How Long After Baby Drops Until Labor?

It is natural to have so many questions when you're pregnant. However, there are so many questions with uncertain answers. How long after baby drops until labor is one such question. It is difficult to predict exactly when your labor will begin. Your doctor will give you a date, but that's nothing more than a point of reference. In some cases, your labor may start 3 weeks before your due date or sometimes a couple weeks after it. There are certain signs you may look for to see if your labor is coming after baby drops. Keep reading to learn more about it.

How Long After Baby Drops Until Labor?

In most cases, you will notice your baby drop at least 2 weeks prior to your delivery, yet some mom may experience that as early as 4 weeks in advance. This is usually the case when you're having a baby for the first time. If this is your second time, you may notice that your baby doesn't drop until your labor actually beings. It is mainly because your pelvic muscles have stretched a bit after your first pregnancy and there is no need for warming up.

In some cases, only your baby's head will settle into your pelvis – this is also known as lightening. Even in this condition, it is hard to confirm when your labor will start. In about 65% of cases, your labor starts within 2 weeks after lightening. Although it is hard to predict when your labor starts, lightening is usually a sign that everything is moving in the right direction.

How to Know Your Labor Is Near with Other Signs

It is difficult to confirm how long after baby drops until labor, but you can also look for some other signs to get a better idea about your labor.

1. Blood Discharge

When there are only a few days to go in your labor, you may start noticing a blood-tinged or brownish discharge coming out of your cervix. This usually happens when the mucus plug comes off and prepares your body for delivery.

2. Membranes Rupture

When you're close to your labor, you will notice fluid gushing from your vagina. This usually happens when the membranes of the amniotic sac are no longer intact because your body is ready to deliver. This may happen a few hours before your labor starts, but you're more likely to go into labor within 24 hours of noticing ruptured membranes.

3. Diarrhea

Diarrhea can also be a sign of labor. If you're experiencing frequent loose stools or diarrhea, this usually means your labor is imminent.

4. Contractions

You are more likely to experience irregular contractions during different stages of your pregnancy, but you will experience contractions with intervals no more than 10-minute between consecutive contractions when your labor starts.

5. Loose Joints

Your body releases a hormone called relaxin that softens your ligaments during pregnancy. The excessive amount of relaxin prior to your labor will make your joints feel softer or looser. Don't panic; it's your body's way to open up your pelvis for delivery.

For more signs of labor, click HERE to find more.

6. When to Seek Professional Help

By paying attention to several signs, you can get an idea about how long after baby drops until labor, but you need to seek professional help if you notice some certain signs. Seek immediate medical help if you are experiencing the following:

  • You are noticing abovementioned signs of labor but you're less than 37weeks pregnant.
  • You think what you're leaking is your amniotic fluid.
  • You have vaginal bleeding with constant pain and fever.
  • You don't feel your baby moving anymore.

Even if you're in doubt, it is better to arrange a meeting with your healthcare provider to confirm what's going on. Your doctor is in the best position to give you concrete advice.

How to Deal With Labor Pain

It may not be easy to determine how long after baby drops until labor, but one thing for sure is that you will experience pain when you go into labor. Some women will feel more pain, while others will only experience slight discomfort. You can however take some steps to relieve the labor pain. It is important to understand though that the size and position of your baby will have a huge role in determining how much pain you will experience when you go into labor.

You can try some natural methods of pain relief to deal with your labor pain. Here are a few things you may want to do to make your labor more manageable.

  1. Take the advantage of heat or cold. Lay a cold cloth on the mom's fore head, or put heat on the mom's lower back. Also, you can take a shower or have a bath to relieve pain. You can take ones that are suitable for you to ease the pain during the process.
  2. Do some massages. Massage can be a good option to relieve the labor pain.
  3. Get relieved with labor ball. You can use a labor ball to support you in labor, hence to relieve the pressure in delivering a baby, and furtherly, relive the labor pain.
  4. Play your favorite music. Listening to some music may help distract your attention, which makes you feel less painful in labor.
  5. Enroll yourself into a childbirth class to get more information about labor. You can contact your doctor or midwife to help you find the best childbirth classes in your area. Learn the right breath and relax techniques as well as different positions in labor. Then you can use the most comfortable one for you in labor.
  6. Ask your doctors about labor pain questions. Write down your questions about delivery and labor pain and arrange a meeting with your doctor to find answers to those questions.
  7. Talk to someone you trust. Discuss your emotions and fears with your family, friends, and partner.
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