How Can You Pass Out on Purpose?

Fainting, or sudden loss of consciousness, is fairly common, and can happen either unintentionally or on purpose. Fainting usually occurs when there is reduced blood supply to the brain, or a disturbance in neuronal signaling. Somebody who has fainted on the ground will often regain consciousness fairly quickly as the blood circulation returns to normal. In addition to natural causes, fainting can also be artificially induced, but this is not recommended. However, if you want to learn how to make yourself faint, read on.

Facts on Fainting

When your brain is not being supplied with sufficient oxygen, you may lose consciousness for a while and faint. The fainting episode can last between a few seconds and several minutes.

The exact reason for the fainting episode may not be obvious, but could be down to one of the following factors:

  • Epileptic seizure
  • Intense pain
  • Hyperventilation – quick, shallow breaths
  • Low blood sugar levels due to insulin overdose or long periods without eating
  • Fear or emotional distress
  • Sudden decreases in blood pressure – this can be caused by certain drugs used to treat depression, anxiety, allergies, and high blood pressure
  • Changing position, or standing up too quickly
  • Dehydration
  • Over-exertion, particularly in hot climates
  • Standing still for too long
  • Overdosing on alcohol or recreational drugs
  • Straining when constipated
  • Coughing too much
  • Some people become faint when turning their head to one side. This may be due to the neck bones squeezing the blood vessels.

How to Make Yourself Faint

Sometimes, people intentionally make themselves faint. However, this is not recommended, as you could seriously injure yourself, either during the process of inducing a fainting spell, or when you hit the ground. If you’ve decided that you do want to try this, always do it in front of someone else, and make sure that you have an unobstructed, cushioned landing. Remember, this is a dangerous thing to attempt.

  1. As mentioned above, sudden changes in your blood pressure can lead you to faint. If you are using blood pressure drugs, you can induce a fainting spell by failing to take the correct dosage or by stopping the drug altogether.
  2. By stopping eating, your blood sugar levels will dramatically decrease, which results in light-headed feelings and possible fainting. Diabetic patients can experience fainting if they do not manage their diet well or take too much insulin.
  3. As your brain requires oxygen for full consciousness, you can bring about a fainting episode by holding your breath until you pass out.
  4. You can also faint through over-breathing, or hyperventilating. This disrupts your breathing rhythm and you will have too little carbon dioxide in your body.
  5. Here’s another method for how to make yourself faint. Sit down and hyperventilate. After 30-60 seconds, stand up and hold your breath. You’ll see darkness, and then faint. The fainting can last from 2 to 15 seconds. It may not work at first, but after a while, you’ll figure it out.
  6. You can also use a bag over your mouth when you hyperventilate. However, this can make you confused and behave strangely. You may also suffer memory loss and become mentally impaired.

How to Pretend to Faint

  1. Choose your moment. Depending the desired reaction, you can pretend to faint amongst a big or small number of people. However, if you choose a crowded place, be aware that you may get trodden on!
  2. Act it up. If you’re walking, begin to slow your pace. Hang your head, sigh, and squint a bit, but don’t overact.
  3. Become quiet and withdrawn. Slowly stop talking. Pretend that you’re trying to focus by squinting and blinking several times.
  4. Reduce your energy. For extra realism, you’ll need to appear light-headed and weak before hitting the floor. Slowly lose your focus and let your body weaken. Make your breathing labored.
  5. Say you’re feeling unwell. Tell people that you feel strange, and need some water or fresh air. Alternatively, ask if you can sit down. Stay seated for a bit, then slowly get up from your chair, stumble forward, and fall over. You may want to say something such as “I think…”, but don’t finish your sentence.
  6. Be careful when you fall. You don’t want any injuries. If you’re standing, bend your knees, letting them hit the ground before your upper body. Get the speed right – you don’t want to seem too cautious, but simultaneously, you don’t want to look electrically shocked. If you’re sitting, allow yourself to naturally fall from the chair. Aim to land on your thigh, not your hip, then drop your upper body.
  7. Make your fall seem genuine. Shut your eyes and allow your body to go floppy, as if your bones are not there to support you. Relax and go down in a heap to appear realistic.
  8. Keep acting while you’re lying down. Don’t let your body stiffen. If somebody tries to raise your arm, don’t tense your muscles; allow it to drop when they let go. To prevent anyone calling Emergency Services, ensure you don’t stay “out” for too long – a few seconds is best.
  9. Return to “consciousness”. Inhale deeply and reopen your eyes. It’s usual to have forgotten the episode, so mention that you remember feeling hot or ill, but nothing after that.
  10. Recover from the faint naturally. Gradually sit up, then after a while, carefully get to your feet, or ask someone for help. If you want to increase the drama, you can get up too quickly, ask what’s going on, then pretend to feel faint again!

Now you know how to make yourself faint, but always do it with care!

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