How to Stop Dizziness

Dizziness can be associated with a wide range of symptoms including lightheadedness, imbalance, feeling weak, uneasiness and nausea. If you feel like you are spinning, it is referred to as vertigo.

Becoming dizzy is very common and can be caused by many conditions. Most underlying causes are more uncomfortable than serious. There are several home remedies to stop dizziness. However, you should seek medical attention if it does not go away or is accompanied by other worrisome symptoms.

How to Stop Dizziness

1.       Reduce Stress

Stress can be very damaging to your health and can trigger a wide variety of ailments. It can affect your hormones, breathing, and heart beat and it may even induce nausea. If you suffer from anxiety, stress can prompt panic attacks, a feeling of being overwhelmed and phobias. All of these conditions may be accompanied by dizziness.

  • Ideally, find out what is causing elevated stress levels and eliminate the trigger if possible. This may mean changing your job or work schedule. If you are in school, maybe your class load is too large.
  • Try natural stress reduction techniques like yoga, deep breathing, meditation and tai chi to help with your anxiety.

2.       Hydrate with Water

If you do not drink enough water and become dehydrated, you can quickly become dizzy. You can also become dehydrated when suffering from diarrhea or vomiting, as your body may not be able to retain the fluids it needs. Same thing goes with spending too much time outside during a hot day. When you are dehydrated, you can suffer from hyperthermia or have low oxygen levels because your blood cannot carry it through your system fast enough.

  • To prevent dizziness due to lack of adequate water intact, try to drink 64 ounces of water (8 eight-ounce glasses) each day. This is especially important if you are exercising or it is hot outside.
  • Beverages containing caffeine like tea, soda and coffee can make you urinate more frequently. So can alcoholic drinks. It is best to stay away from these if you are dehydrated as they will only make it worse. Also, drink water instead of caffeinated beverages if you are thirsty.

3.       Get Adequate Sleep

Studies have found that not sleeping enough can be very detrimental to your health. It can lead to hypertension, elevated stress levels, heart disease, depression, anxiety and diabetes. Overtiredness can cause lightheadedness and dizziness, as well as inhibit your ability to concentrate. It can also cause you to snore heavily, which can greatly interrupt your sleep patterns.

  • If you are trying to figure out how to stop dizziness from lack of sleep, consider natural techniques. There are herbal sleep aids such as valerian root extract, melatonin supplements, chamomile tea and magnesium supplements.
  • Get 8 hours of sleep, even if it means going to bed earlier by changing your routine. You cannot make it up by sleeping in late on the weekends. Lost sleep is lost.
  • Avoid the computer, television and other electronics before bedtime.
  • Do not drink caffeinated drinks like soda or coffee in the afternoon to allow it to leave your system before bedtime.

4.       Breathe Deeply

Deep breathing can restore your body with the oxygen it needs and can thwart off dizziness. By allowing your brain to get enough oxygen, you can relax your nerves and gain a better sense of well-being.

There are simple deep breathing exercises that might help. Here are instructions on how to do a fairly simple one:

  • Lie down or sit in a comfy position.
  • Place one of your thumbs up against one nose nostril, place the opposite hand flat on your abdomen and keep your mouth closed until time to exhale.
  • Slowly inhale through the uncover nostril until your abdomen is full with air.
  • Hold your breath for 3 seconds, keeping both nostrils closed.
  • Slowly exhale, pushing the air from your abdomen.
  • Repeat steps at total of 10 times.
  • When done, sit for 5 minutes and breathe at normal pace so you don’t get lightheaded.

5.       Eat a Snack

Sometimes you can become dizzy if you have not eaten enough throughout the day. When you are hungry, it is often because your blood sugar levels are low. When this happens, a way for how to stop dizziness is to eat a snack. Consider one of the following:

  • Fruit with high water content
  • Chocolate or candy high in sugar
  • A high carb snack such as a banana
  • A small serving of almonds, cashews or other roasted nuts
  • Yogurt with fruit mixed in

6.       Chew Ginger

Ginger has been used medicinally for over a century as a means to stop dizziness. Pregnant women often take it for this condition and for nausea. It has natural properties that allow it to increase blood flow throughout the body, including to the brain. This can greatly reduce symptoms related to dizziness.

There are several ways to digest ginger:

  • Drink ginger tea or ginger ale a couple of times a day for dizziness.
  • Suck on a ginger candy.
  • Take a ginger supplements, but first consult a medical expert on proper dosage.
  • Chew on small piece of ginger root.

7.       Eat Lemons

Simply said, lemon is full of vitamin C. A natural immunity booster, this nutrient assists you in fighting off disease. Wondering how to stop dizziness? Drink lemon water. Not only does it thwart of illness, it provides your body with energy and helps with hydration.

8.       Do Exercises

Light exercise can help stimulate your nervous system, making you more alert and attentive. This can alleviate dizziness and other related symptoms. Start by standing up straight. Slowly move your neck from left to right and vice versa. Think of it as trying to make a circular motion. At other times, you just need to bring yourself back into focus. This can easily be done by standing up straight, staring at a single object and keeping it there for a second or two and then simply blink your eyes.

9.       Massage

The healing touch of massage can do wonders in helping with dizziness. It relaxes your nerves while stimulating circulation. This allows blood and oxygen to travel throughout your body, which can cure dizziness.

10.   Yogurt

Yogurt is full of nutrients that can be effective in the treatment of several ailments, including those that mess with your equilibrium. If you are wondering how to stop dizziness, you may want to consider adding yogurt to your diet. Eating a bowl of it with fruit added can be beneficial in finding relief from dizziness and related symptoms.

11.   Ice Pack

If your dizziness is induced by being in the heat too long or suffering from a hot flash, you might want to consider using an ice pack on your head. Before administering the pack, you will want to lie down on your stomach. Apply the ice on the back of your head and neck, leaving it there for no more than ten minutes.

12.   Saline Solution for Clearing Nasal Blocks

Sinus congestion can cause dizziness because it blocks your nasal passages, affects your ear canals and messes with your sense of balance. Allergies and colds are common causes of sinus congestion. A natural remedy to clearing passageways is spraying saline solution into your nostrils. This helps loosen mucus build-up and alleviate dizziness.

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