My Stomach Hurts So Bad

All of us have experienced stomachache at one point in our life. In most cases, the abdominal pain is not something serious and will just be easily relieved by some home remedies or over the counter medicines, while in some cases, the pain just goes away without any medication. Experiencing stomachache though is not something to be shrugged off, as it can sometimes be a sign of a serious condition or illness. You should always be vigilant of these symptoms and seek medical help immediately.

My Stomach Hurts So Bad, How to Relieve It?

Stomachache does not only bring pain and discomfort, but it can also affect your daily activities. If you’ve been kept awake by asking yourself this question, we have compiled effective ways on how to get relief from belly ache.

1. The Simple and Quick Fixes

Try these easy yet effective ways on how to get relief from stomachache.

  • Go to the bathroom – In most cases, people are experiencing stomachache as a signal that they need to move their bowel. Before popping some over the counter medicine, try going to the bathroom and sit for a few minutes while leaning forward with knees drawn up to your chest. This position is a natural way of encouraging bowel movement without putting too much stress on your body.
  • Apply warm compress – Reduce the tightness or cramps of your stomach and relax your muscles by applying a warm compress on your stomach. You can make use of a microwavable compress, hot-water bottle or electric heating blanket and put it on your stomach for a few minutes.
  • Stand up and touch your toes – One of the causes of stomachache is mild indigestion. Release some of the gas stored in your intestines and stomach by touching your toes while performing simple exercises. It’s an effective way of reducing the pressure on your abdominal muscle, releasing the stored gas and providing relief from the discomfort.
  • Let yourself to throw up – Wondering “why my stomach hurts so bad”? Sometimes, you may have consumed food that caused irritation and stomach upset.  If you feel nausea that comes with stomachache, it must be a sign that you need to vomit.
  • Have some hot bath – Relax your muscles and increase your circulation by having some hot bath. Having a nice warm bath does not only provide relief from stomachache, but it can also lower down your stress and anxiety level.
  • Massage your stomach – Muscle constriction is another cause of stomachache. Get relief from stomach cramping by giving yourself a gentle massage. Use light pressure on some areas of your back and stomach and give more attention on the areas that are particularly sore.
  • Take over-the-counter medicine – There are a lot of over-the-counter medicines for indigestion, nausea and cramping that you can choose from. Make sure that you follow the dosage instructions religiously.

2. Using Home Remedies

Below are the effective home remedy treatments for providing relief from stomach pain.

  • Consume foods that are rich in fiber – Constipation is one of the most common causes of stomachache. When you ask “why my stomach hurts so bad” in this condition, treat constipation by drinking or eating foods that are rich in fiber such as bran, prunes or broccoli.
  • Have a cup of tea – Tea, particularly chamomile, peppermint and ginger tea are proven effective in providing relief from nausea and general abdominal discomfort. Chamomile and mint soothes cramping muscles while ginger helps in regulating digestion.
  • Baking soda and water – Baking soda has always been many people’s go-to every time experiencing stomach hurts. It is the primary ingredient of most over-the-counter antacid medicines. Create your own antacid at the comfort of your home by dissolving a tablespoon of baking soda into a glass of warm water.
  • Apple-cider vinegar – This powerful ingredient is known to provide many health benefits, one of which is providing relief from stomachache. Combine two to three tablespoons of apple-cider vinegar into a glass of lukewarm water and drink.

3. Treat heartburn and chronic indigestion

If you have been having recurring stomachache, follow these methods below:

  • Watch your diet – You should be vigilant of what you eat if you’re experiencing heartburn and indigestion frequently. Eliminate bad eating habits such as taking large mouthfuls, eating too quickly and overeating.
  • Drink water after each meal – Help ease indigestion by drinking water after your meal.
  • Stay away from spicy and oily foods.
  • Avoid wearing clothes that are too fit around your waistline.
  • Promote digestion by taking supplements such as hydrochloric acid supplements, digestive enzymes or enteric-coated peppermint oil.
  • Add probiotic such as yogurt and other cultured milk products on your diet.

I have taken down some notes and use some of these methods when my stomach hurts so bad. You can pick the ones that you can use when stomachache hits you too. 

When Should You See a Doctor?

Seek medical help immediately if your stomach pain is recurring and severe. If you’ve been recently injured and have stomachache afterwards or feel any chest pain, call 911 right away.

In addition, talk to your doctor immediately if you’re experiencing these symptoms along with your stomachache:

  • Having problem eating and keeping the food in your stomach for more than 2 days
  • Having fever
  • Vomiting and unable to have bowel movement
  • Exhibiting signs of dehydration
  • Painful urination or frequent need to urinate
  • Severe pain that lasts for longer hours
  • Stomach feels tender when touched

Your doctor would need to conduct a thorough physical exam as there could be various possible causes of your stomachache. She may also ask some questions about the symptoms that you’re experiencing and the level of pain that you have to know the main culprit.

Below are some of the diseases and condition that are related to stomachache:

  • Gallstones
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Pancreatitis
  • Side effects of medications
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Gluten intolerance
  • Diverticulitis
  • Thyroid problems
  • Endometriosis
  • Appendicitis
  • Parasites
  • Consuming excessive amount of sugarless gums
  • Ulcers
  • Food poisoning
  • Stress
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Constipation
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Cancer
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