Is Sex at 37 Weeks Pregnant Safe?

So many things change when you are pregnant. Things usually considered safe may no longer be in the 'safe list' during pregnancy. The same is the case with sex during pregnancy. Many women think it would be harmful for their babies, especially if they engage in sex close to their due date. Is it safe to have sex at 37 weeks pregnant? If it is, are there any positions to avoid? Let's find out more about it.

Is Sex at 37 Weeks Pregnant Safe?

Many women may not think that way, but sex is usually quite safe during pregnancy, especially if your pregnancy is progressing normally. Vaginal penetration and intercourse will not harm your baby who is protected by the uterus and your abdomen. An added layer of safety comes from the amniotic sac's fluid, so you usually have nothing to worry about when engaging in sex during pregnancy.

Is it the same for sex during the final weeks of pregnancy? It usually is, but you may consider refraining from sex after 37 weeks because you may not be able to distinguish between the contractions of orgasm and labor contractions. Some doctors also believe that semen contains certain hormones called prostaglandins that can stimulate contractions.

However, you may consider trying sex if you are already overdue and looking for ways to induce labor. Doctors believe that the gel they use to 'ripen' the cervix contains prostaglandins, which means that prostaglandins in semen may also help induce labor in past-due pregnancy. Still, it is worth pointing out that not all experts agree to the fact that semen can induce labor. Therefore, the only reason to avoid sex late in pregnancy is to avoid getting worried about taking the contractions of orgasm as labor contractions.

Safe Positions to Try

Is sex at 37 weeks pregnant safe? It is, in most cases, but it still makes sense to try safer positions when you engage in sex this late in pregnancy. Understand that positions that work just fine before pregnancy or during early pregnancy may become a lot more uncomfortable and unsafe during later stages of pregnancy. For instance, lying flat on your back may be a comfortable position before pregnancy, but doing it in the late pregnancy can put a lot of pressure on major blood vessels, mainly due to the weight of your baby.

Here are some better positions to try:

  • Try to be on top of your partner. When a woman is in this position, she can control the speed during the act. It also allows you to decide how much penetration is comfortable for you.
  • Try spooning, which involves you lying sideways and your partner right behind you. This position is good because it limits the amount of pressure placed on your growing belly.
  • Be on your hands and knees during the act. Most women find it a comfortable position, especially during the first and second trimester. You can try it but switch to a different position if it makes you feel a bit uncomfortable.

When Sex Is Not Safe

Is sex at 37 weeks pregnant safe? The answer is yes, but there are always some exceptions. You may want to avoid engaging in an intercourse if you have any pregnancy complications. Here are some situations when you should consult with your doctor before having sex:

  • You are carrying multiples.
  • You have had a miscarriage in the past and there is an increased risk that you may have the same again.
  • You have had a premature baby in your previous pregnancy and there are signs of preterm labor in your current pregnancy. You have a premature baby if you deliver before 37 weeks of pregnancy.
  • You cervix has opened too early in pregnancy. The opening of the womb is called cervix and it stays closed until you are ready to deliver your baby. Someone with an incompetent cervix is at an increased risk of having preterm labor.
  • You have other complications, such as placenta previa, which indicates that your placenta is so low in the uterus that it covers your cervix. You are at an increased risk of dealing with serious bleeding later in pregnancy

What about Sex after Pregnancy?

You will be in your postpartum period during the first six months after your delivery. You may not feel like having sex during this period, and that decreased sex drive is due to many factors. For instance:

  • You may be healing from incision made during vaginal delivery.
  • You may have a C-section and it takes time to heal from abdominal incisions.
  • You may be experiencing postpartum bleeding, which may continue up to six weeks.
  • You may be fatigued after pregnancy, especially due to the birthing process.
  • You may have to pay more attention to the demands of your baby, especially if you have multiples.
  • You will be experiencing change in your hormone levels.
  • You may experience breast soreness due to breastfeeding.

These are certain issues greatly affecting your sex drive soon after delivery. However, you should refrain from intercourse until your incisions have healed completely. This can take several weeks depending on your unique circumstances. That is the reason why your doctor may ask you to avoid sex for at least 6 weeks after delivery. You can wait longer if you feel you are not emotionally ready for the act. Just talk to your partner and tell him about your feelings. It is important to be patient to avoid dealing with any complications. 

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