Precautions after Cesarean Delivery

The postpartum period is one of the most trying phases in a woman’s life. A cesarean delivery is even more complicated and challenging to recover from. For a less stressful experience and a quick recovery, a woman should have lots of rest and avoid taking part in high energy activities. This article will explain some important precautions after cesarean delivery.

10 Tips for Better Recovery after Cesarean Delivery

Keep in mind that you have just been through a surgery and not just a regular child birth. This, of course, means that you will experience greater pain and a more complicated recovery process. Having this in mind will help you understand your situation and take greater care of yourself.

1. Plan Ahead

Even before you give birth, it is best to plan for a cesarean section delivery. This will involve acknowledging the possible strenuous activities you might have to deal with after you give birth. It is best to plan all your home activities downstairs, including taking care of your baby. This is because a C-Section delivery will leave you too powerless to move up and down the stairs. You should also plan for a care taker for your baby in case things become very tough.

2. You Will Experience Pain

A cesarean delivery will normally result in great pain and this needs to be acknowledged beforehand. The drugs you get from your doctor could affect your milk and it is also important to be ready to feed your child on bottle milk if the situation so demands. A few hours after the surgery, your nurse will allow you to walk; a short walk will help prevent the formation of blood clots in your body and thus ease the pain.

3. Nurse Your Wound

Nursing your wound is also one of the necessary precautions after cesarean delivery. Your wound should be taken care of just like any other. Wash it with soap but never rub it. Monitor it every now and then for signs of infection. This could be a red color on the skin or green ooze from the wound. If infected, you should quickly go see the doctor. The incision will heal after about six weeks and will finally leave a scar. This scar can be hidden by ointments.

4. Ask For, Accept and Appreciate Help

People close to you will usually be ready and willing to help you through the period when you will be experiencing pain. Even though having a new born baby will make you eager to take care of it, even to the extent of being over protective, help from other people will prove invaluable if you take it. If you have other children, a husband or other close relatives and friends, do not hesitate to explain to them why you need their help and they will likely be eager to help you in your new task.

5. Watch Your Lochia Bleeding

For the six weeks following your cesarean delivery, you will experience heavy bleeding which will require a different type of pads. Do not use tampons for this; ideal pads should be provided by the hospital. This bleeding occurs as the uterus shrinks back to its normal size. Lochia bleeding changes over time depending on the amount of activity you take part in and your change of position. For this reason, monitoring your bleeding can help you take precaution after cesarean delivery as it can give you an idea of whether or not to reduce the amount of activity you participate in.

6. Include Fiber-Rich Foods in Your Diet

After giving birth, most women will experience constipation and this will result in even greater discomfort. Aside from the obvious source of discomfort, you may also experience pain in the diaphragm and shoulders as a result of the constipation. Eating foods rich in fiber will help improve your digestion and possibly avert constipation. Additionally, you can take stool softeners and gas medications.

7. Take Care of Yourself Emotionally

Emotional precautions after cesarean delivery are equally important. It is important to bond with your newborn baby after delivery. Having undergone a C-section delivery, you may have trouble lactating and may need to use a milk bottle instead. You can also discuss the challenges you are experiencing with someone you can trust.

8. Know What to Avoid

It is important to avoid having sex, using tampons and douches, public pools, hot tubs, heavy physical activity and exercises. These can all be resumed as soon as the doctor tells you that they are safe.

9. Breastfeed Carefully

You might experience stress during breastfeeding and this can be reduced by using pillows and cushions to make a comfortable resting area during breastfeeding. It is more comfortable to breastfeed when lying down but make sure the baby is also placed on top of pillows to reduce the pressure imposed on your stomach.

10. Know When to Call the Doctor

You will know that you need a doctor’s help when you experience certain symptoms. These include a fever of over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, headache that starts just after child birth, sudden pains in the abdomen, bad smelling vaginal discharge, painful urination, blood in urine, rashes and hives, very heavy bleeding, painful breasts, flu like symptoms, depression and anxiety. You may also experience chest pains and difficulty in breathing. Consulting a doctor is one of the most important precautions after cesarean delivery.

Below is a mom sharing recovery tips after C-section, just watch it to get more information about what to do for better health:

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