Is Honey Good For You?

Honey refers to the sweet liquid that bees make using the nectar found in flowers. Bees use regurgitation and evaporation processes to covert nectar into honey. They store the honey in wax honeycombs in their hives as a primary source of food. Honey is then harvested from the hives and consumed. For many centuries, honey has been used in diets and medicines.

Is Honey Good for You?

Yes, there is no doubt that honey is good for you. The product has been used for a long time and has stood the test of time. It is considered a perfect food. Honey has natural sugar and is rich in vitamins and minerals that help the body metabolize sugar. It contains minerals such as magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and copper. Honey has amino acids and vitamins such as niacin, thiamin, and B6. What’s more, honey also supplies energy to the body and will help you recover after strenuous workouts.

7 Health Benefits of Honey

1. It Soothes Cough

Honey is a natural cure to pesky colds. Two teaspoonfuls of honey can cure a cough that persists even after using other cough remedies. Children aged 1-5 years will cough less frequently at night if they take two teaspoonfuls of honey 30 minutes before going to bed. Honey’s thick consistency coats the throat, and then its taste triggers nerve endings, which protects the throat from persistent coughing. The golden liquid has the same functions as dextromethorphan, which is a common ingredient in many cough suppressants. Also, honey can be used to treat infections in the upper respiratory tract.

2. It Eases Allergies

Is honey good for you if you suffer from allergies? Yes, honey can relieve allergy symptoms because of its ability to relieve coughs and reduce inflammation. Honey is believed to act like a natural vaccine. When the body is exposed to the little amounts of pollen in honey, it triggers an immune response. This immune response creates antibodies to pollen. As the body is exposed to more pollen, the antibodies increase and the body becomes used to the presence of antibodies. The body releases histamine, which leads to a reduced allergic response.

3. It Helps Sleep

Honey is used as a remedy for sleepless nights. Honey has the same effect as sugar, which increases insulin levels and releases serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that leads to a good mood and happiness. Once serotonin is released, the body converts it into melatonin. Melatonin is a chemical compound that is responsible for regulating the quality and length of sleep. Honey’s effect of increasing insulin levels causes the brain to absorb tryptophan. The bodyconverts tryptophan into serotonin that is converted to the sleep aid, melatonin, and hence brings you a sound sleep.

4. It Boosts Energy

Honey is used in traditional medicine as an instant source of energy. It contains many sugar molecules including glucose and fructose. Honey differs from white sugar in that its fructose and glucose are separate while they are combined as sucrose in white sugar. Hence, the body doesn’t require the additional digestive process to separate the two sugars after consuming the honey. Honey contains small amounts of vitamins and minerals. These include manganese, pantothenic acid, niacin, potassium, copper, riboflavin, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and iron.

5. It Treats Infections on Skin and Scalp

Honey has many health benefits for the skin and scalp. It is effective in treating dandruff and dermatitis. Dilute crude honey and rub it gently on the affected areas for 2-3 minutes. Apply in alternate day and leave it on the affected areas for three hours. Rinse with warm water. The remedy relieves itchiness and causes scaling and lesions to disappear in one or two weeks. Dandruff and dermatitis will not relapse if you continue applying honey once a week for six months. In addition, the remedy also reduces hair loss.

6. It Aids Digestion

Is honey good for you after meals? Honey is a mild laxative and this enables you to relieve bloating, constipation and gas. It has probiotic or friendly bacteria including lactobacilli and bifido bacteria. These bacteria aid in digestion, relieve allergies and boost the immune system’s health. Replacing table sugar with honey will reduce the toxic effects of mycotoxins that fungi release in the gut.

7. It Makes You Look More Beautiful

Honey has anti-aging benefits. The market has many honey products for skin care for sunscreen, moisturizers, hair care, hand lotions, baby care, and facial scrubs. Honey has hygroscopic properties that make it an ideal ingredient in cosmetic products. It keeps the skin fresh, hydrated, and moisturized. Honey has anti-microbial and antioxidant properties that enhance the skin’s ability to rejuvenate, andthe properties also refresh depleted skin and make it feel soft, silky and supple.

What Should You Notice When Consuming Honey?

1. Eat in Moderation

Too much of a good thing can become a bad thing. Hence, even after a positive reply to the question is honey good for you? You should take it in moderation. Honey is a sugar that will lead to weight gain when taken in large amounts, soyou should avoid taking more than 3 teaspoons of honey in a day.

2. No for Infant Under 1 Year Old

Honey contains small amounts of clostridium botulinum spores, which are not harmful to older children and adults. However, infants suffer a serious illness after taking honey in their first year. Honey should not be used to prepare baby food or soothe a fussy baby. Although some types of honey do not contain the bacteria that cause infant botulism, it is advisable not to take any risks.

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