Sun Poisoning Rash Photos

Many people end up developing red, itchy skin after they spend several hours in the sun. This can be a sun-poisoning rash. Checking some sun poisoning rash photos will clarify that the rash looks less serious in the beginning, but it usually becomes severe in no time. In fact, medical specialists use the term sun poisoning only to refer to severe cases of sunburn. The condition is caused by direct exposure to sun's UV rays. This exposure can lead to inflammation of the skin that looks like red, painful skin. You may also develop the rash due to an allergic reaction to the sun – it's called photo dermatitis. Keep reading to check out some sun poisoning rash photos and learn more about it.

Symptoms of Sun Poisoning Rash

Sun poisoning basically refers to a type of severe sunburn, so the symptoms like red, itchy skin and blisters are the most common ones. Along with swollen, red, and painful skin, you may also experience symptoms such as nausea, fever, vomiting, dizziness, chills, and a severe headache. You may experience all or a few of these symptoms depending mainly on the severity of the rash. Some rashes may not look more than traditional sunburn, while others may look more serious with raised bumps. If you look at the sun poisoning rash photos below, you will notice that people with fair skin are more at risk of developing the rash.

Causes of Sun Poisoning Rash

The main cause of the rash is exposure to the sun. The sun's UV rays can cause an allergic reaction and make your skin go red. In severe cases, these rays can cause serious damage to your skin. How severe the rash or the symptoms are usually depends on how sensitive your skin is. Some people notice the rashes appear on their skin within 10 minutes of exposure to the sun. People exposed to the sun in elevated areas are at a greater risk of developing the rash.

Some medications can cause photosensitivity. It means that if you've been using certain medications for quite some time, you may develop a rash as soon as you go out in the sun. It is therefore important to discuss your problem with your doctor who will take specific tests to identify the real cause of concern.

Treatment of Sun Poisoning Rash

As you can see from the sun poisoning rash photos above, this condition can be pretty severe. In case you also develop a rash when you go out in the sun, you may consider trying certain treatment options.

Home Remedies

There are numbers of home remedies available to improve your skin condition. You need to understand that the treatment options will help clear out the latent heat from your body. It is equally important to rehydrate your body. Here are some home remedies to try for less severe rashes.

  1. Take a bath regularly at least thrice a day. Use normal water to bring down the temperature of your body. Don't use any harsh soap, but you can use anti-bacterial soaps if necessary. You must clean and dry the affected area after each bath. Use a soft towel for cleaning. Wear cotton clothes to avoid aggravating your condition.
  2. Make a paste by adding some water to baking soda. Apply it directly on your affected area for pain relief. This will also help relieve itching – you can also use calamine solution for itching.
  3. Apply a cold compress with milk and cold water. This may help reduce pain and swelling. Apply a compress for 20 minutes per session and replace with new one.
  4. Add some peels of potatoes in a cold solution of hydrocortisone cream and Aloe Vera. Apply this mixture on the rash can prevent itching.
  5. Sponge the rash with chamomiles dipped in water. Simply soaking the rash in milk or water for 20 minutes will also help relieve pain.
  6. Drink plenty of fluids. This will help you get rid of the harmful effects of sun poisoning. You can also drink fruit juices. Simply drinking plenty of water will do the trick as well. A great way to accelerate healing is to drink green tea, which works because of its anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants.
  7. Add antioxidant-rich food to your diet. Some great choices include beans, spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, berries, and whole grains. These fruits and vegetables will trigger healing and protect you from developing a rash again in the future.

Medical Treatment

You may consider trying a medical treatment to deal with severe poisoning cases. If your rash is quite serious, you should go see your doctor for medical attention. The treatments your doctor might opt for may include:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications with aspirin, if your rash is not that severe.
  2. Topical treatment options, such as Burow's solution soaks, moisturizing creams and lotions, and silver sulfadiazine (1% cream, Thermazene). Note that silver sulfadiazine cannot be applied on the face.
  3. Cortisone-like medications and oral steroid therapy, if your case is severe. No steroids will be used, however, if you have developed blisters. The therapy may continue for several days.
  4. Pain-relieving medications, if home remedies fail to alleviate pain and swelling.
  5. IV infusion and hospitalization up to a few days, if your rash is serious and you're feeling dehydrated.
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