What Causes Tingling Feeling Around Eyes?

Have you experienced partial numbness, pins and needles or a tingling and creeping sensation around your eyes? Any type of burning, tingling or numbness is usually an indication that your sensory nerve is diseased, damaged or injured. A tingling sensation around your eyes is not only annoying; it could also be a sign of a serious medical condition. This article will show you some medical conditions that are associated with this feeling around your eyes.

What Causes Tingling Around Eyes?

It is important that you know what causes numbness or tingling in your eyes to get proper treatment. Below are some of the common medical conditions that have this symptom.

1. Migraines

This is a recurring, severe and painful headache that are accompanied or preceded with other symptoms and sensory warning signs.

Typical symptoms of a migraine are:

  • Pain that is throbbing, severe or pulsing
  • Moderate to severe pain that is usually confined on one side of the head only, though it can also occur on either side.
  • Pain that gets worst when straining or during physical activity
  • Vomiting and feeling sick
  • Pain that hinders you to perform your normal activities
  • Increased sensitivity to sound and light

Though migraines have no single cure, the aim of treatment is to alleviate the symptoms associated with it. To reduce its frequency, you should make changes in your lifestyle such as:

  • Reduce stress
  • Get enough sleep
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Have an active lifestyle

2. Excessive caffeine use  

Caffeine overdose can occur if you have consumed more than the recommended amount of caffeine for adults which is usually 400 milligrams per day.

Symptoms that you have excessive caffeine intake includes:

  • Tingling around eyes
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Insomnia
  • Increased thirst
  • Fever and headache
  • Irritability
  • Vomiting
  • Confusion and hallucination
  • Fast or irregular heartbeat
  • Convulsions

Treatments usually focus on getting the caffeine out of your body while managing the symptoms. Activated charcoal may be given to you, a popular remedy for drug overdose. You may also be offered gastric lavage or laxative if the caffeine has already entered your gastrointestinal tract. You can also apply some home remedies such as getting a mild exercise, drinking water, and consuming foods that are rich in magnesium or potassium such as dark leafy greens or banana.

3. Sleep apnea

This is a type of sleeping disorder where your breathing stops and starts repeatedly during sleep.

You may be unaware of your symptoms if you are experiencing sleep apnea, however, another person may notice that you have stopped breathing, suddenly grunts or gasps and then goes back to sleep normally. Additional symptoms include insomnia, loud snoring, difficulty concentrating, waking up with a sore throat or dry mouth, frequent urination, heartburn and irritability.

The method of treatment depends on the cause and level of apnea. Lifestyle changes such as quitting smoke and alcohol, side sleeping and weight loss are highly advised. Other options for treatments are continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy, surgery, and Mandibular repositioning device (MRD).

4. Anemia

This is a condition where your red blood cells are not adequate to carry enough oxygen to the tissues of your body.

Signs and symptoms vary depending on what causes anemia. Common symptoms include:

  • Tingling around eyes
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Shortness of breath
  • Irregular heartbeats
  • Lightheadedness or dizziness
  • Cold feet and hands
  • Chest pain and headache

Treatment of anemia depends on its cause. If it is iron deficiency anemia, patient is given iron supplement and is advised to change his diet. For vitamin deficiency anemia, treatment involves increasing vitamin B-12 and folic in the diet and taking dietary supplement. Blood transfusion or a bone marrow transplant is needed for those who have aplastic anemia.

5. Mumps

This is an extremely contagious disease caused by a virus that passes from one person to another through nasal secretion, saliva and close personal contact.

During the initial stage, symptoms similar to flu will appear such as headache, body aches, nausea, loss of appetite, fever and general fatigue. Classic mumps symptoms will develop over the next few days. This includes swollen and painful parotid glands, pain felt when swallowing, difficulty in swallowing, pain in joints and dry mouth.

Unfortunately, there are no anti-viral medications that can treat mumps. Treatments that are recommended are designed to relieve the symptoms until your body has built up immunity against the disease. Suggested treatments include:

  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Applying cold compress on the area that is swollen to help ease the pain
  • Eating liquid food since chewing and swallowing may be painful
  • Getting enough sleep and rest
  • Having a warm salt water gargle
  • Taking pain killers

6. Endocarditis

This is a rare medical condition involving the inflammation of heart muscles, heart lining and heart valves.

Common signs and symptoms may include:

  • Different or new heart murmur
  • Fever or high temperature
  • Muscle pain
  • Broken blood vessels in the skin or eye
  • Bleeding under the toenails or fingernails
  • Coughing
  • Chest pain
  • Tingling around eyes
  • Swelling of the abdomen or limbs
  • Unexpected weight loss
  • Presence of blood in the urine

Most patients diagnosed with endocarditis are prescribed with antibiotics which will be given through a drip and intravenously. Gentamycin and penicillin are the most common antibiotics used. Antibiotic treatment usually lasts from 2 to 6 weeks depending on how severe the infection is. Surgery may be necessary if patient has damaged the heart. 

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