Osgood Schlatter Brace

Also known as tibial tubercle apophyseal traction injury, Osgood Schlatter disease commonly affects girls around the ages of 10-12 years old and boys of 13-15 years old, whose bones are not fixed, and causes knee pain in adolescents. Osgood Schlatter is commonly caused by excessive pulling or traction on the tender growth plate that locates at the front of shine bone below the kneecap. Such affected area is where the large tendon connects the thigh muscle and the knee cap to the shin bone. There, you or your children may need an Osgood Schlatter brace to help you get back to your normal activities.

What Is Osgood Schlatter?

Osgood-Schlatter is an overuse of the knee which then causes injury and inflammation. Inflammation of the patella tendon is caused by the enlargement of the tibial tuberosity. The inflammation occurs at the point where the patellar tendon connects to the tibial tubercle. This condition is commonly seen in young male athletes. When young athletes are growing, the quadriceps muscle that is stronger than the patellar tendon might pull away the tendon from the tibia resulting in pain.You will experience tenderness or pain beneath the kneecap at the intersection between the patellar tendon and the tibial tabernacle.

How to Choose the Best Osgood Schlatter Brace

To avoid recurrence of Osgood Schlatter, many athletes turn to apply braces for Osgood Schlatter. Being adjusted with Velcro, the knee strap fits and surrounds the patella tendon, and the pressure from the strap is directed to the patella tendon area. Therefore, the cross sectional area of the patella tendon is limited by the pressure applied by the brace. This decreases the force transmitted through to the tibia tuberosity through the tendon. Reducing the force helps tone down strain on the tendon, which decreases the uncomfortable symptom. Here we list some preferable types of Osgood Schlatter braces for you to try.

1. Lift Patellar Tendon Sleeve

Giving extra support, the lift design works well for conditions like Osgood Schlatter, arthritis, chondromalacia, tendinitis and other problems related to the knees. It works by relieving pressure off the patella by giving it a lift thanks to the elastic band that goes over the infrapatellar buttress. Pressure is also uniformly distributed due to the firmness on the patella tendon. This way, irritation and discomfort are greatly decreased. This sleeve will also aid in keeping the area warm and compressed which improves circulation then further helps the knee heals faster.

3. Knee Pads

A knee pad is basically a sleeve with padding on the front of the knee that is fastened using straps at the back of the knee. This helps keep the knee in position. Though they do not offer increased stability, they reduce chances of getting hurt especially in sports that have direct blows like volleyball, biking and skateboarding.

2. Tendon Strap

If you are experiencing moderate pain around the knees, tendon strap will work well for you. The tendon strap lessens symptoms of Osgood Schlatter, chondromalacia, tendinitis and other knee ailments. It works by compressing the patella tendon and the pressure is spread throughout the tendon, reducing the irritation and discomfort. The compression also helps in stabilization of the patella then further improves its tracking. The tendon strap also decreases vibrations found in the femoral groove by absorbing stress in the knee.

4. Patellar Tracking Orthosis (PTO) Brace

PTO is also a sleeve, but it has an opening at the patella. The opening has a buttress or strap for the purposes of fastening. This helps to control the movement of the patellar, therefore, reduces the chances of dislocation of the patellar. Some have hinges on the sides for added stability. In some cases, it reduces pain for patients who have patellofemoral pain as due to wrong patellar tracking.

5. Hinged Knee Braces

Unlike sleeve, hinged knee braces have hinges on the sides (one side or both sides). There are different types of hinged braces, but they are all designed to provide increased stability by offering support to the ligaments inside or outside the knee. They are often used during contact sports, for injured knees or for patients who are about to go for surgery or reconstruction.

6. Recommended Brands and Types 

Here we list several brands with different types of braces for Osgood Schlatter.

  • Genutrain P3 Knee Supportit can help with patellar subluxation, osteoarthritis, patellar instability, anterior knee pain, and patellar dislocation.
  • Genutrain Knee Support—it can help with realignment of metatarsal heads. It is full length with viscoelasticity insoles, and it caters for areas of softer density in the metatarsal and heel region.
  • Gel-Band Knee Strap—it can help to relieve patella syndrome, chondromalacia and patellar tendonitis, and alleviates the pain from these conditions without restricting circulation.
  • Matt Knee Strap By Hely Weber—it aims to ease patellar tendinitis, chondromalacia patella and improved patella tracking.
  • Protec Knee Sleeve—it focuses on dealing with conditions like tendonitis, bursitis, and chondromalacia. Provides good medial and lateral patella tracking.
  • Hi-Performance Knit Knee Support by Breg—it can help with minor knee sprains, minor patellofemoral osteoarthritis and chondromalacia. It covers the entire knee and fits comfortably.
  • Jumper's Knee Strap—this device can help to relieve patellar tendinitis, and ease pain by applying compression on the patellar tendon.

More Treatments of Osgood Schlatter

Osgood Schlatter treatment focuses on reducing swelling and pain, and basically requires that you limit physical activity to prevent pain and discomfort afterwards. Nonetheless, if the pain you're experiencing is not intense and you're not limping, it is okay to take part in your usual sport. Besides, a medical provider might recommend:

  • Stretching exercises. Stretching the back and front of your thigh will reduce the pain and keep Osgood Schlatter from recurring.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Drugs like naproxen and ibuprofen decrease swelling and pain.
  • R.I.C.E treatment is also recommended. Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. Let the knee rest for healing while you're taking part in a muscle strengthening program, but make sure that the program is recommended by a professional. After working out, apply ice for about 10-15 minutes to ease the inflammation and pain. Make sure to stretch before and after working out. In case of getting any injury, seek for medical help timely.

Here is video giving some basic but effective treatments by experts:

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