Any Bad Effects of Eating Egg?

Are you afraid of eating eggs? Don’t be! They are the perfect source of proteins which provide the essential nutrients needed by the brain and the body to function properly.

Despite being a rich source of vitamins and minerals, eating egg is sometimes even equated with the negative effects of bad habits such as cigarette smoking. As a matter of fact, some uninformed individuals coined eating eggs to be “the road to hell” and “one foot in the grave”.

Are eggs really dangerous to your health and does it really affect the quality of life? Definitely not! Food research and nutrition show that there is no concrete evidence to fear or stop eating eggs. However, there are still a few side effect that should be considered in certain situations like when eating too much.

What Are the Possible Side Effects of Eating Eggs?

Egg yolk

Egg yolk is said to be the nutrient-bearing part of the egg. It functions as the primary supplier of food for the embryo’s growth and development. This part makes up about 33% of the egg’s liquid weight and is consist mostly of about 60 calories. Egg yolk is rich in vitamins, omega fats, and antioxidants.

However, you should pay attention to some of the side effects of eating egg yolk like:

•    Excessive calories

An average sized egg usually contains 75 calories. These number of calories that you consume daily can lead to weight gain through time. Studies showed that an excess of 3500 calories can give an additional pound to the body’s weight. Thus, eating too much egg per day can lead to an increased weight gain in less than three weeks.

•    Increases risk of heart disease

Eating egg yolks is considered to be as bad as smoking, especially for people with heart disease. It can lead to formation of plaques in the inner arterial wall and then harden in the arteries, leading to atherosclerosis. This will increase the risk of strokes and heart attacks, especially in older patients.

•    Cholesterol-rich

When talking about side effects of eating eggs, high amount in cholesterol and saturated fat in egg yolk will be blamed. These concentrated levels of cholesterol found in egg yolk can harm the liver, causing the death and inflammation of cells which can eventually lead to liver cirrhosis.

However, there are studies that reveal that when these components come from animal sources, they are quite beneficial to you and to your health. It helps in regulating the pathway of protein, which is essential in signaling and regulating the different processes of the body.

•    Presence of endotoxins

Endotoxins are poisonous substances that are released during the death of a bacteria. This can lead to inflammation in the body, which can cause chronic illness and cardiovascular diseases, some of which include arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, and even cancer.

Egg white

Egg white is the clear liquid that is contained within the egg. It acts as a natural protection of the yolk, providing additional nutrients to support the growth of the embryo. This is usually formed around the egg yolk, either fertilized or unfertilized. Egg white is consisting primarily of 90% water and 10% proteins including albumin, globulin, and mucoprotein.

Like egg yolk, there are some of the side effects of eating eggs’ white, including:

•    High risk of Salmonella

Salmonella is a type of bacteria commonly found in the chicken’s intestines. It may also be present on eggs, both on the outer or inner surface. Raw eggs are commonly contaminated; thus, it should be properly cooked to destroy any Salmonella present. This includes longer cooking time at a very high temperature. As much as possible, eat hard-boiled and fried eggs to ensure that these bacteria are no longer present and prevent them from entering your body. Also, keep in mind to always wash your hands and clean the areas that have direct food contact with soap and water.

•    Biotin depletion

Biotin, also known as Vitamin H or Vitamin B7, is important in skin health. The consumption of raw egg white can lead to the depletion of biotin, thus causing skin conditions such as dermatitis and cradle cap. It can also affect the muscles in your body, leading to lack of coordination, tone, and pain. Hair loss is also observed with the reduction of biotin in the body.  

•    Allergies

Egg allergies are more common in children than in adults. This is caused by the reaction of the body from eating egg whites because of albumin proteins. Some of the symptoms observed include the appearance of rashes and hives, swelling of the skin, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, wheezing, and cramps. Severe cases may also include difficulty in breathing due to the blockage of the airways as well as swelling of the throat.

•    Protein overload

Egg whites are rich in protein, which is not recommended for those suffering from kidney problems. The flow rate of the fluid in the kidney may be afflicted due to the presence of the high amount of proteins in the body. Those affected should consult their doctor for proper information on the consumption of egg white.  

How Many Eggs Can You Safely Eat?

Although there are many side effects of eating eggs, when you eat it in moderate, there won’t be any problem. Eating an egg a day seems to fit in a healthy diet and doesn’t show any significant impact on increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases both in men and women. Consuming 2 a day also shows no negative effects as observed in the majority of the population, except for people suffering from diabetes. There are still no studies on the result of eating more than 3 eggs per day.

Some suggest that eating 5 or more eggs per week may have an adverse effect on health. This may include the development of heart problems in men or breast cancer in women. However, there is no solid basis for these claims and the risk possibilities are most likely outweighed by the positive benefits of eating eggs. Negative and unfavorable health effects are possible, but with a balanced diet plan, you will get the most benefits instead of side effects.

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