Weight Chart for Women Over 50

Most women strive to reach a healthy weight. It not only means possessing a certain figure, but also promotes good health by reducing the chances of getting certain diseases such as diabetes and heart issues. However, older women have more trouble reaching or maintaining a healthy weight due to lowered metabolism. The following includes a weight chart for women who are over 50 and provides some pointers for reaching a desired weight.

Weight Chart for Women Over 50

The following weight chart shows the target weight based on the height and age.

Height (Ft-In)

50-59 (Pounds)

60-69 (Pounds)

4 feet, 11 inches

110 to 140

118 to 148

5 feet, 0 inch

113 to 144

122 to 153

5 feet, 1 inch

117 to 148

126 to 158

5 feet, 2 inches

121 to 153

130 to 164

5 feet, 3 inches

125 to 158

134 to 169

5 feet, 4 inches

129 to 163

139 to 174

5 feet, 5 inches

133 to 168

143 to 180

5 feet, 6 inches

137 to 173

147 to 185

5 feet, 7 inches

141 to 178

152 to 191

5 feet, 8 inches

145 to 183

157 to 197

5 feet, 9 inches

150 to 188

161 to 202

5 feet, 10 inches

155 to 194

165 to 208

5 feet, 11 inches

159 to 199

169 to 212

6 feet, 0 inch

163 to 208

173 to 216

6 feet, 1 inch

168 to 214

179 to 225

6 feet, 2 inches

172 to 220

185 to 231

6 feet, 3 inches

178 to 226

191 to 239

Target Weight for Woman over 50 Based on Frame

The previous table shows the weight chart for women over 50 according to height. However, height isn’t the only consideration when determining body weight. The overall frame of an individual can alter the target body weight. For example, women with medium frames should have a 10% higher weight than women who have small frames, and so do the relation between large frames and medium frames.

The ideal weight for a 50-year-old woman who is 5 feet high and medium-framed is 115 pounds. And the weight increases by 5 pounds for each inch over 5 feet. For example, a 5-foot-3, medium-framed woman should weigh 130 wounds. Then a small-framed woman of the same height should weigh about 117 pounds and a large-framed woman should weigh 143 pounds.

How to Determine Frame Size

In order to determine frame size, you need to measure the distance between the two prominent bones in your elbow. You can do this by holding your arm up as if waving good-bye, but with your palm facing your face. Now measure the distance between the two prominent bones in your elbow. The following chart gives estimates for measures of medium framed women. If your measurement is lower or higher, you can consider yourself a small or large framed woman accordingly.

Overall Height (Feet and Inches)

Elbow Width (Inches)

4 feet, 10 inches to 5 feet, 0 inches

2.20 to 2.45

5 feet, 1 inch to 5 feet, 3 inches

2.27 to 2.55

5 feet, 4 inches to 5 feet, 8 inches

2.29 to 2.56

5 feet, 9 inches to 6 feet, 0 inches

2.41 to 2.72

6 feet, 1 inch to 6 feet, 3 inches

2.48 to 2.74

You can also calculate your frame size by measuring the circumference of your wrist. The below chart will show the wrist measurements for medium framed women, with lower wrist values equating to smaller frame women and higher wrist values equating to larger framed women.

Overall Height (Feet and Inches)

Wrist Circumference (Inches)

Under 5 feet, 3 inches

5.49 to 5.76

5 feet, 3 inches to 5 feet, 6 inches

5.95 to 6.30

Over 5 feet, 6 inches

6.30 to 6.55

Target Weight for Woman over 50 Based on BMI

Your Body Mass Index, or BMI is a number that factors in your weight and height to calculate whether your weight is below, above or within your weight target for your height. You can determine your BMI in the method of dividing weight in kilograms by height in meters.

For those who are between the ages of 50 and 60, the median BMI is 28.4. For those between the ages of 60 and 70, the median BMI is 27.5. Women in their 50s and 60s should strive for a BMI of between 25 and 30. A 5-foot-3 woman with a healthy BMI should weigh 125-155 pounds.

Click here to calculate your own BMI. This can also help learn more about your weight health besides the weight chart for women over 50.

Weight Loss and Healthy Tips for Women Over 50

The following are a few tips for women to help maintain a healthy weight after turning 50.

1.   Drink Fluids and Eat Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Preferably, simple water is your go-to drink – about six to eight glasses each day. Depending on your lifestyle and climate, you may need to drink more or less. For example, if you’re sweating in the hot sun, you will definitely need more than eight glasses!

By consuming a lot fresh fruits and vegetables, you can get plenty of fiber which aids in weight loss. Fiber can be found in beans, lentils, raspberries and apples among others. Fresh fruits and vegetables also have antioxidants, such as selenium and beta-carotene which are good at preventing disease. Avoid foods high in calories and sodium.

2.   Walk As Much As You Can

Walking is one of the most underrated activities. It’s really easy to do, compared to other exercises, yet it’s very effective at shedding pounds and improving cardiovascular fitness. 

Depending on your life style, it’s really easy to incorporate walking into your everyday life. For example, park far away from a store entrance and walk the extra distance to fit yourself into the weight chart for women over 50.

3.   Lift Weights

As you age, you lose muscle mass. By the time you turn 50, you have lost 20% of the muscle mass you had when you were 20. Not only are you less strong, but you have a lower metabolism as a result of less muscle mass. The more muscles you have, the more calories your body burns, even at rest. Therefore, building muscle becomes more important to maintaining a healthy weight. Weight training is a great to build muscle mass.

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