Wholemeal bread or whole wheat bread is made using flour that entirely or partly milled from whole-wheat grains. You can take it as a type of brown bread. Some varieties of whole-wheat bread are sometimes coated with cracked or whole grains of wheat. However, the exact composition of products sold as "whole wheat bread" usually varies from country to country. In some countries, they make the bread using the representative amounts of wheat germ or bran and call it whole-wheat bread, whereas other countries use the whole-grain flour with the same component parts of the grain as they occur in nature to make whole-grain bread.
Is Wholemeal Bread Good for You?
Yes, you get the nutrition of all components of the wheat kernel from wholemeal bread. You get loads of fiber from the bran, which is the rough outer layer of the grain. You get all essential nutrients from the wheat germ of the seed, whereas the endosperm is packed with carbs.
However, you should not just rely on color when buying your bread, check the labels carefully to ensure that it contains wholemeal flour. Always consider what the labels say to confirm if your bread contains whole-grain wheat flour or it is made with wheat flour. A label saying "100% wheat" may only mean that it contains white flour, which is made from wheat. Therefore, it is important to take your time and only select bread made of 100% whole wheat to enjoy the benefits of whole grains.
Benefits of Wholemeal Bread
Is wholemeal bread good for you? Yes, it is, but exactly what makes it a superior choice of bread? Here are some of the reasons why you may want to include wholemeal bread in your diet.
1. Healthy Bowels
You get loads of bran fiber when you select bread made with 100% whole grain wheat. The bran improves your bowel movement by adding bulk to your stools and making them soft enough to pass through your intestines with ease. You can also improve your irritable bowel syndrome by increasing your fiber intake. You get about 2.8g of fiber from a slice of whole wheat bread. Be sure to know how much to take though – men should take at least 38g of fiber a day and women should have 25g of fiber daily.
2. Lower Risk of Weight Gain
Is wholemeal bread good for you if you want lose weight? Yes, including wholemeal bread in your diet helps you lose weight and works to maintain a healthy weight. Research shows that women who include more grains in their diet weigh less than women who do not eat grains that often.
3. Better Mental Health
The presence of the wheat germ in the whole-wheat kernel makes wholemeal bread a highly nutritious food option. It contains magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, vitamin E, and B-vitamins. Research shows that increasing your intake of vitamin E and B vitamins may help lower your risk of developing mental disorders and diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease.
4. Improved Metabolism
Including saturated and trans-fats in your diet lowers your risk of cardiovascular diseases, whereas omega-3 fatty acids lower inflammation in the body. Whole grains help in this regard and work extremely well to prevent metabolic syndromes, including visceral obesity, low levels of protective HDL cholesterol, high triglycerides, and hypertension. The presence of fiber in wholemeal bread makes it beneficial for your digestive system, which in turn boosts your body metabolism as well.
5. Reduced Chronic Inflammation
Is wholemeal bread good for you in fighting inflammation? Yes, regular consumption of wholemeal bread provides you with beatine that prevents chronic inflammation. By preventing chronic inflammation, you can save yourself form dealing with various rheumatic diseases. It lowers your risk of developing ailments, such as Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, cognitive decline, heart disease, and type-2 diabetes.
6. Regulation of Bile Acids
By regulating bile acids, fiber present in whole wheat lowers your risk of developing gallstones. Fiber lowers the secretion of bile acids and ensures smooth passage of food through intestines. Regular consumption of wholemeal bread may also increase insulin sensitivity, which in turn lowers fat in the blood.
7. Lower Risk of Coronary Diseases
Whole wheat is packed with a type of phytonutrient called plant lignans. The responsive flora in your intestines converts these lignans into mammalian lignans that lower your risk of breast and other hormone-dependent cancers. Regular consumption of wholemeal bread may also lower your risk of heart disease. You can also get plant lignans from other sources, including seeds, nuts, and beverages, such as tea, coffee, and wine.
8. Improved Cardiovascular System
Regular consumption of wholemeal bread offers amazing benefits to postmenopausal women. You can include whole grain cereal in your diet to lower your risk of developing cardiovascular problems. You may also see amazing benefits of increasing your intake of wheat in case you are already dealing with conditions like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and other cardiovascular problems. Research shows that a high wheat diet slows down the progression of atherosclerosis – the buildup of plaque in the blood vessels and arteries. This in turn reduces the frequency of strokes and heart attacks.