White Bumps Under Eyes

When checking your reflexion in the mirror, you may find bumps under your eyes, which may lead you to worry if it is something serious. These white bumps, however, are most often nothing to be concerned about. But if you are really upset about it, there're ways that can help you to get rid of them more easily.

What Causes White Bumps Under Eyes?

These white bumps appear when the body fails to shed dead skin cells, which leads the pores of the skin to become clogged and formulates the formation of the white spots and bumps. This can also be caused by overusing make-up and skin care products, as well as lack of exfoliation.

Or It Could Be Milia

Most commonly, the white bumps under eyes are milia. Milia are small, white, benign cysts that are very common (around half of all new born babies are born with milia), and they are also prevalent on the faces of a vast amount of adults (particularly under the eyes). Unlike other spots and cysts, milia have no opening, meaning that they cannot be squeezed and popped.

There are numerous types of milia, which are detailed in the table below:

Types of Milia


Neonatal Milia

This type of milia mainlyaffect newly born babies, the cysts commonly appearing on the baby’s upper torso, face and scalp, and often disappear after a few weeks.

Primary Milia in Children and Adults

This common type of milia is caused by trapped keratin beneath an individual’s skin. Cysts typically appear on the forehead, beneath the eyes, on the eyelids, as well as on the genitals. Cysts can last for several months, or may heal after a few weeks.

Juvenile Milia

This type of milia is brought about by genetic conditions, such as Gardner syndrome, pachyonychia congenita, and basal cell nevus syndrome, amongst others.

Milia en Plaque

This type of milia is often associated to autoimmune skin; the cysts affect the ears, eyes, jaw, and cheeks, and can reach sizes of several centimetres.

Multiple Eruptive Milia

This type of milia is often accompanied with an itching sensation at the affected area; cysts often appear on the torso, upper arms, and the face.

Traumatic Milia

Traumatic milia form when injury or damage to the skin has occurred. The cysts can appear wherever the damage has happened, and can become irritated, causing a reddish colour around the edges, whilst remaining white in the middle.

Milia Associated with Drugs

Certain drugs, such as steroidal cream, can cause milia to form when applied to the skin.

How to Get Rid of White Bumps Under Eyes – Milia

Milia will most usually dissipate on their own with no requirement of intervention on your behalf, although there are numerous home remedies you can try to help to eradicate them quicker, some of which are listed below:

1. Apply Honey

Honey has great antioxidant properties, making it useful in treating white bumps under eyes. Spread honey (use raw honey for best results) onto the affected area and leave it there for about fifteen minutes, then wash it off. Repeat daily until an improvement is noticed.

2. Use Castor Oil

This oil has antibacterial properties, amongst other benefits in relation to healing. Apply about half of a teaspoon onto the affected area, and allow the oil to soak in. Repeat daily until the condition is eradicated. This can be done in the same way, but with a mixture of equal measures of olive oil and castor oil.

3. Go for Sugar Scrub

Using a sugar rub can help to exfoliate the skin, and therefore can be beneficial in treating milia. Grab half a lemon (or a quarter), and squeeze the juice out of it. Mix the juice with olive oil (one teaspoon) and some granulated sugar (two teaspoons), and rub the mixture gently onto the affected area, leaving it for around twenty minutes before proceeding to wash it off. Repeat this process two times a week for several months.

4. Try Pomegranate Peel Powder

This powder has natural exfoliating and antioxidant properties, as well as being full of vitamin C, meaning it is often used as a natural home remedy in the treatment of milia. Simply roast the pomegranate peels until brittle and crush to a powder then mix it with a bit of lemon juice. Gently apply the mixture to your face, leaving it for about twenty minutes before rinsing it off.

5. Use a Good Exfoliating Product

There are numerous exfoliating moisturizers and products available to those wishing to treat white bumps under their eyes. Apply the product to the affected area of skin, the exfoliating aspect of the product will help with the removal of dead skin cells, and therefore clear the white spots and bumps. If you apply exfoliating moisturizer, the moisturizer will also help to lessen the accumulation of dead skin cells.

6. Try Facial Sauna

A sauna helps to eradicate debris and dead skin cells from the skin, and you do not require an actual sauna to get all of the great benefits. Simply grab a clean towel and soak it in hot water. Strain the excess volume of water and place the warm towel upon your face for several minutes. This can be repeated numerous times a day, and should be performed on a daily basis to achieve the best results.

7. Apply Retinol

Retinol has exfoliation properties which work to help maintain skin clearness and softness, which is why it is often used in the treatment of acne, as well as to fight the signs of ageing. Wash your face with clean water and wait thirty minutes before applying a small drop of retinol cream to the affected area. Beware of the fact that the cream can be harmful if it gets in your eyes.

8. Protect Your Skin from the Sun

Overexposure to the sun rays can cause milia to worsen, meaning that reducing the amount of time you spend within the sun will be beneficial in helping to clear the condition. This is especially true when the milia have been caused from blistering or sunburn, as further exposure will do nothing but exacerbate the condition.

9. Avoid Heavy Cosmetics or Creams

It can be highly tempting to cover up the white bumps under eyes caused by milia with make-up, as you may be embarrassed at their appearance (although you shouldn’t be). This is not a wise choice, as applying cosmetics will only worsen the condition, due to the fact that the make-up will cover up the pores, and possibly lead to the formation of more milia. In order to eradicate milia, the pores must be clear so dead skin cells can be shed, this will be much harder if make-up is layered onto the skin.

10. Resist the Temptation to Scratch Them Away

As mentioned, milia have no opening in which to pop the spot and remove the contents, to speed up the process of eradication. This means scratching at, and attempting to pop the milia will do nothing but cause further irritation to your skin. For this reason, you should avoid these actions, and let the condition heal naturally, with the help of some home remedies.

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