How Much Honey Is Too Much?

Honey is considered an extremely beneficial nutritional supplement and is also used for treatment of a number of ailments. It contains antioxidant properties and offers numerous health benefits. However, just like with any other food, too much of honey can cause certain complications. It is therefore important to learn how much honey is too much and avoid exceeding that limit. Here is more about how much honey is safe to consume, especially when you have certain health conditions.

How Much Honey Is Too Much?

If you are on a normal, balanced diet, you should not consume more than 50ml or 10 teaspoons of honey per day. It is important to keep in mind that this recommended amount is not based on any medicinal viewpoint and is basically based on advice from honey stores. That is the reason why it is often quite confusing and tricky to pinpoint an amount that you can consume without having to worry about any side effects.

A number of factors will help determine the amount of honey you can have. Your diet and lifestyle will have an impact too. What it means is that if you are physically active and do not have much sugar in your diet, the recommended amount of honey per day for you will be different from someone who is already taking foods with high sugar content and is not that active.

Warning: Any Honey Is Too Much for Infants

You need to think twice before giving honey to your infants. They have immature digestive system that cannot digest botulism spores found in some honey. This may lead to botulism poisoning and cause symptoms such as weakness, constipation, decreased appetite, and listlessness. Uncontrolled botulism may also lead to muscle paralysis and sometimes result in death. Avoid giving honey to your infants under 12 months of age.

Side Effects of Eating Too Much of Honey

Knowing how much honey is too much will help prevent side effects associated with overdose. Here are some of the reasons why too much of honey can be dangerous.

1. Elevated Blood Sugar Levels

Honey is rich in sugar and has no fiber at all. Your body will absorb the sugar that will lead to an insulin spike. Your body does not absorb food with sugar and fiber that quickly, but that is not the case with honey. Therefore, it is important to limit the intake of honey.

2. Decreased Dental Health

Excessive intake of honey may cause dental issues. It may affect tooth enamel and even cause dental cavities to form. This happens because honey contains acid that attracts acidophilic bacteria.

3. Low Blood Pressure

Most people think that hypertension is dangerous, but low blood pressure can also cause several complications. So many factors can contribute to low blood pressure, but you may be experiencing this because you have been consuming too much of honey.

4. Digestive Complication

Honey is actually good for your digestive health, but too much of it can cause negative effects and lead to problems like diarrhea, stomach cramping, bloating, and constipation. You should ensure that you are not consuming more than 10 tsp. of honey a day or else the amount of fructose it contains will make it difficult for small intestines to absorb nutrients.

5. Gastrointestinal Discomfort

Overconsumption of honey can also lead to problems with your gastrointestinal tract. Again, this happens because honey contains fructose that affects the functioning of your small intestines and interferes with the absorption of nutrients. Moreover, honey is acidic in nature and too much of this acid can damage the lining of stomach, intestines, and esophagus, which in turn will lead to gastrointestinal discomfort, including bloating, stomach cramping, and diarrhea.

6. Allergies

You should avoid consuming honey if you are allergic to celery and pollen. People with other types of allergies may also notice their symptoms become worse after consuming honey. Keep in mind that if you have severe allergies, you may want to avoid honey completely because it can lead to a toxic reaction. You may also end up developing allergies because of excessive consumption of honey – the most common issues include voice change, lung inflammation, wheezing, difficulty in swallowing, and itching.

7. Bleeding Risks

You need to know how much honey is too much if you have a bleeding disorder or are with increased risk of bleeding. Too much of honey can worsen your existing condition, so it is better to avoid it altogether if you have bleeding disorders.

8. Insulin Insensitivity

Regular overdose of honey may have a bad effect on your gastrointestinal tract and cause problems like diarrhea, bloating, and constipation. The problem is that too much of honey affects the way your body absorbs nutrients, and the problem persists even when there is no honey in the system. Overtime, these problems will also lead to insulin insensitivity and increase your risk of developing diabetes. 

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