Is Vaping Bad for Your Teeth?

A large majority of former smokers has already switched to vaping, which has started a new debate about the health consequences of this new way of nicotine delivery. Supports and critics come up with arguments to prove their point, but an average person still has many questions about vaping. They wonder if vaping is bad for your teeth, respiratory system, and circulation. Is it any better than tobacco?

Is Vaping Bad for Your Teeth?

Both critics and opponents of vaping talk a lot about how it may or may not hurt respiratory system, but not much attention has been paid to clarify the connection between vaping and dental health. If you ask specifically about the effects of vaping on the color of your teeth, it is true that vaping is less damaging than cigarette smoking.

The reason is that tar leaves your teeth stained, but vape 'smoke' is a combination of vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, flavoring and nicotine (optional), which is why it is less likely to affect the color of your teeth. However, it does not imply that vaping is safe for your teeth, as it may still result in gum damage, especially if you stick to vaping for years.

Nicotine and Oral Health

While vaping is a much safer option than traditional smoking, it still provides you with nicotine. It can cause negative effects because it works as a vasoconstrictor and restricts the flow of blood to the gum area. You will sustain serious damage when your gums do not get enough oxygen and nutrients.

Regular intake of nicotine results in a dry mouth – that is mainly because nicotine hinders the production of sufficient saliva. This results in teeth grinding and bad breath. Therefore, it is important to ensure that even if you have switched to vaping, you should lower your dependence on nicotine as soon as possible.

What about Traditional Cigarettes?

Is vaping bad for your teeth? Yes, it is, but it may not be as bad as traditional tobacco smoking. Smoking a cigarette can cause plaque buildup, teeth discoloration, bad breath, and in many cases, cancer. Many factors play a role here. For starters, the smoke can cause discoloration, as it contains chemicals like carbon monoxide, ammonia, and acetone. These chemicals leave a residue on your teeth that stains them. Moreover, there are several types of chemicals inside cigarettes that do not just cause staining but cause other dental problems, including cancer.

Then What Does Vaping Do to Your Body?

Even vaping is not a great choice, as it still allows you to ingest nicotine in your system, which is addictive. It means you will have withdrawal symptoms when you stop using it. Besides experiencing those withdrawal symptoms, you may also develop cardiovascular problems because of your exposure to nicotine.

Vaping is a way to get chemical nicotine, which can affect your brain and lead to attention and memory related problems. Pregnant women should avoid vaping, as it can damage unborn babies.

Some brands do not just contain nicotine, but they also include other chemicals, such as formaldehyde, which increases your risk of cancer. E-cigarettes use different flavors, which has also raised several concerns, as many rely on a buttery-tasting chemical known as diacetyl, which can prove dangerous. Research shows that exposure to this chemical can increase your risk of developing a lung disease called 'popcorn lung'.

Possible Side Effects

Is vaping bad for your teeth? Yes and it can cause other problems. Many people experience no side effects when they first make the transition to e-cigarettes, but they eventually develop problems, especially when they do not take steps to limit the amount of nicotine they ingest. Over time, vaping may also cause some temporary issues, such as dry mouth, dry skin, puffy eyes, itchiness, caffeine sensitivity, rash, nosebleeds, and burning sensation on face.

The nature of e-liquids is responsible for the dry mouth side effect. Propylene glycol is the major ingredient found in e-liquids. Propylene glycol (PG) is a hygroscopic liquid, which means it attracts water molecules around your mouth and leaves it dry.

Too much vaping can also lead to several problems. You need to understand that e-cigarettes are designed to help you quit smoking by limiting your dependence on nicotine. There is no point in switching to vaping if you do it too often to ingest a high amount of nicotine in your body. You may also experience other issues if your body reacts to any ingredients found in e-liquids. It is possible to develop an allergic reaction to flavorings, vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, nicotine, and other substances present in e-cigarettes.

Watch Out!

Along with all those health effects, you may have to worry about many other things that are actually not associated with traditional tobacco smoking. For instance, e-cigarettes can blow up. More than 134 cases have been reported where e-cigarette batteries overheated, caught fire, and exploded – this was only between 2009 and 2016. Many people ended up hurting themselves due to the explosion.

It is also important to bear in mind that liquid nicotine is never a better alternative; in fact, it can poison people and is especially dangerous to young children. Therefore, it is of immense importance to keep e-cigarettes out of the reach of kids.

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