Ultrasound at 4 Weeks

It is possible to feel the embryo in a developing state by 4 weeks in pregnancy. Also, a number of changes will take place in the uterus by the 4th week of pregnancy. While you do not really start gaining weight at this stage, you should prepare yourself for this to happen very soon. Your doctor will also ask you to come for a checkup and get ultrasound at 4 weeksto ensure everything is progressing properly. Keep reading to know what an ultrasound at this stage can reveal.

What Can Ultrasound at 4 Weeks Show?

When you are taking an ultrasound, the most exciting thing is to see what's going on in your uterus. As for the 4 week ultrasound, there are a few things the ultrasound can and cannot show. It is not possible to measure fetal size at this stage. Your ultrasound may only show a small circle at the center, which is called as a gestational sac.At this stage, it is not possible to see much more than the gestational sac, and the sac is identifiable until you are 4 ½ weeks pregnant.

Cells that consist of the sac will soon specialize in different aspects and functions. Part of the cells will become part of the placenta; some of these cells will go on to make the amniotic sac—the sac contains amniotic fluid to protect your developing baby. The rest cells of a gestational sac will play a role in the development of muscles, eyelashes, and skin, which will take some time though.

At 4 weeks, the ultrasound will not indicate if you have a retroverted uterus or fibroids. It however helps identify an ectopic pregnancy, which usually looks the same but is not within the endometrial cavity. It is possible to measure the size of gestational sac at this stage, which is usually determined by taking the mean of three diameters being measured.

Here is a video showing how an ultrasound at 4 weeks is performed.

Images of Ultrasound at 4 Weeks

Still need some details of 4 weeks ultrasound? Below are some ultrasound images of 4 weeks pregnancy to help you know what you can see on this stage.

Image 1: The ultrasound image is of twins at 4 weeks.

Image 2: Taken at 4 weeks, the ultrasound image shows a gestational sac.

Image 3: The ultrasound image shows a gestational sac of about 3-6mm.

What to Expect for Moms with 4 Weeks Pregnant

Besides ultrasound at 4 weeks, there are several changes during pregnancy for moms to expect.

Your Body Changes: Most of these changes will become more evident when you are 4 weeks pregnant. Some of the most common symptoms include vomiting, hormonal changes, missed periods of menstruation, dizziness, tingling sensation, mood swings, light-headedness and nausea. You will also notice your smell senses becoming a lot more sensitive.

Your Baby Changes: At week 4, your baby will not be bigger than a poppy seed. Make no mistake about it though because there is so much happening even at this early stage in pregnancy. This is the time when the embryo splits and divides itself in three different sections. The brain and central nervous system will begin to develop in one section; the heart and circulatory system as well as the lungs and intestines will develop in the other two sections.

Tips for 4 Weeks Pregnancy

Being able to see a gestational sac on ultrasound at 4 weeks does not sound that exciting, but it really feels amazing to see something is definitely changing and growing. To ensure a healthy pregnancy, you should start taking some precautionary measures, including:

  • Ask your partner for support and be a regular visitor to support groups.
  • Be in touch with a reputed obstetrician.
  • Be sure to take plenty of rest to avoid any complications.
  • Try to stay calm and stress-free all the time.
  • Share your concerns with your partner.
  • Be active and talk to your doctor about what exercises you can perform safely.
  • Be very careful about your diet and talk to a nutritionist before adding anything new to your diet.
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