Whether Watermelon Is Heat or Cold for Body?

As a favorite summer fruit, the watermelon is not only delicious but is also a powerhouse of nutrition. Packed with vitamins A, B6, and C, it is full of antioxidants and, of course, is fat-free, preventing lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. It also increases energy and enhances the complexion and hair. Potassium aids in organ function and lowers blood pressure. But, you may wonder whether watermelon is heat or cold for body.

Is Watermelon Heat or Cold for Body?

A juicy watermelon is cold for body; it is a great choice on a hot summer day. It aids in cooling the body and helps to carry heat and toxins from the body through increased urination.

According to Chinese medicine, heat causes constipation, but watermelon is a good and tasty solution for this problem. Even more important, watermelon seems to have a soothing effect on a person on a hot day, helping to calm frustration and relieve restlessness and worry.

Ways to Eat Watermelon to Cool Yourself Down in the Summer

Watermelons come in red or yellow, seeded or seedless. Try them all for variety. There are several ways to consume watermelon besides just slicing and eating it. But before you cut into the watermelon, wash the rind to clean away pesticides and other contaminants, reducing the chance of bacterial infections.

You already know whether watermelon is heat or cold for body. Here are some creative ways to serve watermelon:

  • Watermelon Popsicles: Cut pieces of watermelon to desired size, insert a popsicle stick, and spread on a cookie sheet to freeze. If you’re using watermelon pieces with the rind still on, you can make a slit in the rind to make it easier to insert the popsicle stick.
  • Fruit Salad: Add bite-sized pieces of watermelon to a fruit salad for extra color, nutrition, and taste. Mix with cantaloupe, honeydew, and other melons for an all-melon salad. Watermelon pieces may also be added to a salad of mixed greens.
  • Fruity Salsa: Chop red or green onion, mint leaves or cilantro, and add diced watermelon. You may also include chopped tomatoes, chopped cucumber, and/or chopped mango.
  • Watermelon Purée: Blend four cups of watermelon chunks (after removing seeds) with a one-inch piece of peeled ginger, and one tablespoon of lime juice. Whiz in the blender until everything is puréed. Add a little sugar if necessary, but if your watermelon is ripe you shouldn’t need any. You can use this watermelon purée in a number of ways such as yogurt topping.

But Watch for the Side Effects of the Cold Fruits

If you’re wondering if watermelon is heat or cold for body, watermelon is among the cold fruits, as are muskmelons and other melons, persimmons, pears, mangoes, bananas, shaddocks, and water chestnuts.

During the hot summer months, some people are prone to sweat heavily, become red-faced, have dry mouths and scorched tongues, and are often nervous. This happens especially to people with high metabolism rates. Everyone, but especially this type of person, should eat freely of cold fruits. Be careful not to overdo, however. Too much of even a good thing is not good.

Persons with malfunctioning spleens or who lack energy should eat cold fruits with care, especially pears, mangoes, bananas, muskmelons, and watermelons. People lacking in energy often have poor appetites, have pale skin, and a slight build. People with malfunctioning spleens most often have poor digestive systems.

Traditional Chinese medicine theorizes that cold fruits may reduce peristalsis in the intestines, resulting in bloating and indigestion. Therefore, those with chronic indigestion should either avoid eating cold fruits altogether or eat them sparingly and with other foods. After lunch or before supper is the ideal time for this type of person to eat cold foods.

Examples of Common Cooling and Heaty Foods

Foods are categorized in traditional Chinese medicine as being cooling, neutral, and hot. Cold foods are considered yin and hot foods are considered yang. Besides whether watermelon is heat or cold for body, you must wonder about other foods. Check this table.

Cool Foods

Bananas, grapefruit, watermelon, persimmons, star fruit, bamboo shoots, lettuce, water chestnuts, tofu, egg whites, peppermint, broccoli, corn, tomatoes, radishes, lotus root, cucumber, and sugar cane.

Neutral Foods

Apricots, figs, lotus fruit, plums, raisins, apples, papayas, honey, carrots, celery, egg yolk, milk, olives, potatoes, red beans, pumpkins, sunflower seeds, sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts, snow peas, brown rice, thyme, and sage.

Heaty Foods

Cherries, dates, grapefruit peel, guava, peaches, raspberries, jackfruit, apricots, durian, mangoes, mandarin oranges, grapes, spearmint, cinnamon twig, ginger, clove, coriander, dill seed, garlic, green onion, walnuts, leeks, red and green peppers, coconuts, and blackberries.


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