup of Greek yogurt
  • ¾ cup of coconut water
  • ⅓ cup of frozen mango
  • ¼ cup of pineapple (frozen)
  • 1 pitted dried date
  • ⅓ cup of raw cashews (soaked overnight)


Get a blender and put all the ingredients in it. Process it until it becomes smooth and top with chia seeds before serving.

6. Raspberry and White Chocolate Shake

Want to learn how to make a protein shake? Try this one.


  • 2 scoops of vanilla protein powder
  • ¾ cup of raspberries (frozen)
  • A cup of coconut milk (unsweetened)
  • A tbsp. of white chocolate chips
  • A tbsp. of chia seeds
  • 2 tbsp. of water


Mix all the ingredients in a blender and process until smooth. Serve!

7. Chocolate Peanut Butter Shake


  • A banana
  • A cup of almond milk (unsweetened)
  • 2 scoops of chocolate protein powder
  • 5 ice cubes
  • 2 tbsp. of peanut butter


Blend all the ingredients until smooth. Serve!

8. Orange Creamsicle Protein Smoothie


  • Half cup each of water and almond milk (unsweetened)
  • 2 scoops of protein powder
  • 3oz of orange juice concentrate (frozen)
  • Half banana (frozen)
  • A tsp of orange zest
  • 5 ice cubes
  • A tsp of honey


Put all the ingredients in a blender and mix until smooth. Serve!

9. Papaya Ginger Smoothie


  • Half cup of plain Greek yogurt (nonfat)
  • 1 cup of ice
  • 1 ½ cups of papaya (chilled)
  • 2 tsp of ginger (chopped)
  • A tsp of agave nectar
  • Lemon juice of half a lemon
  • Mint leaves


Blend ice, papaya, ginger, yogurt, agave nectar, lemon juice, and mint together. Stop once smooth. Serve!

10. Other Tasty Breakfast Shakes

It is also quite easy to learn how to make a protein shake to enjoy in the morning. Here are a few combos of different ingredients that you just need to put in your blender to make a delicious protein shake.

  • 1 ½ cup of milk (low-fat), half cup of coffee flavored ice cream (low fat), 2 scoops of vanilla protein
  • 8 raspberries, 2 scoops of whey protein, 15 blueberries, 4 strawberries, 2 cups of milk (nonfat), ice
  • Half cup of milk, 1 banana, a scoop of protein, 10 almonds, ice
  • A cup of almond milk, 2 scoops of protein, half cup of pineapple (frozen), a cup of peaches (frozen), 2 cups of kale, half banana, 1tbsp. of ground flaxseed
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