How to Make Your Voice Deeper

Many people dislike their own voice when they hear it back. You may wish for your voice to be deeper and more commanding, as opposed to being high and squeaky. If you are wondering how to make your voice deeper, here are some dos and don’ts that you may want to follow.

How to Make Your Voice Deeper

1. Add Nasal Tone

The human voice is the most powerful when speaking from just behind the nasal area. To practice this, make a humming "mmm" noise as if you were responding to a question. This should lead you to feel slight vibration. It is the nasal cavity where you should try to project your voice from.

2. Breathe from Your Diaphragm

When breathing, your stomach should rise whilst your shoulders should remain still. This is a full diaphragm breath and when it is done consistently, it can help to achieve a deeper voice.

3. Speak from Your Stomach

Perform a swallowing motion. The final moment before the throat returns to its natural position is the area in which you can try speaking from to attain a deeper voice. With practice, this should become easier.

4. Speak Slowly

If you want to know how to make your voice deeper, you should consider the speed in which you speak. Slowly lower your tone at the start and end of a sentence. Before long you will be doing it naturally. It is important to note that when trying to lower your voice, you shouldn’t attempt to speak too low too quickly as this can lead to unwanted damage to the vocal cords. If your throat seems to be straining, ease off on your voice deepening practice for a while.

5. Get Voice Training

A specialist known as a vocologist will be able to help you in altering the tonal pitch of your voice. With professional help, you will greatly increase your chance of achieving permanent voice change as their guidance will help you to ascertain the causes for your high-pitched voice and work with you to change them.

6. Practice Proper Posture

Bad posture can have numerous negative effects on one’s health and it can even affect the vocal cords and your voice. For this reason, always keep your chin up when you are talking and try to practice proper posture throughout the day.

7. Do Exercises

If you want to know how to make your voice deeper, it may be worth considering the practice of vocal exercises. Many specialized exercises can be practiced at home. An easy exercise is to stand up straight and read a book aloud. Read slowly (as speaking fast puts extra strain on the vocal cords and leads to a higher pitch) and focus on enunciation and pronunciation. You can also try repeating a word or phrase over-and-over, gradually lowering the tone in which you speak.

8. Look into Surgery

If you are really serious about lowering your voice and the other methods all fail, then you may wish to consider surgical options. There are numerous procedures that can do this, such as a thyroplasty in which tension is reduced in the vocal cords or the process of injecting some of your own fat from elsewhere in your body into your vocal folds, which lowers the pitch of your voice. 

Want to learn more about how to make your voice deeper? Watch the video below.

What to Avoid While Lowering Your Voice

  1. Whilst attempting to lower your voice, avoid speaking with a growly, raspy or rough voice as this can lead to an unwanted strain on the vocal cord. This way of speaking can also be caused by some medical conditions, such as strep throat. If your condition is persistent (even when trying to speak normally), you should pay a visit to a health care professional.
  2. To learn how to make your voice deeper, you must first decide exactly how you want to sound as different methods will produce different results. Try to avoid speaking through your nose for a long time. Also avoid the use of soft and echo-like speech. Remember that whatever change you are hoping to implement, it will likely take time and persistence.
  3. Avoid things which may cause irritation to your vocal cords and to your voice, such as shouting/screaming and smoking. Although these activities may lead you to have a somewhat "husky" voice, the negatives far outweigh any positives in the long run. 
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