Blood Type Personality and Diet Explained: A Negative

Your blood is a highly complex tissue that contains a variety of proteins and cell types. It plays different roles in your body like a regulator, transporter, and defender. It carries important nutrients from one organ to another and facilitates proper functioning of your body.

Specific types of molecules known as agglutinogens attach them to the surface of red blood cells. These agglutinogens can be of two types – Type A and Type B. Each of these types has different properties. The blood type classification system considers the presence or absence of these molecules to divide blood into four different types – A, B, AB, and O. In addition to the basic ABO blood classification system, another specialty is added considering the presence or absence of Rh protein. Your blood group is positive if it has Rh protein and is negative if Rh protein is absent. In this article, A negative blood type will be discussed in detail.

A Negative Blood Type Personality

People who have the A negative blood type have certain characteristics in common. They are honest and open. They are considered very outgoing as well. You will see them very professional in their dealings. Something amazing about people with this blood group is that they look calm and composed even if they are feeling differently inside. They are usually quite talented and are considered experts in their fields. They love to compete, so they are not good friends. Thus, generally, they need to be less ruthless to live a happier life.

A Negative Blood Type Diet

Experts believe that people with A negative blood type and even A positive as well are descended from ancient European and Asian vegetarian farmers. People with this blood type find it easy to lose weight if they pay attention to their diet. The following diet will help you manage your weight better and live a healthy life if you fall in the category of Anegative blood type.

1.  Grain

You should add whole grain and cereal grains in your diet. Flours such as soy, rice, rye, and oat are quite beneficial for you. You may also eat cornmeal, barley, couscous, oatmeal, quinoa, and all types of rice. However, you should avoid cayenne and red pepper flakes.

2.  Seafood

A type's ancestors were mainly farmers, so it is believed that you should avoid all pork, beef, lamb, and game meats. You should eat lean cuts of turkey and chicken only occasionally. You can, however, include rainbow trout, salmon, red snapper, cod, sardines, and whitefish to your diet.

3.  Plait-Based Protein

Your protein should come from seeds, nuts, legumes, and beans. Dairy supposedly affects people with type A's nutrient metabolism, but soy cheese and soymilk are fine. The best choices include peanuts, pumpkin seeds, lentils, peanut butter, red soybeans, and black-eyed peas. However, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, and poppy seeds are not that recommended.

4.  Fruits and Vegetables

People with Anegative blood type should eat plenty of produce. You should go for at least six servings of vegetables daily and three servings of fresh fruits. Opt for broccoli, spinach, blackberries, cherries, figs, blueberries, onions, pineapple, and garlic. You can also enjoy escarole, kale, and collard greens, but limit your intake of beets, asparagus, sea vegetables, Brussels sprouts, grapes, apples, watermelon, and strawberries. Also, avoid potatoes, bananas, tomatoes, eggplant, and oranges.

A Negative Blood Type and Donation

You usually inherit blood type from your parents, especially when you have an Rh-negative type. It is worth mentioning that A-negative blood type is quite rare and is only 6% of the population has it. It is quite powerful though. Here are a few important things about A-negative blood type donation.

  • You can receive blood from A- and O- blood type.
  • You can give red cells to people with A-, A+, AB-, and AB+ blood types.
  • You can give platelets to A-, A+, O-, and O+ blood types.
  • You can give plasma to people with A-, A+, O-, and O+ blood types.

A Negative Blood Type and Pregnancy

If you are A-negative blood type, you need to know a few things, especially when you are pregnant. Your body may produce antibodies to an Rh-positive baby if you are Rh-negative. What it also means is that if your baby's blood (even a small amount) gets in touch with yours blood, you may develop an allergic reaction. In some cases, the antibodies in your blood can cross the placenta and begin attacking your baby's blood. This often leads to the breaking down of your baby's red blood cells, resulting in anemia. The condition is called hemolytic anemia or hemolytic disease. It can become serious and cause brain damage, serious illness, and even death of your baby in some cases. In women who have had miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, etc., the chance of this condition will increase.

To avoid dealing with such complications, you may want to do the following.

  • Talk to your doctor and go for a blood test to know your Rh factor
  • Go for antibody screen to determine if you have developed antibodies to Rh-positive blood.
  • Your doctor may recommend an injection of Rh immunoglobulin to prevent sensitization. 
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